How long until the payment shows up on my CC

edited December 2015 in Campaign Portal Building
I ordered it the first and the charge still has not shown up on my card. This concerns me.


  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    You should be concerned- there are some serious billing issues happening. Mine has not shown and I put in on the 27th.

    Just trying to help out.

  • Krothos
    Posts: 230
    I was wondering if anyone has been billed for the membership recently? Or when was the last time they were billed?
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Mine went through after 5 days

    Just trying to help out.

  • IanHoulihan
    Posts: 79
    I don't even know how to renew my membership. I have asked, and have had no reply.

    Can anyone assist?
  • Basileus
    Posts: 585
    After you have logged in to the main portion of the site, in the upper left where your account details are (it should say "Welcome Username"), the dropdown menu should contain an options for "My Ascendant Membership" where you can set your subscription settings and payment options.
  • IanHoulihan
    Posts: 79
    I go to that and it lists the following:

    Ascendant Until: December 27, 2015
    Time Remaining: 18 days

    There are no options to manage my Membership Options.
  • Basileus
    Posts: 585 edited December 2015
    Hmm, you know...

    I assumed it was under "Update your payment details", but it isn't.

    I guess maybe you'd have to allow it to expire, or else "downgrade" and then re-enroll in one of the plans (assuming you're wanting to do something like switch from annual to monthly).

    Seems like an oversight.

    Edit: Yeah, only option under "Change your subscription details" is to downgrade.

    It almost sounds like you are presented with different info than what I am seeing though. Did you get free Ascendant time from the Reforge or something along those lines?
    Post edited by Basileus on
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    You have to wait until it runs out and then renew.
    That is what I did- now monthly, as I search options out of here.

    Just trying to help out.

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