Feedback on Responsive 5e Dynamic Character Sheet

edited July 2014 in General Discussion
Just wondering if anyone had any feedback regarding the Responsive 5e Basic Rules character sheet. It just recently got approved, and should be available to all D&D Next campaigns on Obsidian Portal. Anyone having any problems or questions about the DST? If so, just let me know.


  • billy_blackerby
    Posts: 12 edited January 2015
    I sent you an email about it, but I would like the following additions listed below. If you aren't interested in owning the DST any longer, I certainly am, and would look at adding a similar level of detail as to what I've put into my paper character sheets at:


    * Show the description from the form in the output of the template
    * Add in the following sections as boxes above equipment
    ** ideals
    ** bonds
    ** flaws
    ** allies
    ** enemies
    * Add in the following sections in the top section above background
    ** archetype
    ** Distinguishing Marks
    ** deity
    ** domain
    ** organization
    ** lifestyle
    * Add in the following sections in the box area below ac/init/speed/hp
    ** Vision
    * Add in the following sections in the box area above saving throws
    ** resists
    ** immunities
    * Make the following modifications
    ** Make class and level a table layout to lend itself to multi-classing
    Post edited by billy_blackerby on
  • billy_blackerby
    Posts: 12 edited January 2015
    I've sent emails to jon_stout about updating this template and no response. How does one go about requesting ownership of the template to keep it alive??

    Post edited by billy_blackerby on
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    The keeper of the sheets is "Chainsaw": who is a great guy. Give Jon_Stout at least 2 weeks, and do the same for Chainsaw- people are not as active here as they used to be.
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "OP's COTM April 2012":
    Over 300 Fans, and Looking for More!

    Just trying to help out.

  • billy_blackerby
    Posts: 12
    Anyone home?

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Did you pm him?

    Just trying to help out.

  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Good timing - sort of, anyway. I hadn't checked the forums in a while, and stopped in tonight. Unfortunately, though I can approve sheets, I don't have the ability to change their ownership. There are actually several that I've been waiting to get transferred to me for a while as well, for similar reasons. I'll poke people again though, and see if we can get any movement on this.
  • billy_blackerby
    Posts: 12 edited February 2015
    Thanks Chainsaw.

    Post edited by billy_blackerby on
  • billy_blackerby
    Posts: 12
    Any luck?

  • billy_blackerby
    Posts: 12
    I guess my recourse here is to have my players not use the dynamic stylesheets and create a painful HTML template for us to use. This gives me the sads.

  • hyralt
    Posts: 1
    The D&D5e sheet is just broken. The dynamic values don't update when you change the values they're tied to.
  • DDK
    Posts: 22
    If anyone can create a sheet, then does the ownership need to be changed on the only one currently available or could a person interested in creating a new one get it approved faster than the changing of ownership is currently happening as it seems to be that it will never happen.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    At the moment, since I can't change a sheet's ownership at all, it would definitely be faster to create a new one.
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