Obsidian Portal Launch Feedback



  • Doc_the_grey
    Posts: 8
    I don't know if this is the right place for this but...

    Is there any way that we could have the columns for item hardness and hp on the pathfinder character sheets switch places? As it stands they are out of order even compared to the presentation of such material in the pathfinder core rule book and feel really counter intuitive. I love that they are there but that order just seems to be off.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    @Bortas- I still hope to get the active Micah and Jerry, as they were leading up to the Reforge and during the Kickstarter- that was a great time for OP.

    Just trying to help out.

  • Dungeon_Master_Loki
    Posts: 359
    I've hung on for ages now. The communication has not improved and I have been very careful to backup everything each time I make changes.

    When my ascendant comes due I'll have a hard choice. Keep paying because even in this state OP is better than most other options, or install my own wiki on my core site and just move everything there. Unfortunately the latter is seeming more probable at this point.

    I'll still be dropping in to the forums periodically and I'll still be using the site, but I'll be preparing plan B for when decision time comes.

    Game Designer, Pro GM, multiple ENnie Award winner

    GM of Planejammer: The Spelljoined (Pathfinder 1e) Campaign of the Year 2011 and still going strong!

    GM of The Planewalker's Guild (Pathfinder 1e) 

    Need a GM? Book me today!

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    It would stink to lose you DMLoki- but I get it.
    FYI- on vacation for a few weeks- Don't think I quit the site, just will be offline for a bit.

    Just trying to help out.

  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    Guys, Gals...

    Here's my attempt at being as transparent as I can be right now. I know that I've failed you in the recent months regarding communication and a peek behind the curtain every now and then. It really stings to have to sit here and be quiet around you guys. Anyway let's get past the formalities and jump right in.

    There are a few things you should know. First and foremost you should all know that Obisidan Portal isn't going anywhere. No one's closing up shop, deleting files, or anything like that. Your campaigns and stuff are safe and sound right here where they've always been.

    The second most important thing you should know is that the Stretch goals that are yet to be delivered are currently in the works to be knocked out and delivered within a few months time, we're working on a team and a start date as we speak. We're also going to attempt and deliver a bonus stretch goal - so I'll need some ideas from all of you in the meantime.

    Third and final is that I'm waiting on a green light to create a formal blog post detailing some of our pitfalls and hurdles as of late, and I want you to know that the silence has been killing me as well. I have had some personal obstacles on my end, as well as some bad health and quite a few other humorously bad timed moments for me so far in 2015. This isn't livejournal though so I'll spare you the details. Just know that the pieces are being picked up and things will fall back in line again very soon.

    Expect another update from me with more details, on the blog, by the beginning of next week. I'm diving back in tonight to record Haste with Rob Schwalb about his new game, and it feels so, so good to be back in the saddle.
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830 edited March 2015
    I will continue to "hang in there", mainly because I love this community and secondly (lately) the site. Communication as above will put site and community back equally in short order, as long as it continues.

    Thank you DreadGazebo, I will be looking forward to the blog the beginning of next week.
    Post edited by SkidAce on
  • RyanHeck
    Posts: 33
    Thank you, Jerry. We're looking forward to it.

    As for a bonus stretch goal, while it's a nice gesture, I think completing what you set out to do in 2013 and what we pledged for will suffice for many of us.
  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    Glad to hear you are doing/feeling better, still looking forward to seeing the changes.

    I'm with Ryan: I'd really like to have the existing goals in action and be able to play with them for a time. Perhaps after we have acclimated to that and have an idea of something that would really pop, then it would be a good time to ask.

  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017
    Thanks for the update Gerry

    It's really good to be reassured that OP continues and encouraging to hear that there are still plans for eventual completion of the Stretch Goals. I have been overall quite happy with the Reforge so far but have documented some of my misgivings. However, generally all is quite acceptable, I have renewed my Ascendancy and look forward to continuing with what is a most excellent campaign enhancement site. Thanks again for breaking the silence. I think that is what most of us have longed for most of all.


    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218 edited March 2015
    Minor update - I had to reschedule with Rob so the podcast won't be up until mid-week next week. I'll be knocking out a ton of things this Sunday so please expect my blog update at the very beginning of next week as opposed to "before the beginning of". Monday, Tuesday at the latest. Thanks for understanding guys.
    Post edited by DreadGazebo on
  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090
    IDK if there is already a bonus stretch goal in mind, but IMO it should be customizable tabs. People have been begging for this for ages, faking it with overlayed DIV tag creations, and using custom CSS to change the wording. Give us customizable tabs. That is to say, the ability to change the text without having to backdoor it with stylesheets, the ability to create entirely new tabs that go to pages that we send them to (either a new page or a selected page, or both options).

    This would really open up a TON of options for people to break the mold a bit and make their campaigns more unique. I know I would have loved to have this for my in-game calendar tab on my last campaign.
    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • Unknown
    edited July 2015
    Just ringing in some additional thanks for the followup, no comment regarding the Stretch Goals.

    "Dragon Age: Requiem":https://da-requiem.obsidianportal.com/
    Post edited by Unknown User on
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    Hey guys, just checking in and letting you know that I'm dedicating most of today to OP things. You should see your blog post tomorrow as well as the CotY update, as well as making up for the back-log of CotM posts from last month and this one.
  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090
    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • NikMak
    Posts: 379
    thanks for the updates :)
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    Quick update, CotY is up but my post may be behind one more day due to the fact that I totally broke the blog last night. If you stop by you'll know exactly what I mean. Flowers are cool and all but...not really OP. I'm working to get it rolled back today.
  • Unknown
    Heh, I caught that last night and know those pains well. Best of luck on getting it all rolled back.
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    They got it rolled back, but a bit too far back so I just reconstructed the CotY post, you may now resume congratulatory comments for AZ_RUNE!
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Thank you for checking in Jerry. Hope the rest of the year goes better for you.
    I suggest a survey sent to the backers of the Kickstarter for what to do as a bonus.

    Just trying to help out.

    Posts: 1
    I just created a account and noticed that the text that says obisdion portal on the far left can not be clicked on this should be hyper linked to the main page ...... I had a account 2 years ago and I have to say the sight looked much better then than whatever this is good luck.
  • Savannah
    Posts: 188
    I have to say, I'm disappointed to come back to this site after being gone quite a while (a year maybe?) and see that not all of the Reforge is done. I'm looking forward to the promised updates in the near future, though!
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    Thanks for the idea Killervp. I do apologize for the post not being up yet, I was out of town for some time for my anniversary but I'm back now. Expect updates this week.
  • FrankSirmarco
    Posts: 250
    killervp, you are the OP equivalent of a comfy air chair. I may not always log on to OP, but I'm glad you're here when I do. :)

    Does anyone remember the scene in Office Space, when the Bobs are interview Tom about what he does? Before losing his temper, and screaming, "I DEAL WITH THE GOD-DAMNED CUSTOMERS SO THE ENGINEERS DON'T HAVE TO! I HAVE PEOPLE SKILLS," Tom states that software engineers aren't good with customers. There's a kernel of truth to that. I don't think these guys have the customer service skills many of you believe they should have. I think it's also difficult for them to admit that they haven't been able to deliver on their promise - probably more so when they hear end-users talking about refunds (anyone familiar with Ain't It Cool News can attest to what an angry mob can do with the perception that a Kickstarter fund hasn't delivered the goods).

    I backed the Kickstarter campaign, and I was also disappointed with the results - particularly that the 'reforged' project wasn't beta tested before launch. I think that a lot of problems could have been avoided with better front-end communication. I was also disappointed that I lost 90% of my site's design elements with the reforge (I don't have the time to devote to prettying up my site with the dedication I once had, thanks to a promotion and a two young children at home). While my Call of Cthulhu group still meets, it's two/three times a year vs. two/three times a month, and we don't have a need to log on to OP as often as we did.

    That being said, stretch goals were promised and not delivered. It appears that the powers-that-be have finally made contact, and that's good. But they do have to answer for the lack of progress and communication, and provide solutions. To killervp and the others that have taken on the role of "squeaky wheel," I applaud your tenacity, and will continue to check in to see if there is a resolution to this issue.

    All the best! Good gaming!
  • Unknown
    edited July 2015
    I'd second killervp's suggestion of a survey poll to the KS backers - I myself was not a participant in the KS as I was not a user of OP at the time (or even very well aware of it), and I don't personally feel like deciding on a bonus is something I should be a part of as a result. That was a process for the KS backers, that is what makes it special for those who were involved, and that is the way it should stay if you guys are wanting to give a little extra due to any delays or issues you have faced rolling out the original deal (which is also a very great gesture to those who were involved in the process to begin with).

    Just my two cents, for what its worth.

    "Dragon Age: Requiem":https://da-requiem.obsidianportal.com/
    Post edited by Unknown User on
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017
    I also like KVP's suggestion about a survey poll to the backers but I believe there may be non backers who also have good ideas. It may seem longwinded, but possibly a poll/discussion by the backers followed by a vote from all members once the options have been decided. For me, I would like to see a couple of the stretch goals reached first and see how things go before making further decisions.

    An obvious suggestion would be the return of a general cross campaign search tool. There is already quite a busy ticket for this and one that would benefit all but there may even be better things. Who knows?

    I look forward to hearing more DEV stuff in the near future.

    CURRENT CAMPAIGN: "Mysteria":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/mysteria - set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.
    Previous CotM Aug 2012: "Shimring":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/shimring

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • Leonidas300
    Posts: 275
    Agreed Twigs

    "A Manifestation of Chaos":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/metzger/wikis/main-page
    COTM - Sept. 2012
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    @twiggyleaf- Personal opinion is that the search tool would greatly improve OP's service- and something they are really truly missing- However, it should not be a goal for the kickstarter- they should do something to try and get the people back they lost, like giving free time as ascendant.

    Just trying to help out.

  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    I don't think they should give free time for Ascendant for a while.

    "IF" a lot of the people who are still here and ascendant are also kickstarter backers, its been a looong time since we paid anything.

    Yes, the money was given via kickstarter/ and for the upgrade, but what if there is no on-going cash flow? Could be part of the problem....
  • weasel0
    Posts: 435
    I figure, my main purpose in backing the kickstarter was the eternal ascendency. It cost 5 years worth of ascension. So as long as OP is still here(and usable) after5 years(from my Ascension)...I'll be content with that. Everything else is bonus.
This discussion has been closed.

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