Hello, from Georgia!

edited January 2009 in Player Lounge


  • Biata
    Posts: 5
    Hello one and all!

    Well, my name is Jessi and I'm new, as that may be clear. I've been playing D and D (Ver. 3.5) for a couple of years now, off and on. I just recently tried out my first DMing session. We didn't get too far, but I enjoyed messing with the campaign and tweaking it (my husband's campaign) and I got good feedback for a first two tries before one of the members got back to the Army.

    I suppose my special area is dealing with monsters. Ever since I was little, I've been fascinated by them and even considered becoming a NecroZoologist back in high school (the study of mythological animals) and love Greek mythology.

    I'm not certain how far yet I can get with this site but it seems intriguing enough, and hope to be a part of or create some great games. I'm loving what I've found in Savage Species, so am interested in running as a griffin/bard if anyone will have me.

    I've still got some long ways to go in learning but loving learning and playing in what little free time I have.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Hi Biata/Jessi! My real name's Katie, but I answer to just about anything polite that is obviously directed at me (and occasionally a few impolite things that are obviously directed at me, depending on my mood).

    I dig Greek mythology as well. I dig mythologies of all sorts, really (helpful when one is a neopagan ;), but Greek mythology is what I encountered first and so I have a soft spot for it.

    Good luck with getting into the GMing side of things. I've had plenty of practice adjudicating rules because of the years I spent in the Living Greyhawk campaign, but I'm really new at building a world from scratch, so I can still feel for you. =)
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