Happy Dragon*Con'ing to anyone going

edited August 2008 in General Discussion


  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    I just wanted to wish all Dragon*Con people a good time this weekend. I actually live in Atlanta, but I'm heading out of to visit some friends. Otherwise, I'd probably be handing out fliers and begging people to sign up to the site :)

    Remember: if anyone at the con says, "If only there were a place to blog about all the cool games I'm in..." you know where to send them!
  • Biata
    Posts: 5
    I know this is like...months and months later. But, I wanted to just say that I'll keep this place in mind, for sure. People are always saying I'd make a great bard in real life, because of my social circles and the such. I'm always passing around information in conversation, so I'll keep this in mind both when I go to Dragon Con this year and Animazement in May.

    So far, I'm impressed with this place. I'm still starting out with some campaign ideas, but I think I want to use this place as a basis for my players. It's long work in progress, but I'm working on it.
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