Hello, from Minnesota

edited January 2009 in Player Lounge


  • Nelph0nd
    Posts: 9
    Hi all, just thought I'd do a quick intro post since I'm new here.

    I've been monkeying around with things here (my campaign: http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/khaj-mari) and I have to say, this looks like it'll be pretty useful to me. I'm only just getting this particular campaign started, so I figure I'll give this a try since I can do it from the beginning.

    I'm having a lot of fun browsing around other peoples' campaign wikis, it's really amazing how creative we gamer-types can be sometimes, isn't it?

    - Nelph0nd
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    "since I can do it from the beginning"

    I am right there with you. When I discovered Obsidian Portal, I was hip-deep in two different campaigns, and there was just NO FRIGGIN WAY I was going to be able to chronicle everything that happened in the level of detail I would want to have if I was gonna go to the effort of chronicling. But when the first campaign ended and Florimel kicked off another one, I made very sure to "start up a wiki right away.":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/424
  • Nelph0nd
    Posts: 9
    Heh, yeah exactly.

    And I figure since a lot of the stuff I've entered into my wiki already is pretty general to my campaign setting as a whole, I can reuse it for other campaigns I have set on the same continent (and just expand and detail what I need to then).
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Ha - as opposed to me, who kind of wants to throw the whole "world is going to be destroyed" angle into the game. But hey, I have a good reason! =P
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