Custom CSS error?

edited February 2015 in Campaign Portal Building
I'm getting a error trying to change the color on "description-text".

The error appears with no actual css except ".description-text{}". Why would this tag be blocked?

Know anyway around it? The color of the font is kind of hard to read on my parchment background.

You can see the text color here:

Oath of Crows


  • ketherian
    Posts: 203
    I ... don't know.
    When I tried to change it on my own CSS, I got the following error:
    "The following errors occurred: Custom css Invalid or disallowed characters in the CSS. We do not allow Javascript or other advanced CSS, just the basics."
    Can someone else try adding

    @.description-text { color:black; }@


    @.character-index.campaign-public-layout .character-list-item .quick-description .description-text { color:black; }@

    And see if it works for them?

    "Signs & Portends":
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  • Unknown
    I get the same error when attempting to do anything with .decription-text or .quick-description as the selector.

    Additional testing shows that the word description being included anywhere in the CSS will result in that error. Using some other selectors to try and get this area to restyle also produces interesting results. When inspecting the element I will show an override listed stating that the color should be black on the text but it will still generate at #757575 which is the gray color it defaults to. I can see no reason through the inspection that this is the case, but it seems the way OP is presently set up there is no real way to adjust this content.

    "Dragon Age: Requiem":
  • ketherian
    Posts: 203
    Thanks alex_redeye,
    Sorry ikabodo, it seems this just can't be done right now.

    I've tried using description in my primary and in my test campaigns; same error every time. So I'm getting the same results that alex-redeye does.
    Changing anything upstream gets overridden by the description-text setting in the OP base CSS.
    And it's not text that can be easily styled without recreating the entire page.

    "Signs & Portends": | "My CSS": | "Textile help":
  • ikabodo
    Posts: 39
    Thanks for the answers.

    Do you think this is by design? Why would they block the word "description"?

    Perhaps this can be seen as a bug?

    Oath of Crows

  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    It's not blocking the word "description", its actually blocking the word "script", to specifically deny javascript.


    Does that make sense?

    What about @.character-show .tagline + div h6 {}@ does that get you anywhere?

  • Unknown
    Yea, after I posted this I figured it was actually stripping "script" but couldn't confirm since I had some errands to run. With that being the case though, they should probably run through their code and strip out "description" from the class names and replace it with "desc" as an abbreviation to not get culled when styling.

    @Bortas - I tried the code you recommended as a test, sadly it does not manage to adjust the coloring they are looking for even with !important on it.

    "Dragon Age: Requiem":
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    Bortas beat me to it...darn work!
  • ikabodo
    Posts: 39 edited February 2015
    The SCRIPT part is really obvious when you think about it. Thanks!

    I got it to work!

    @.character-info div {color:black;}@

    Works here:
    "A tale of bloof and hounour":
    Post edited by ikabodo on

    Oath of Crows

  • Unknown
    Very nice, glad you were able to find something that it actually responded to!

    "Dragon Age: Requiem":
  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    That's great! I knew there was a solution in there, but didn't have time to play with it, was hoping my suggestion would help point the way.

    Good find on the coding!

  • Johnprime
    Posts: 252
    Thanks for posting your findings for this issue. I was trying to modify the quick-description myself and getting the same error so I decided to check the forums. Hopefully this will be fixed somehow in the future!


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