Shadows Over New York - Season Three Coming...In a Few Months



  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,016
    In that case Ramachandran is gonna find you and kill you.



    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047

    I highly doubt that. He is happily running his shop and living with Cameron now :)

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":

  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,016
    I guess we all gorra chill out and relax as we get older.


    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047
    Well, for all those interested, seems the fix to the embedding has happend, or something, because all the YouTube Links on Shadows are back, which means people can see the Season 3 Credits, as they stand for now anyhow, and let me know what they think!

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":

  • Doust
    Posts: 2
    Good stuff, man! :) Looks good, GJ!
  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047
    I'm putting this here to let everyone know ahead of time. I have about had it with the Technical errors and glitches in OP that have sprung up recently. I am currently looking for a new home for Shadows. This hurts me greatly, but I have a campaign starting in a few months and if I need to move from OP to a site that actually FUNCTIONS, I will and need to start doing so soon as I have ALOT of pages and information to move. I am not happy about this, and I am not looking forward to it, but things that were working are broken, and now even the forums are bothced.

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":

  • MachineGunHarry
    Posts: 115
    I am sorry to hear Shadows Over New York leaving. I hope you still stay active as a spectator on OP. Please let us know where you are moving to. I am curious what other sites are out there.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    I may be right behind you.

    Just trying to help out.

  • kettle
    Posts: 72
    I understand your reasoning Keryth. Let us know where you end up. I would love to continue following your great campaign.

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047
    Haven t decided to leave yet, but getting REALLY close.

    This all is getting annoying, and being told, "Yea, we're fixing the email issue" is not an answer. There are other problems that need to be addressed and more popping up. Tech team should be dealing with more than one problem. Also, the e-mail has been being solved now for what, 2 months? 3? This is ridiculous

    So, the countdown has started. I'm researching new sites. Not decided to move yet, but getting there quickly.

    And yes, I REGRET ever investing in the Kickstarter. The Reforge and everything since has RUINED what was a great tool with a great community

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047
    OK, so, I got tired of waiting for them to fix YouTube and did a workaround

    It was inspired by a site that KillerVP shared out. I forget the GM's name right now

    And actually, I think it looks better now than with just the video there. Let me know what you all think

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Justin Mason?

    Just trying to help out.

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047
    Thats him. Thanks KillerVP. Now I can give credit for the inspiration where credit is due

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":

  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,016

    I agree. The workaround that opens up a separate page is absolutely fine.
    I find the trailer a bit long but it has some great interesting shots and sequences!
    Go Shadows!


    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047
    Yea, the song is a bit long, but, it so matches the idea of Shadows that it seemed perfect to me.

    As for opening a separate window, I'd do it if I could figure out how. Using target='_balnk' doesn;t seem to work with Textile

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":

  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090
    Are you coding the link with textile and trying to add the target to it or using HTML tag?
    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047
    The code I've tried is as follows:

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047 edited January 2016
    Well, for those interested, the Premise of the First Episode is up on Shadows, even though the campaign is still months away. Take a look under the Session tab for the Season Three, Episode 1 Prelude
    In addition, Character Sheets have been spiffed up with links to each characters theme song. And finally, Each Episode of Each season has its own theme song as well.

    Opinions/Criticisms appreciated

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":
    Post edited by Keryth987 on

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047
    OK, so, need some serious advice here on what to do with my Shadows site now. Some major changes have been done on the EPisodes/Sessions section, and more changes to the sections related to the game sessions and PCs is coming.

    However, this has sorta destroyed the uniformity between the sections dealing with the Game itself and the sections dealing with the Rules and setting

    Now, I'm debating on trying to overhaul the rules ans settings content, which, honestly, would be a LOT of work, or letting it be as is
    Or a third option. Change my landing page to purposely emphasize the two differences and provide access to the tow. Thinking of setting it up so that the One side says Rules and Setting and perhaps shows a Rulebook, while the other side shows a DVD Collection of "Shadows Episodes and seasons" considering that is how those sections have now been or are being, setup as.

    Opinions? Thoughts. All help is appreciated.

    Also, opinions on how the new stuff looks also appreciated

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":

  • Bortas
    Posts: 645 edited January 2016
    For what its worth, to a certain extent, I LIKE different areas to feel significantly different. It helps the reader not get too lost on the site, clues them in on a subtle way what to expect.

    I'm a terrible graphic artist, but that's what I was sort of shooting for with my EIDL campaign: the "character pages":, "wiki pages": and "adventure log": pages all look drastically different, but hopefully still tied together in a theme for the site.

    Post edited by Bortas on
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