Current Campaign of the Year Players looking for MORE Players!!

edited March 2016 in Player Lounge
Hello Fellow Obsidianites!!

"LURCH6571": ("Ayden": from "Regnum": ; "Ursus": from "A God...Rebuilt": and I ("Tadje": from "Regnum": ; "Ley-Rhy the Scholar Monk": from "A God...Rebuilt": ; "Nawahune": from "Outremer": are looking for some more high caliber players to game with. We just lost our GM to "work duties". We also may have lost his brother-in-law, too. Currently, we have three solid players; the two of us and "Raikan": who was also involved in "War of the Covens": with me and several other players from A God Rebuilt.

We game using "roll20": through their video and audio online software/app. We meet every OTHER Friday from 7 pm MST to about 12 am MST. Lately, we have been running a Fate campaign. We intend to continue playing Fate using one-shot adventures from "Evil Hat's": Worlds of Adventure series. We'll do this until we get the right amount of solid players to start up another campaign. If you are interested in joining are party/troop/band/table send me a "PM": ; or email me at [email protected]


  • Basileus
    Posts: 585
    These bunch are awesome to game with, I highly recommend this to anyone!
  • MachineGunHarry
    Posts: 115
    Thanks for the endorsement, Basileus!
  • MachineGunHarry
    Posts: 115
    So tonight is the Friday we game (7pm MST/9 EST). Anyone is welcome. If you just want to jump on, and say "hello", send me an email at [email protected], I'll keep my account open for any late comers.

    We might even have "AZ-Rune": stop by. He is the artist for A God...Rebuilt and player to Xer'xes "the first Demi-god PC minotaur": He does a lot of fan art for Geek & Sundry's CriticalRole.

    So come an join us. Pop in; see if we are a good fit for you. If you are a fan of FATE RPG you should definitely stop by and show the love.
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017
    Best of luck, Harry!

    I am OUT of the running for this, but as someone who has had some gaming experience with some of these members on an occasional basis, I also heartily recommend the group...


    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • MachineGunHarry
    Posts: 115
    Hear! Hear! Thanks Twigs for the endorsment. You know you're doing things right when you get the endorsment of a Scotsman!

    With that fellow Osidianites and Portallers (especially those interested in FATE), there are still open chairs at our 'table'. If you have a computer, a few spare hours on Friday nights, and love creating great stories, we just might be the right fit for you! Remember that is every other Friday from (we slightly changedthe times) 8:30 EST to 12 AM EST. We meet on roll20.

    We are starting an adventure to adventure based run rotating GM's for now until we can get a few more solid players. Last Friday, LURCH and I had fun creating a character in the Three Rocketeers setting provided by Evil Hat's Worlds of Adventure series. It was very fun! If you are familiar with Fate you'll know what I mean. Not only did he create his character, but I got some pawns to play with in my story. Namely, I have a defunct Arastillan nobleman with a severed hand and a vendetta with LURCH's character (Don Sángüillo Venganza de la Mancha); a band of space urchin/runaways/stoways/thieves that have all grown up; and a forlorn maiden who blames LURCH for the death of her father. Excited to see what we come up with YOUR character!

    Send my an email at [email protected], or comment here for me to contact you. Until then, *may your imaginations be a force of magic!*
  • Basileus
    Posts: 585 edited March 2016
    bq. a defunct Arastillan nobleman with a severed hand and a vendetta with LURCH’s character (Don Sángüillo Venganza de la Mancha)

    How... quixotic. I do hope "Tilting at Space-Windmills" is his Trouble aspect.

    This sounds awesome!
    Post edited by Basileus on
  • MachineGunHarry
    Posts: 115
    Oooooooo that could be a possibility!
  • Maesenko
    Posts: 325
    I'm not a huge fan of roll20, but I do want more games in my life, and it's FATE...and I am generally available on Fridays...

    I'll have to mull this over. At the very least, it will have to wait until I finish getting all the achievements in FFXI (which means by the end of the month, as the console servers are shutting down).

    As Always,


    CotM Selection Committee

  • MachineGunHarry
    Posts: 115
    That would be exciting, Mae! Keep us up to date. If you wish to stop in next Friday to say hi, let me know; I'll send you the link.
  • MachineGunHarry
    Posts: 115 edited March 2016
    We've been ACCEPTED! Evil Hat has chosen our group as playtesters for the next chapter in the _Spirit of the Century_ series: _Shadow of the Century_! If you ever wanted to be part of gaming history...THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! We are looking for 2 players experienced in Fate Core. We'd love to have some ladies step forward if they have interest. We have missed their creativity ever since the players playing Leena and Graegga left after Regnum due to work issues. We are totally welcome to all our Fate-loving friends world-wide.

    Again, we game every other Friday from 8:30 EDT to Midnight EDT over roll20. The playtest starts March 20th. killervp (GM of A God...Rebuilt) may even join us as a player! This will be a really awesome series of sessions!
    Post edited by MachineGunHarry on
  • Basileus
    Posts: 585

    I love the folks at Evil Hat. Awesome that you are working with them.

    You're... making it very difficult to avoid trying to get involved. A pox on you, MGH - a pox I say!
  • Maesenko
    Posts: 325
    I think I may have backed that...was it part of Fate More: From Bits to Books?


    CotM Selection Committee

  • MachineGunHarry
    Posts: 115
    You might be thinking of _Young Centurions_, a Fate Accelerated version of _Spirit of the Century_. This one is newer than brand new.
  • MachineGunHarry
    Posts: 115
    It was a fun night! We started our Three Rocketeers game. We were visited by Basileus; that was very fun to have him. He was supposed to be a fly on the wall, but we would frequently ask for his wisdom when trying to spark ideas for certain you could say he was a "Minervan Diptera on Wall". (Thanks for the assists, Basileus!)

    We ended the night with an epic capture of four thugs and an inside man (...who would have guessed it was the butler!) that were caught intruding on the Palace. La Captale can rest well tonight with those four behind bars. Excuse me...five!

    The Rocketeers found that the thugs were pretty formidable to get to spill the beans, though. One of the thugs had history with Laurent (a career soldier), but it proved to work against the veteran Rocketeer's approach. Adam Jensen, a cyborg rocketeer, had the guy on the verge of singing like a canary, when Major DeVille pulled the plug on the interrogation for actions unbecoming of an officer on Adam's part. In the end, the party's patrol (Crusix of Dactylori Platoon) Aspect of "First to Fight, First to Fumble" was envoked giving the team a generous round of Fate Points. As they were getting yelled at by the Major, a jerk from Gladirium Patrol encroached in on their investigation and got another one of the perps to talk. They saw him walking out of the interrogation room with a manilla folder, most like with a sworn testimony.

    The Major, though steamed for Adam's actions, was understanding that that was a low blow...but that doesn't make it feel any easier. Fortunately, this underhanded act from the Gladirium Patrol might sway Major DeVille in letting Crusix Patrol back on the case.

    What were those criminal intruders doing in the palace? What were their motives? Why did they need an inside man? What's in the folder? Who spilled the beans?

    Stay tune...for several weeks..because we will be pausing to break fro our Playtest Run with _SHADOW OF THE CENTURY!_
  • Basileus
    Posts: 585
    Hey now, who are you calling a Diptera? I'm not a parasite, you're a parasite, bud!

    Was fun, I look forward to the playtest of...

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    I will be there for the first night of the playtest- looking forward to it!

    Just trying to help out.

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Or did I miss night one, as no one sent an email....grrr

    Just trying to help out.

  • Basileus
    Posts: 585
    You're good, the first playtest session will be this coming Friday.

    I just showed up to haunt their game of Three Rocketeers.
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