Slew of simple ideas

edited January 2009 in Feature Requests


  • takua108
    Posts: 1
    When editing a page, and the user clicks the "Entire page GM only" checkbox, I think that some things should happen that don't already:

    1. Content in the "Public" textarea should be appended to the beginning of the "GM Only" textarea.
    2. The "Public" textarea should disappear, perhaps collapse down with some nifty JavaScript effects.
    3. When displaying a "GM Only" page, there should be no "GM Only" section at the bottom, because, well, the whole thing is GM Only, right?


    1. Could we get little buttons that increase/decrease the vertical size of all editing textareas? It would save me from having to copy-and-paste everything to and from my text editor all the time.
    2. Why don't we have access to < div > and < span > tags? I hate having to fake the browser out with modified < h1 > tags when I want styled text (such as the front page of my campaign). Which reminds me...
    3. ...Would it be possible to let us style our own wiki styles somehow? Like, have a control panel page for the campaign where we can set what h1, h2, h3, blockquote, etc. all look like with CSS. I'm saying this mostly because, as a web designer, I absolutely hate it when there's a huge margin or padding between headings and the text beneath them, and I don't want to have to use < h1 style="..." > every time I want a heading.
    4. A campaign-owner-configurable sidebar! Just a little something that you can add links to, mostly, for quick reference. It could just fit right in with the rest of the sidebar boxes, and just sit in its own little box.

    Just a few ideas I had. Thanks for the awesome site, I might consider premium membership soon!
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Hi Unniloct!

    Personally, my favorite use for the "entire page GM-only" feature is to keep a page out of sight until I'm done with it. I can't abide publishing a half-done page, but I don't always have the time required to finish it before it's ready. So I click "whole thing GM-only", save my changes, come back to it later, and rest confident in the fact that people won't see it before it's ready.

    So for me, there is still a need for a GM-only section on that currently GM-only page - for the secrets I still plan to keep secret once the publicly viewable stuff is done.

    However, w/r/t being able to do your own layout, I know there's been noise about letting certain people create templates that everyone can use. Haven't heard about that in a while, but you may try poking around the forums for stuff about that - it is its own topic title.
  • thanthos
    Posts: 1
    Speaking of simple ideas, is it possible to have a Preview button, that we can see how the changes would look without actually submitting the page? I'm not sure, but it may help with the server load as well as make it easier for people who want to experiment with formatting to get their desired results without undue aggravation.
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    I'm going to add my voice to FemmeLegion's. I use the entire page GM-only all of the time on items with which I'm not finished. I have also created pages ahead of time (on rare occassions) and did not want to make them public until the players had encountered the information in-game. In both cases, these pages still need separate sections for "Public" and "GM-Only" information. I'd hate to lose that functionality!
  • Neph
    Posts: 10
    I'd like to voice my support for per-campaign configurable CSS. All we need is to be given a text box that echoes its contents into a "style" section in the header of each campaign page. (Plus ids and classes to hang the CSS off of in the HTML body.) Page-specific CSS would be nice, also, but a general CSS block would go a long way.
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