Multiple Campaigns, One Game World... One or Two wiki's?


  • leonine_soldier
    Posts: 1
    I am running two games set in the same game world, a homebrew of my design. I want to be able to have the same campaigns reference the same wiki without having to re-create each individual page from scratch... effectively have both campaigns running off the same wiki. Is this possible?
  • bevinflannery
    Posts: 114
    Interesting question. There's no reason why you couldn't run more than one campaign off the same Home page/Wiki/Adventure Log - after all, you could simply use tags to sort which Adventure Log posts relate to which campaign. Though the "title"/banner would probably be for your campaign world rather than one of the two campaigns.

    If you wanted to have completely separate home pages/adventure logs, I think you would have to create two separate campaigns. You could point all your links in the second-created one's Wiki towards pages in the first one's Wiki. At that point, I think you'd have to use full URLs for the links rather than the Wiki page names, though. And you'd have two separate NPC trackers, and might need to list shared NPCs in each campaign.
  • sleepyjonnie
    Posts: 7
    I'm trying to do this very thing with "My Campaign Setting": I haven't done that much with it, but I'm hoping to be able to develop a very deep RPG setting that can be used for a variety of campaigns.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Dear Leonine_soldier,

    When I first started chronicling "The Vale", it was before the developers had added the < ! -- more -- > tag. This meant I didn't want to use the Adventure Log very much, because my session writeups were (and still are) frigging huge!

    What I did as a workaround, and what I suggest to you, is create wiki pages to contain the session writeups rather than post them in the Adventure Log. (I would drop a link to the wiki page in the Adventure Log, effectively using the Log to announce the writeup instead of contain it.)

    The tricky part is remembering to go in and put links to the previous and next sessions whenever applicable, so that folks who want to can read a single campaign's story arc from the beginning to all the way through. But it's only tricky 'cause it's a matter of remembering to do it. =)
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