Map page suggestions

edited November 2008 in Feature Requests


  • Scarecrow
    Posts: 1
    I've noticed that on the map page when the camera is fully zoomed out - regardless of the physical size of the image in pixels, the map is centred, postage stamp size in the centre of the screen. This, to my mind is useless. The maps, when zoomed out fully should fit the screen extents exactly.

    Something else that would be very useful is the ability to replace the map image without having to delete the map. Currently, it seems that if you have a number of map pins on a map and you wish to update the image, you have to delete the map, upload the new one and replace all the pins.

    This is a fantastic site and service. Keep up the good work.

  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Specifically on the issue of replacing instead of deleting, this is something we want to add. We just haven't gotten to it yet. Also, the maps are one of the less-used features, so it gets discounted when we're deciding what to work on.

    As to the other ideas, we're still playing with how to display the maps in such a way as to make them more useful and aesthetically pleasing.
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