Moving/Referencing Character Image

edited October 2014 in Campaign Portal Building
I'm looking to tweak my character sheets a little so that the character image sits within the bounds of the white sheet rather than sitting outside (example:

I know I can do these by using the insert image tool and in-line CSS to float the image to the right, but I was wondering if there was a way to achieve it without having to directly reference the .png image (such as referencing the existing character image or the likes) and being able to insert a single line of text at the beginning at the sheet (or even better, not having to do it at all and just have it appear for each character automatically).


  • Bondoid
    Posts: 35
    You can certainly move it. Its div class is character-avatar.

    There is no way to put it into the main body of the page without causing more work for yourself however. It will still be in the sidebar div.You would have to use fixed positioning to "float" it from the sidebar div, but then it will just be floating over your text. The css to do that would be

    .character-avatar {
    position: fixed;
    left: XXpx;
    top: XXpx;
    width: xxpx;

    I would probably suggest just removing this picture all together with

    .character-avatar {

    and creating a new div class for how you want your image to be displayed. By adding the img to the character's description or bio.

    and referencing this new class in you css. etc

    width; XXpx;

    "Legacy of Fire":
  • Eldaeros
    Posts: 4
    Thanks. I'll try it out and see how I go. :)
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