Limit to Map Markers?

edited September 2015 in Bug Reports
I've been trying to add map markers for my campaign but i can't add any more markers beyond the 11th.
Is there a limit to the amount of map markers allowed?

Here is the link to the map in question:

Thanks everybodu for the help!


  • Unknown
    I'm not directly aware of a limit, but I can touch base with tech to see if there is something in place. Obviously if there is this needs to be clearly communicated.
  • marc_mundet
    Posts: 2
    By the way, it seems 11 markers on a campaign map is a little short.

    Anyway, thanks for the help.
  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    If it is, it's new. "One of my maps": easily has 20, probably more like 30.

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