Need Help with some HTML Code of a Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Campaign



  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    And no worries about the foot, most people think I'm a guy until they meet me or hear me talk.

    Which is funny given the (at least I thought...but what do I know?) totally girly avatar. :P
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    font-face is one of those "I hate people who make browsers" guidelines.

    You can take it out and wrap the 2s in a tag in the html.
  • IanHoulihan
    Posts: 79
    LOL. I feel bad as I am a big advocate of equality on the net and everywhere. I'll use the excuse that I have pneumonia currently and am typing bedside.
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    alternatively - change it to a font-weight.

    I must be tired. My brain is reverting to old coding tags.
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113 edited August 2014
    You are coding with pneumonia? O.o

    I'm not even allowed to touch a keyboard if I have a fever. Even if the keyboard isn't hooked up to anything. I do really dumb things when my judgement is impaired.
    Post edited by dawnhawk on
  • IanHoulihan
    Posts: 79
    The fun part is going to be doing the rest of the character sheet :)
  • IanHoulihan
    Posts: 79
    I think I need to do up a mock sheet and then plead/beg/etc. or learn to reverse engineer.

    I need to do a course in HTML and CSS rather than this self taught shenanigans :)
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    lol Best of luck.

    I'm headed to bed. Feel better!
  • IanHoulihan
    Posts: 79
    Thanks. And that you so much for your efforts. Greatly appreciated. Friend request also sent.
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    Out of curiosity - is it just because you want it look fancy? Or is there another reason you aren't using the DST that Star Wars: Edge... has?

    (I know, I know I said I was going to bed...the damn screen refreshed with your post...)
  • IanHoulihan
    Posts: 79
    DST? Am I showing my ignorance?
  • IanHoulihan
    Posts: 79
    Disregard my stupid question. I'll take a look.
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113

    Do you have your Game set?

    Settings > Basic Settings > Right Hand side > Game System
  • IanHoulihan
    Posts: 79
    Basically it seems too busy.
  • IanHoulihan
    Posts: 79
    Call me a minimalist
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    Fair enough.

    If you are going to learn code - may be worth it to add javascript and JSON to your list, and learn to make a DST. Rather than copy and pasting the HTML over every time you make a new character.

    Or find someone who has the time to make a DST the way you want it for the system.
  • IanHoulihan
    Posts: 79
    Cool. You have done enough, and I'll assume you are not volunteering :)
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    lol sadly I'm not. I need to recode my own DST first.

    Trust my give them an online tool and they want to be able to load the silly thing up on every mobile device known to man. And I never designed the DST to be responsive to start with.

    I've flipped the rest of the site (including the tables for the journal Table of contents etc.) to being responsive. But the DST is taking more time. Strangely...when you work in web design, you find yourself short on time and desire to work on your own random web projects outside of work. ^.^
  • IanHoulihan
    Posts: 79
    Fair call. Anyway - off to bed with you. And thank you so much much for your assistance.
  • IanHoulihan
    Posts: 79
    As I progress though, I may have some more questions...
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    Lol if no one answers them and it looks like I'm ignoring you... Email them.

    As killer and the rest can attest I wander away for random amounts of time unless pestered.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    But we are always so happy when you come back Dawnhawk....

    Just trying to help out.

  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    lol SURE you are killer...even when I am half brain-dead and frazzled. :)

    ( that I've commented...OP just emails me everytime you comment...cause I can't turn it off! I tried! It hates me!)
  • IanHoulihan
    Posts: 79
    On another note, is there a way to remove the words "Description:" and "Bio:" from a character sheet to give a clean sheet?
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113 edited August 2014
    Well...Kind of.

    SO...normally you could take the div that description and bio are set into and just set the h6 for those fields to display:none;

    In fact. This will work for bio.


    .bio h6{display:none;}

    Simple as that. a whole different issue.

    The CSS editor that OP gives us strips the equivalent command for description. I actually have no idea if this is "feature" or "bug" - I didn't ask. But it will delete the code when you hit save.

    You CAN set ALL h6 to display:none...which is a bit like killing an ant with a bazooka in the CSS world - and I'm not actually sure where all OP has hardcoded h6s in - so not sure what ramifications that would have.

    Edit: #character-details h6 {display:none;} will get rid of both. Not quite as bazooka-y. But don't use any h6 anywhere in your character sheet.
    Post edited by dawnhawk on
  • IanHoulihan
    Posts: 79
    Bugger. I use H6 throughout because I don't much care for the oversized standard font.
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    Change the standard font size then...?

    Also I didn't see any other h6 on your character details page?
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    Oh...the whole table is wrapped in an h6.

    I see...

    lol Ok - much easier to just change the standard font size.

  • IanHoulihan
    Posts: 79
    I think I need to change to the title of this topic to:

    "I'm actually quite computer illiterate and am having no luck in making this anywhere the way I want it to look, so can you help me" :(

    I've tried reverse engineering the table without luck> Don't roll your eyes though...and yes that is several tables within a table as I don't know CSS at all.
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    Hi Ian...I looked at this post and the other one about the dice pools...

    I'm not entirely sure I know what you are asking? The way you have it is correct, and looks right and when you wanted a nested table, you use a nested table.

    I imagine it's tedious to set up - but that's the joys of manually creating these sheets.
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