Set privacy of a page?

edited December 2008 in Feature Requests


  • redstar
    Posts: 119
    I was wondering if it would be possible to make is so a GM can set the privacy of individual pages? For example: I like having my campaign public for others to looks at, but let's say there is a section that I only want my players to see (for whatever reason). Is that possible to do?
  • ryan
    Posts: 126
    Interesting idea. Right now the Free account only allows for Public campaigns. Within that campaign there are GM only wikis. Premium Accounts allow the GM to have a Public, Private, or Friends Only visibility for their campaigns.

    We'll put it on the list and look into how complicated this would be to implement. Don't expect it anytime before Q2 2009 as we're focus on some other updates to be announced shortly.
  • lerusius
    Posts: 4
    How about expanding that idea even more? What if I want a page, or part of a page to only be seen and edited by one or more PCs? So for example I have a NPC that one of the PCs know of beforehand but none of the others do. So I'd like to have some extra juicy info for just that particular PC to read and edit but not read ( or edited for that matter) by any others.
  • redstar
    Posts: 119
    Woah. Yeah, I was thinking of just keeping it simple for now, but not a bad idea! :)
  • disgruntled_ogre
    Posts: 1
    I planned to make the same request but see someone already thought of it. Right now I only post common knowledge but would like to post private data for each of my players. I already have a Premium Account and run a campaign where PC's don't always reveal their knowledge and agendas. Implementing pages with modifiable access would make my campaign sing.
  • the8bitdeity
    Posts: 6
    One more vote for per-player scope to pages. I'm thinking of running a play by post game through the site, but I'd need per-player scope to keep things separate amongst the various levels of knowledge.
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    I've been thinking about this feature request, and recently had what might be a solution, taking lerusius's idea and adapting it to match the existing technology. I admit I don't know how easy or hard to implement it might be. Pages currently have a GM Only section. What if pages had a Player A Only section, Player B Only section, Player C Only section, et cetera in addition to the GM Only section? Each Player X Only section would only be visible and editable by the player in question plus the GM. This would definately be a plus for many campaigns!
  • Nonei
    Posts: 1
    I was just thinking this when I ran across the topic. As an expansion of figment's suggestion, what about having the option to add additional sections. Instead of 'player A' 'Player B', have check boxes for each section.

    So, for example, on an NPC you could have a 'Player A' section and a 'player B' section OR you could have one section that is selected for both player A and player B. This seems like it would be a great premium option.

    Be nice to be able to select individual players' viewing of pages and NPCs in general too! I think it might also help those that are using the site to play-by-post.
  • Matt Taylor
    Matt Taylor
    Posts: 3
    Just adding a "Me too!" to the thread. :)

    My campaigns tend to be very rich in history and lots of content to be used to solve clues during play. I want to limit information by race and maybe background, so that humans don't know every bit of dwarven legend and lore, ditto for elves, and so on. This way, they have to work together using multiple sources of knowledge to piece together the puzzle.

    I figure the best way to solve the problem for now is to just create private sub-campaigns for each race, and then one "main" campaign. Everyone will be invited to the main, but only members of specific races will have access to the private sub campaigns.

    This seems a little tedious, but workable.
  • Gully
    Posts: 52
    The easiest way I would see to do this is a multi fold operation.

    Fold 1. When the Player joins the game the GM has the option to set "Permision Tags" under the manage players section.

    The system would need to generate some automatic tags that Refer to Race, Name, Class to begin with.
    The system would also have a field and button combo. the field would be simple text the button would be coded to add the tag to the players Campaign account as well as see if the tag exsists in the campaign (if not it generates it)

    Fold2: All Sheets that have a discription and GM only spot would also have a drop down listing with an add button. the dropdown would corrispond to the particular tags within the campaign, with a special one called NEW (Allows manual imput of tags on the sheets as they are created) the add button simply generates the large text/code field available for that.

    Fold3: The area with the check box could be expanded to also make the entire page veiwable only by the specific Tags. (the GM would be allowed to see them regardless.

    This is a simple solution that would take minor modifications to the codes that allow you to tag pages and NPCs, as well as the exsisting code that parses the GM Player permissions already set in place.

    At least that would seem simple enough. I have never seen the shear volume of code that goes into this site so....
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