Photobucket image don't display

edited October 2015 in Bug Reports
I have a lot of image in mi wiki that pointed to my photobucket account and were working fine before july. I came back in september and now i' m unable to see the images.

Sample wiki entry

Sampl3 image link


  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206
    Hi Galero,

    This is an odd report to see. Embedding is definitely broken and on the high priority list for fixes, but I would expect this more with issues with videos, PDFs, and audio through SoundCloud. Still, as it is being done as a div, there is a simple change that you can make. The example you give above can be changed as such:

    You will want to add some height and width properties to the div above, though, so that it actually displays fully. Empty divs don't generally show enough of the image otherwise (if at all).

    Conversely, you could just change it to use "the image tag": to put an image in.
  • Unknown
    This is the report I have been waiting for! I have seen some others mention photo embedding was giving them issues, but no one came back with any real details on it. Thank you so much for providing this so I can have my answer, I will pass this on to tech immediately to make sure they have all the details on the embedding issues.
  • Galero
    Posts: 9

    I tried using the changed line:

    but I still see no image in my entry:

    Can you help me define the height and width properties for my example so I can learn how to use them properly? That way I can test both options.
  • Unknown
    Hmmm, looks like it might be formatting, try this:

    The apostrophes around the URL are not supposed to be there on inline code, and this normally causes problems in Chrome and IE specifically. Maybe try that out and see if it works any better. Also, the dimensions on the image (since you asked) are as follows: 292px × 311px (w x h).
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206
    Sorry about the late response, I have been away on vacation for the last couple weeks (first real vacation with the wife in years).

    I do all of my formatting through CSS and was not aware of the issue that Alex mentioned. Hopefully removing the apostrophes as he said did the trick. Please let us know how it turns out.
  • Galero
    Posts: 9
    Somehow, all of the sudden, all my images started to show again, without any change to the embedded line.
    I don't know what was wrong, but is fixed now.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    YouTube is working as well.

    Just trying to help out.

  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206
    I guess this answers a question posed in a different thread, it is all embedding issues not just YouTube videos.
  • Unknown
    Woah, really? Tech did not report submitting a fix for this (we just released a fix for email that Micah suggested in his meeting that I was about to announce). Let me touch with the tech team tonight to see if something else was slipped out with this. Otherwise I am curious as to why a fix for email would have fixed embedding.
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