The "Review my Campaign" thread



  • GrayGriffin
    Posts: 19
    You can also make a wiki page as an adventure log hub where you link to the logs in order, linking to the journals in a separate list.
  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047
    Good idea GrayGriffin

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":

  • azelana
    Posts: 6
    I actually did that, Griffin! LoL, I have a link in my wiki's to "Adventures" and each adventure has all the logs in it in order!
  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047
    Well, the changes to Shadows are done. So, as KillerVP says, the site is ready for the full treatment. Link in my Signature :)

    So, please, take a clook and let me know.
    Critiques, criticisms, and comments welcome as always

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":

  • azelana
    Posts: 6
    How do you do the banners for your adventure logs and the "view" button?
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    I will give you a full treatment shortly Keryth

    Just trying to help out.

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047
    Azelana, as requested here you go. It's a combination of CSS and Textile

    .adventure-log-post, .adventure-log-post-container .post-main, .sidebar-adventure-log-neighbors .post-column {BACKGROUND-IMAGE:url(; }
    .post-header-container .post-date, h6.adventure-log-post-title.title.smaller-text, body.campaign-public-layout .title a {color:maroon;}
    .adventure-log-index .overflow-fade-out, .post-content .overflow-fade-out {background:none; display:none;}
    .adventure-log-post .post-content img.bannerpic {float:left; margin-left:0px; height:185px; width:550px; border:none;}
    .banner {float:none; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; WIDTH:600px; HEIGHT:185px; MARGIN-BOTTOM:5px; background-repeat:no-repeat; border:none; border-bottom:2px solid black; background-position:0px 0px; BACKGROUND-IMAGE:url(http:/; }
    .banner.postgame {BACKGROUND-IMAGE:url(http:/;}

    Textile on Log itself:


    Hope that helps
    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":

  • GrayGriffin
    Posts: 19
    "Our campaign": I'm not the GM of it, just a player, but I'm curious as to what people think about the content/organization.
  • azelana
    Posts: 6
    Thanks Keryth! I'll start playing around with it!

    I updated the banner for the game, your feedback gave me the motivation to try something I'd been wanting to do for a while. I had seen the publicity work for Force Awakens and they used a style showcasing the characters inside the lettering, and so I decided to try and reproduce the effect. Very happy with the results! Thanks for the push!
  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047

    Looks alot better. Love the new banner

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":

  • Basileus
    Posts: 585
    Yeah! Very nice effect, azelana.

    I'll add on the Star Wars scroll on the front page that the slant seems very strong and as a result the text at the very top is too small for my tastes (difficult to read). Maybe you could use a less dramatic angle so that the text starts off a little bigger.
  • AaSampson
    Posts: 20
    I'm with Keryth987. New banner is 2 legit to quit.
  • UselessTriviaMan
    Posts: 546
    I'm going to ask for some constructive criticism on "my campaign.": I've doubled the size of the site in the last few months (well over 500 pages with many more still to come), and I added a navigation bar to every page for quick and easy links.

    I very definitely want to make the site as user-friendly as possible, and I'm looking for feedback on ways to make it even more so.

    I'm encountering the age-old dilemma where my players don't use the OP site nearly as much as I'd like them to; I've asked my gamers for their opinions, but only received a response from the other guy who uses OP for his own campaigns. I'm planning to propose a reward system for player campaign investment, similar to the roleplaying point system that "Abersade": and many other GMs use.

    So yeah, I'd really like to hear what works and what doesn't.

    Ptolus, City by the Spire - 2016 Campaign of the Year

    "Please pay attention very carefully, because this is the truest thing a stranger will ever say to you: In the face of such hopelessness as our eventual, unavoidable death, there is little sense in not at least TRYING to accomplish all your wildest dreams in life."  - - Kevin Smith

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047
    Just a quick Criticism, and this is more a personal thing than anything else, but I'd recommend putting your campaign title IN your banner rather than relying on the really small text provided by OP

    Other than that, it looks great Trivia

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":

  • GrayGriffin
    Posts: 19
    "Our campaign": I'm not the GM of it, just a player, but I'm curious as to what people think about the content/organization.

    I think this might have been missed when I posted it before, since it was just one line and thus pretty easy to skip by accident. Reposting it in hopes of getting some idea of what others think about it.
  • Lxcharon
    Posts: 189
    GrayGriffin, I'm actually really intrigued by your campaign, being a huge pokemon nerd. (like... huge) What system are you running on? Are all your pokemon rules homebrewed?

    As for how your campaign looks, I'd definitely throw in images, pokemon is such a bright and colorful series it's kinda lackluster to not see any of that in the campaign pages. Using textile to adjust layout of text can also make it more visually interesting, though not necessary. The wiki is light, but the logs are in depth and I enjoy reading them all. Though rewriting them from the chat logs into actual journals would make them easier to read.
  • GrayGriffin
    Posts: 19
    We're using the Pokemon Tabletop United system as a basis, with quite a few homebrew modifications, such as more specific skill check DCs, rules for skill challenges, and a whole bunch of new/modified classes.
  • UselessTriviaMan
    Posts: 546
    @Keryth987 I can't believe I never noticed that. "Fixed.":

    Ptolus, City by the Spire - 2016 Campaign of the Year

    "Please pay attention very carefully, because this is the truest thing a stranger will ever say to you: In the face of such hopelessness as our eventual, unavoidable death, there is little sense in not at least TRYING to accomplish all your wildest dreams in life."  - - Kevin Smith

  • Vishera
    Posts: 40
    Here's Mine: "Rage Of Demons: Out of the Abyss": I am the DM of the campaign, and I'm aware of the large "gap" on the story page. There is supposed to be an embedded video there, just waiting for OP to fix their oembed issues and it will work.

  • Bortas
    Posts: 645

    Right off the bat, my brain gets stuck on your front page: "Dare to descend ... out of the abyss" This seems... backwards? Maybe these aren't even linked, I mean the color is different and all, but font is the same, as is the size. I guess I'm not sure.

    The graphics used are superb, but I'd honestly like to see more. Nice graphic at top, followed by a long bit of text. Perhaps scattered about in the middle of the text?

    Looking great!
  • weasel0
    Posts: 435
    Title graphic could use a : for your title/subtitle separation. That or maybe a white line between the two, the length of "Out of the Abyss." The title graphic also seems a bit overloaded on the left side but I can't figure out how to make it all work so you may have done what can be with it. That purple twitch ... if you slide "Out of the Abyss" to end just past the "Rage" line... I dunno...I'm sure it's important to you but I'd drop it from the title graphic.
    Perhaps a ? for the "Dare to descend" and have to agree with Bortas that is seems off. Maybe putting the graphic(which is your title...subtitle for this chapter anyway) above the Dare. Maybe it's a challenge and could use a ! instead?
    I also concur on the overall graphics. I particularly like your selection screen. Great use of rollovers there.

    I am a fan of red. My account is customized to red on black, purple outlines. I use red links on black backgrounds on my CSS testing campaign. Your use of "RED" red hurts even my eyes, especially on the pinned green note at the bottom of the main page. Also the "current" selected menu red is a bit much. The rollover red is perfect.

    Last note, maybe a bit more glow on the custom menu rollover?

    Last last note. Your background image is great and perfectly placed for the overarching Title to show up in the middle of the bottom like that. Also, did you line up the curling staff/horn thing in the top right or was that just luck?
  • Vishera
    Posts: 40
    I made my images the way they are on the book, don't like it? go tell WotC to change it lol.

  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    I need some help.

    I feel like I'm finally at a place that I view it as "done", but I'm looking for some tips on how to really make the site pop, or feel easier to navigate, etc.


    To be clear: I think its a pretty great site, and I'm trying to avoid ego-stroking. Constructive criticism please!

    I'd appreciate any pointers you can provide. Thanks!

  • Basileus
    Posts: 585 edited March 2016
    Hey Bortas,

    I already favorited Morwindl in the past, but some minor tweaks that would improve the visual appeal (IMHO)...

    Since you specifically mentioned making things "pop", I think you could use some drop shadows around your foreground elements to make them stand out from the background (which looks good, but is visually busy enough to draw the eye away from the main stuff). Since the edges of your "parchment" images are irregular/partially transparent, you'll need to use layered box-shadows with inset and outset shadows. I'm thinking something like this, though I leave the sizes of the shadows to you to fiddle with (I just used 1em as a default, but its fairly heavy):

    @.main-content {0px 0px 1em 1em black, 0px 0px 1em 1em black inset;}@

    Could do the same/similar for the sidebars and navbar.

    Consider putting a very light-colored text-glow on the text in the main content area? It should make the text pop out of the parchment texture, but is very subtle. Something like:

    @.main-content p {text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em beige;}@

    In Firefox (at least), the text on the fillable experience bars (which are awesome) is breaking between multiple rows for the very short bars where it can't fit on a single line. Consider centering it on the whole bar and not just the "filled" part?

    Harangue KanonDC/Bryce/Aran about getting a picture of his mini to use as a character avatar. The smiley face is so out of place since your other pictures (both avatars and throughout the site) are such awesome photos of minis.

    Can you limit the max size of the popup images? It's a super cool effect, but for example on the Geography page each row has a differently sized/placed picture that pops up on hover.

    EDIT: All that said, I'm going to require a personal invitation to come bask in the glory of your minis and terrain. Kidding aside, having that stuff (particularly in the adventure logs) is a huge draw.
    Post edited by Basileus on
  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    Basileus: you are already in my acknowledgements for a reason!

    * RE inset: For the life of me, I'm not able to see what that first bit of code is doing, unless I'm missing something terribly obvious.
    * RE text shadow: I like the pop out beige shade, looks fantastic!!
    * RE exp bars: based on what I'm reading, I'm guessing you don't see them "looking like this?": that being the case, I'll have to take a look at my code, see if I can figure out how to make it look more universal.
    * RE Bryce/Aran: oh I know! the derpy picture is half there to remind him of how bad he makes the rest of us look! :-) This character has only been with us two sessions, so I'm giving him a bit of time to make that happen.
    * RE popups: WE're on the same page here. The popups are a nifty idea, but I'm just not really caring for how their implementation is actually working. I'm thinking they outta go in most cases.
    * RE terrain: aww, kind. We do a lot of hobby things in this house, helps our table look pretty decent. I think the pics adds a lot to our adventure logs as well.

    Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.

    Anyone else have some things to toss my way? I'd be obliged.

  • Basileus
    Posts: 585 edited March 2016
    WHOOPS!! Yeah, its not currently doing anything...

    Might help if I included the actual property. Should be:

    @.main-content {box-shadow: 0px 0px 1em 1em black, 0px 0px 1em 1em black inset;}@

    We shall never speak of this again...

    As mentioned, play with the 1em sizes until it fits what you like (that may be heavier than you like). I you might leave the second shadow (with the "inset" value) alone and only adjust the first one.

    EDIT: Yeah, the experience bars are centering the text on the "filled in" portion, rather than the whole bar like shown in yours.
    Post edited by Basileus on
  • Lxcharon
    Posts: 189 edited March 2016
    I love Morwindl, but from a design point I would change the background image. Your miniature pictures are so awesome, and detailed and creates such a theme for the world that I feel the background takes away from it. Becoming too busy on a whole. A simpler background will allow your miniature photos to pop more. I live in awe of your miniature sets. (and refuse to let my players see your site because if they knew it could be done they'd demand it of me haha)

    The wars of man are nothing to the wars of Gods.
    "Realm of the Six Gods":
    Post edited by Lxcharon on
  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    Basileus: oh, I love it! Also.... just shows what a noob I am with CSS that I couldn't see what was missing from your first snippet. I agree, I'll leave the inset alone, but I did fiddle with the other, as it was a bit strong for me. I also felt like black wasn't quite what I was looking for. I went with:
    @.main-content {box-shadow: 0px 0px 1.5em .5em #222222, 0px 0px 1em 1em #222222 inset;}@

    Lxcharon: excellent suggestion, I couldn't put my finger on what the issue was. Simplifying the background helps tremendously, imo. Show it to them: offer them karma points or something along those lines for painting minis or making terrain or some such. Everybody seems to get pretty excited when someone presents a new piece at the table.

    Thanks for the advice you two!

    Now, to solve that pesky align problem in firefox...

  • Basileus
    Posts: 585
    Looking good!

    Is the cursor new too? I didn't notice it before.
  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    Nah, cursor been there for a while. Your fading box-shadow has tweaked a few things in my head, hitting that on to a few more elements for consistency. Still can't figure out the firefox alignment issue!

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