5e dynamic sheet issues

edited March 2015 in Bug Reports
I posted in General Discussion, I sent off a bug report and so far I've gotten zero response. It's impossible that I'm the only person who has experienced this issue. Is there anyone even still working on this site or do they just collect people's money and do nothing to fix anything? This sheet issue has been going on for months. It doesn't save things that you input and doesn't delete things you want deleted. It's incredibly frustrating and annoying.


  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    This is merely advice.

    The Portal has gone through a period of developer inactivity (from the user point of view).

    Recent facebook and forums posts led us to believe that may be turning around soon.

    On the other hand, the character sheets are fan coded and submitted. Then once approved they are added to the site. They remain the responsibility of the creator to update however.

    So I would see if that creator was still around, or whether the sheet can be given to someone else for development, to correct any issues.
  • DDK
    Posts: 22
    There is no indication that I can find as to who the author was.
  • billy_blackerby
    Posts: 12
  • DDK
    Posts: 22
    Thanks billy. It really does need to be updated and the lack of response from the OP owners is pathetic.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Chainsaw is the unofficial keeper of the sheets- you should reach out to him.

    Just trying to help out.

  • DDK
    Posts: 22
    billy posted a link to a thread about his efforts to do exactly the same. Chainsaw however cannot pass ownership to anyone. Read billy's thread.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Usually a sheet will have a link to its creator's profile. If it doesn't, you can always look it up on the master "sheet list":https://www.obsidianportal.com/dynamic_sheet_templates.
  • DDK
    Posts: 22
    Thank you. I didn't know that page existed. It seems it is this person who made the sheet: https://www.obsidianportal.com/profile/jon_stout

    I've contacted him but it looks like there hasn't been activity on his account for almost a month now so I'm not holding out too much hope.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    A month isn't actually too bad, in my experience. That kind of time can easily lapse between game sessions, for example, if you play every other weak and miss a session now and then, and even if you play more often, sometimes there's no need to updating anything for a while.

    In any case, if you sent him a PM, he'll have received an email notification (unless he turned them off), so there you go.
  • Deadlee
    Posts: 5
    Perhaps listing the bugs here will help?

    The biggest issue I have with the 5E sheet is that Clicking "P" for Proficiency does not add your proficiency modifier to the Skill total, which it should. It seems like the only reason for there to be a toggle would be for it to by a dynamic box.

    The other bug is that Skills to not always update when you change an ability score, meaning if you want them to autoupdate the boxes must first be manually cleared of text to default to "--" before reentering your new ability and have it update.
  • jon_stout
    Posts: 11
    > It really does need to be updated and the lack of response from the OP owners is pathetic.

    Hello. I created the DST. And perhaps I should be clear about something here -- I made this sheet For Free. I am not employed by Obsidian Portal. I was not paid to develop this. I have run no Kickstarter. I am -- in short -- under absolutely no obligation to further develop the product, nor to implement any new features that I don't feel like.

    Now, if anyone out there is capable and willing to further develop the sheet from where I started, all of my code is available on Github here: https://github.com/tinwatchman/Responsive5e-Dynamic-Character-Sheet. I just added an open-source license, so it's all yours, free and legal-like. So go nuts.
  • jon_stout
    Posts: 11
    Now, for the more polite among you whose messages I'm just catching up with -- I'm sorry that I couldn't be of more help. I'm pretty busy these days. And to be honest, all I really set out to do with this sheet was to create something that could be used just to keep a backup of a physical pen-and-paper character sheet online. The title says "Basic," and that's what it is.

    > The biggest issue I have with the 5E sheet is that Clicking "P" for Proficiency does not add your proficiency modifier to the Skill total, which it should. It seems like the only reason for there to be a toggle would be for it to by a dynamic box.

    The point of the toggle is to mark skills that you're proficient in. That's pretty much it. It's a button because I was developing this sheet using responsive design -- meaning that it can be used on multiple screen sizes -- and a button's easier to press on a touchscreen than a checkbox or something similar. It doesn't add the proficiency bonus because my GM at the time was using a house rule where we'd add 1d6 to our skill checks to represent said bonus, and I wanted to leave the user the freedom to do similar things.

    > The other bug is that Skills to not always update when you change an ability score, meaning if you want them to autoupdate the boxes must first be manually cleared of text to default to "--" before reentering your new ability and have it update.

    The sheet's not really meant to do the math for you. From what I remember, I had it fill in the skills initially as a convenience thing during character creation. But from there on it's up to the user to keep things updated.
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    thanks Jon....appreciate what you've done.
  • DDK
    Posts: 22
    > Now, for the more polite among you whose messages I'm just catching up with...

    No need for snide remarks. My issues aren't with you, they're with the lack of response from OP staff on ANY site issue. The place is a barren wasteland.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    @DDK- So, other than an issue with a sheet that is created by a volunteer, as clearly stated in the DST section, what is your issue? How can OP staff help you?

    Just trying to help out.

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