Pathfinder - level 1-20 epic campaign (play by post) forming now

edited June 2012 in Player Lounge
Hi everyone,
I am 41 and a father with 3 kids. I used to DM in highschool and college. Played during law school (but did not DM). Had kids and missed gaming for 10 years (although I did play WoW, EQ LOTRO, and SWG). I’m back to paper and pen via play-by-post (pBp)(as it is impossible to find a local group and my wife would throw a fit that I was out of the house, again) — and looking for similarly type players. •I am working on the following type of campaign using the Pathfinder ruleset.
•Ideal party size 4-6
•Looking for one-year committment.
•Set in PathFinder’s Inner Sea Campaign Setting
•Will include parts of existing Pathfinder adventure paths (such as kingmaker) and original content
•Epic story taking characters from level 1 to 20
•20 point build, racial traits ok, any race fine, any skill fine, any class fine (except no gunslingers)— anything 3.5 or PF ok.
•No magic items to start with as you build character.
•Any standard equipment can be added for free at level 1.
•Characters start with 150 gold.
•Characters that plan on going prestige classes need to talk with GM first
•Ultimate Combat ok (but no armor/dr or wounds and vigor)
•Utlimate Magic ok
•No evil characters, chaotic good and neutral ok, but neutral good and above prefered. Players are supposed to be the heroes
•Characters will come from humble beginnings, initially clearing small dungeons as lowly adventurers. Over time bigger and more complex stories and plots involving factions and kingdoms are introduced. Characters will continue to do dungeons but with goals and objectives tying into broader plots. Ultimately, the PCs will be involved in saving the world from impending doom.
•Adventures will be dungeons, towns, caves, tombs, outdoors, wilderness, castles, forts, ocean and underwater (not likely to have planes).
•Magic and magic items are rare and awe-inspiring.
•Fantasy story telling and plot will be similar to Terry Goodkind writings in The Sword of Truth Series.
•Enemies will not always be monsters, and monsters will not always be enemies.
•Emphasis on roleplaying and story telling
•Dialogue and problem solving heavily rewarded.
•Oh, there will be combat!
•Mature players sought—ideal those who like to roleplay
•Players should use this dice roller and post links of their rolls in the adventure log.
•While the campaign is serious in nature, humor plays a part and intelligent humor desired and welcomed (like the PAX 2011 Celebrity games on youtube).
•I would prefer that players use Herolab to create and update their characters.
Herolab house rules—no guns, bonus 0-level ability, free upbringing feat, don’t require memorized spells, favored class NOT required, no coin weight and no encumbrance, use traits and flaws, max HPs at each level,

Who is the GM?:
•41 and married, three kids (trying to get my oldest into paper and pencil Traveller)
•Attorney (but NOT a rules lawyer— I like roleplaying to take lead over any rule)
•First pen and paper experience 1980 (D&D Basic)
•Second pen and paper experience 1981 (Deluxe Traveller)
•From 1980 through 1998 – DMed and player AD&D and Traveller)
•1998 through 2012 – pen and paper groups died and everyone moved to Online MMOs— so I did as well (Everquest, UltimaOnline, Starwars Galaxy (Pre-CU), WoW, Lord of the Rings Online, Star Trek Online, Rift, D&D Online, Star Wars: Old Republic)
•January 2012 through April 2012 got the itch to go back to pen and paper but could not find a local group playing anything within driving distance of my town.
•April 2012 stumbled across and joined two campaigns as a player. The Love for interaction and imagination of roleplaying outside of a videogame returned!
•I currently play in two campaigns (a Pathfinder and Traveller) on
•In May 2012 I started FreeTrader: Maverick campaign that is an open-ended, player directed, PbP Traveller Campaign
•June 2012 started planning “The Approaching Storm: The Beginning”, an epic story, long-term PbP Pathfinder Campaign.
If you have an interest in this type of campaign, please let me know.


  • twistedmage
    Posts: 1
    Hi, would love to join. Im a father of two, played d&d 3.5 for 9 yrs. not familiar with pathfinder due to no group around
  • nightstorm
    Posts: 74
    Did this ever happen? I would love to do this. Will it be done on the portal(posting of characters etc?
  • SarahHartman
    Posts: 2
    If you have any interest in starting this up again, I'd love to join!
  • Hannacastle
    Posts: 1
    If you are still looking for players, I would be interested. Like you, I had about ten years playing lots of different games, but I have not played in a good twenty years. I have the Pathfinder rules, but have not played.
  • pabarianis
    Posts: 9
    I would also be interested, but I am starting a new job and unsure of time-of-day commitments.

    Married, no kids, lots of RP experience. I also DM my own world which can be found at if you are curious about my playstyle.
  • blackravenx
    Posts: 1
    I am looking for a game like this .. please let me know. I too have played D&D and AD&D in the 1980s but left gaming for NAVY. Just getting back into gaming this year lol . I dont have hero lab or plan on buying it right now so I can use PCGen6000 to create chrs. I do own d20pro.
  • LAS68
    Posts: 1
    This sounds like a ton of fun. I used to be an avid table top gamer and I understand having to set it aside for career and family. The idea of a play by post that takes you from regular dungeon crawlers to epic heroes makes me positively salivate. Hope I hear from you and even if I don't best of luck with this epic campaign.
  • JosephGargiulo
    Posts: 7
    Wondering if you are looking for another Player. Love to join. Would feel truly old school. Let me know if you are still out there.
  • DavidBrannan
    Posts: 2
    It appears i may be late to the party but are you still looking for players?
  • Teak_Dhara
    Posts: 61
    Hi, we have openings for 1 to 2 players in our PbP Pathfinder campaign. Please let me know if you are interested.
  • DavidBrannan
    Posts: 2
    I'd be interested in coming in. I don't have a whole lot of experience in pbp. But I know pathfinder pretty well. I play twice a week with a local group. And I can commit to at least a post a day. And usually more.
  • Teak_Dhara
    Posts: 61
    That would be great-- the party is between 1 and 3 level. I will send you an invite to the campaign so you can poke around. We were on a break for 2 months as two of us dealt with deaths in our respective families so we are just getting back online an up to speed. The action for our campaign is handled in the forums of the specific campaign so lets pick up the planning/chatting there.

  • Maesenko
    Posts: 325
    Montana, I would be interested in joining a Pathfinder game. I have no experience in the game, but I'm quite familiar with DnD 3.5 and I do have the Core rulebook for PF.
    I can make regular posts, minimum once daily although considerably more frequently, unless otherwise noted.

    If you'd like some examples of my writing style/work, check out my posts on "Outremer":


    CotM Selection Committee

  • Teak_Dhara
    Posts: 61
    Hi Maesenko,

    We would be thrilled to have you join. Right now we have 3 active players and two that are on extended AFKs. I will send you an invite to the campaign. We use the forums for adventuring, so once you get the invite, head to the forums of my campaign. The adventures are handled in the forums called "Adventure Log (current)" and older adventures are in the forum called "Adventure Log (completed)". In those two forums we stay in character and use brackets when we are talking OOC. There are a couple of forums for tracking loot, HPS and XP and there is an "Out of Character Discussion" forum. This is where we plan new characters, get feedback ,etc. I will create a post there called "Planning Maesenko's character" so we can talk through what you would like to play.

    Welcome aboard!

  • Teak_Dhara
    Posts: 61
    Thanks to those that responded and asked to join .... we are now at 6 active players so I am going to put further requests to join in a que. Montana
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Congrats! Have a great time!

    Just trying to help out.

  • Dungeon_Master_Loki
    Posts: 359
    Hey Montana,
    I've never run play by post before and I've got a Pathfinder campaign I want to try it out on. Could you point me towards some resources on the best way to make it work? I must confess that I see single compat dragging on for years of real time. I'd really apprecaite any pointers you'd be willing to share.

    Game Designer, Pro GM, multiple ENnie Award winner

    GM of Planejammer: The Spelljoined (Pathfinder 1e) Campaign of the Year 2011 and still going strong!

    GM of The Planewalker's Guild (Pathfinder 1e) 

    Need a GM? Book me today!

  • Unknown
    I have not played or run a PbP game in some time, but I say that with a bit of "digging": you can "find": many different "tips": and assorted "tricks":;wap2 for handling these types of games. My suggestion would be to make a quick "Google Search": on the subject and see what you can dig up on the matter.

    From past experience some thing that I can certainly point out would be to push for a larger group of players. Lulls in the game can almost certainly be expected with PbP games as available free time for the troupe varies, so having more players available will mean more going on consistently regardless of others falling to the wayside. This can also mean a lot more information for a GM to try and process, so I see many of these games take advantage of having one or more Co-GMs available to assist with the workload. The primary GM becomes something like an Executive Producer helping to keep the overall story on track while the assistants can start handling bits and bobs of the day to day work of the game and scene running. This also provides the benefit of being able to have multiple bits of content happening in conjunction with each other and help to keep everyone occupied.

    Combat can get a bit more complicated, as you mention in your post. I think issues with this will also be very dependent on the system in use. For instance, the last time I did PbP was with a World of Darkness (Classic) game, and being a pretty quick paced d10 system helped keep combat situations moving along moderately quickly without having to take many special steps to accommodate. I know Pathfinder is a degree more complex than WoD (Classic) is so I can imagine there being some issues with keeping things moving along. Unfortunately having not approached a system with this level of complexity in PbP I don't have any good suggestions for how you might overcome those pitfalls (some of the linked articles may though, and hopefully some other here can express some additional ideas--I just know responses here can take a bit so the research links may be able to tide you over until then).

    "Dragon Age: Requiem":
  • wildone654
    Posts: 1
    I am looking to join a Pathfinder play by post. Still have room?
  • hakfson77
    Posts: 2
    Is this game still open
  • Maesenko
    Posts: 325
    As a member of this campaign, I can say that we haven't heard from our GM, Montana, since the end of June.
    And according to the campaign dashboard, he hasn't logged in for 2 months.

    So yeah...



    CotM Selection Committee

  • Teak
    Posts: 1
    Hey folks-- I am the DM of this campaign but I can't log in! I had to create another account and have a ticket open to have them fix my first account.
  • Teak_Dhara
    Posts: 61
    This campaign is back online after getting my account unlocked (thank you help desk!). We have room for 2-3 new play-by-post players. We could use a healer for one of these characters.
  • Teak_Dhara
    Posts: 61
  • Kallak
    Posts: 68
    A curse upon my busy schedule. I would definitely join this, but I'm strapped for time with classes, blog and my own campaigns.
  • Teak_Dhara
    Posts: 61
    --Thanks to those that reached out.... the campaign is now full. I will re-post openings should any develop.
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