D&D4e Character sheet template


  • Bara
    Posts: 3
    Hi all!
    Are there any D&D character sheet templates floating around?
  • Redslash12
    Posts: 26
    I made one up for OP, take a look at it... http://www.obsidianportal.com/character/alex-bladesman
    If you want the code just says so, I'll post it in either simple or complex (Complex has the scroll over stuff... and looks way messier)
  • DarthKrzysztof
    Posts: 132
    We've got one here as well:

  • MayuPolo
    Posts: 1
    Hey Redslash, could you post the simple code you have here? It looks pretty awesome! Thanks!
  • Redslash12
    Posts: 26
    Hope this actually posts the code and doesn't convert it...

    |_. Name |_. Level |_. Race |_. Class |_. Alignment |_. Deity |
    |()=. Alex Bladesman |()=. 5 |()=. Human |()=. Swordmage |()=. Good |()=. Bahamut |

    |_\2. Attack and Damage |
    |/2()=. Vanguard Bastard Sword +1 | +10 vs. AC |
    | 1d10+5 |

    |_\2. Skills |
    | Acrobatics | 2 |
    | Arcana | 11 (T) |
    | Athletics | 7 (T) |
    | Bluff | 3 |
    | Diplomacy | 8 (T) |
    | Dungeoneering | 2 |
    | Endurance | 10 (T) |
    | Heal | 2 |
    | History | 11 (T) |
    | Insight | 7 (T) |
    | Intimidate | 3 |
    | Nature | 2 |
    | Perception | 2 |
    | Religion | 6 |
    | Stealth | 2 |
    | Streetwise | 3 |
    | Thievery | 2 |

    |_\3. Stats |
    | AC:22 | Initiative:6 | Speed:6 (+2 Charge/Run) |
    | Str:10 (+0/+2) | Dex:10 (+0/+2) | Wis:10 (+0/+2) |
    | Con:17 (+3/+5) | Int:19 (+4/+6) | Cha:12 (+1/+3) |
    | Fort:18 | Ref:19 | Will:18 |
    | HP:56 | Surge Value:14 | Surges:12 |
    |\3. Languages: Common; Elven |

    |_. Race Features |_. Class Features |_. Feats |
    | Bonus Feat | Swordbond | Fast Runner |
    | Bonus Skill | Swordmage Aegis | Intelligent Blademaster |
    | Bonus At-Will Power | Swordmage Warding | Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword) |
    | Human Defense Bonus | - | Improved Initiative |

    |_\4. Powers |
    |()=. At-Will |()=. Encounter |()=. Daily |()=. Utility |
    | Sword Burst | Lightning Clash | Dimensional Thunder | Eldritch Speed |
    | Aegis of Assault | Lightning Clash | Frost Backlash | - |
    | Booming Blade | - | - | - |
    | Lightning Lure | - | - | - |

    |_\3. Equipment |
    |()=. Weapons |()=. Armor |()=. Items |
    | Vanguard Bastard Sword+1 | Bestial Leather armor +1 | Adventurer's Kit |
    | - | Amulet of Protection +2 | Spell Book |
    | - | - | 680 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp |
  • Redslash12
    Posts: 26
    Agh! It removed the spacing!!!
    If you want, I can send you the txt file, just email me at [email protected]

    ps: I love that edit button!
  • gravedust
    Posts: 5
    I liked this template, and decided to sort out the textile code posted, and make a few tweaks. here is the code from this characters page: http://www.obsidianportal.com/character/29331

    |_. Name |_. Level |_. Race |_. Class |_. Alignment |_. Deity |
    |()=. Tarn McTavish |()=. 3 |()=. Human |()=. Wizard |()=. Good |()=. - |

    |_\2. Attack and Damage |
    |/2()=. Quarterstaff | +2 vs. AC |
    | 1d8 |

    |_\2. Skills |
    | Acrobatics (Dex) | +2 |
    | Arcana (Int) | +9 T |
    | Athletics (Str) | +0 |
    | Bluff (Cha) | +0 |
    | Diplomacy (Cha) | +0 |
    | Dungeoneering (Wis) | +6 T |
    | Endurance (Con) | +1 |
    | Heal (Wis) | +1 |
    | History (Int) | +9 T |
    | Insight (Wis) | +1 |
    | Intimidate (Cha) | +0 |
    | Nature (Wis) | +6 T |
    | Perception (Wis) | +1 |
    | Religion (Int) | +9 T |
    | Stealth (Dex) | +2 |
    | Streetwise (Cha) | +0 |
    | Thievery (Dex) | +2 |

    |_\3. Stats |
    | HP: 31 | Surge Value: 7 | Surges: 7 |
    | Initiative: +6 | Speed: 6 |Vision: Normal |
    |\3. Languages: Common, Draconic |

    |_\3. Attributes |
    | Str: 11 (+0) | Dex: 14 (+2) | Wis: 12 (+1) |
    | Con: 13 (+1) | Int: 18 (+4) | Cha: 10 (+0) |

    |_\4. Defenses |
    | AC: 14 | Fort: 12 | Ref: 15 | Will: 15 |

    |_. Racial Features |_. Class Features |_. Feats |
    | - | *{color:green}Ghost Sound* | Improved Intiative |
    | - | *{color:green}Light* | Action Surge |

    |_\4. Powers |
    |()=. *{color:green}At-Will* |()=. *{color:red}Encounter* |()=. *{color:black}Daily* |()=. *{color:gray}Utility* |
    | Magic Missle | Burning Hands | Acid Arrow | Expeditious Retreat |
    | Ray of Frost | Fire Shroud | Sleep | - |
    | Scorching Burst | -| - | - |

    |_\3. Equipment |
    |()=. Weapons |()=. Armor |()=. Items |
    | Quarterstaff | - | Adventurer's Kit |
    | Wand | - | Spellbook |
    | - | - | 23 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp |
  • Redslash12
    Posts: 26
    Hey, how'd you get it to space properly? When I posted it, even in code tags, it removed all my spacing. Thank you for posting it!

    Oh, and I like your changes, I think I'll incorporate those into my sheet too!
  • gravedust
    Posts: 5
    Yeah the code tags didnt work, but pre tags did.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    I just finished putting together a somewhat "fancier template":http://www.obsidianportal.com/character/orm-leadbuilt for this. There's a link to the template code right below the sheet. There's a lot of code there (mostly in-line CSS) to make it look the way it does, but you can edit the information easily enough, just like anything else.

    Folks might also be interested in "these":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/sanction/wikis/templates templates for powers and monster stat blocks. I was able to get them looking almost identical to the ones you'll see in the rules books. They are also set up (as one of them demonstrates) to float to the side of your main text if you like.
  • Redslash12
    Posts: 26
    let me be the first to say, holy shit those look amazing! The power cards look almost the same, the color seems a bit off, but otherwise identical. I love that character sheet. One problem with the one I created was that it seemed too bulky. This one is condensed and contains everything, nice on the eyes, and is practical for printing purposes.
    I'm going to start playing with the template tomorrow, its a bit late for me to do anything and I got some work to do. Thanks a ton ChainsawXIV.
  • gravedust
    Posts: 5
    Great job on those templates!
  • ryan
    Posts: 126
    We haven't offically announced it yet, but we've added support for Dungeon Mastering's Tools.


    Have a look at the tutorial and you'll notice at the end of it there's a link that you simply copy and paste into your wiki and it pulls the information from Dungeon Mastering's Tools. Note we only update the information when you save the wiki, so if you make any changes to the on Dungeon Mastering's Tools you'll have to re-save the page(s) with the embed card(s).


  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Very nice! I was planning on working up something like that over the weekend, and I'm pleasantly surprised to find it already exists. The simple link embedding feature is especially sweet. The global CSS that runs on here causes some havoc with the output visually speaking, but that would be easy enough to fix up.

    Can you recommend someone over there to contact to pitch in? It wouldn't be hard at all to set up a similar solution for other common templates - I'm sure people would appreciate character sheets especially - and I'd love to contribute to the effort.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    For anyone who's willing to take it for a spin, I've just finished up a "power card maker":http://omnichron.net/external/op/tools/pow.html that you can use to make power cards with the same template I liked before through an easy to use interface. It gives you a live preview as you type, and you can copy and paste the code any time. Since it runs entirely in JavaScript, you can save it and use it off-line as well if you want.
  • gravedust
    Posts: 5
    That power card maker *rocks!* Hopefully I'll have time to test it out later this week, but that should make adding this stuff to my wiki pretty simple! Thanks again ChainsawXIV :)

    You should work with the guys on the site, they could add your tool right in (if you wanted).
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Thanks Gravedust! I sent Yax over there an email this morning. We'll see where it goes. :)
  • ryan
    Posts: 126
    Yes, if you run into any bugs with the CSS or anything regarding the Dungeon Mastering tools, please let us know.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    I added a few more handy templates to my "template page":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/sanction/wikis/templates if anyone is interested.
    I also updated the "power card builder":http://omnichron.net/external/op/tools/pow.html with some new options.
  • revtobiaz
    Posts: 2
    It seems to work pretty well with DM Tools, though I don't like that it auto-formats it to float right. I like the fact that it supports Obsidian Portal through a simple link, though I'm not too hot on having to get a subscription there to hold more than 10 monster cards. Granted, I just copy/paste the html to my wiki, but it still seems weird to me.
    ChainsawXIV, your templates are kickass! Any chance for a quick monster generator, like the power card maker?
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    I really want to support what the guys over at Dungeonmastering are doing - they've created some great tools, and made them available to everyone (mostly) for free - so I don't plan to put up any tools that compete with what they're doing. It'd be rude. Their fee is pretty minimal, to be honest, and seems well worth it to me. As for the float right thing, I'll bet they could add a check box to enable and disable that if it were suggested. They responded quite quickly to some formatting suggestions I gave them a few weeks ago.

    On a totally different note, I just put up the first version of a "fill-in-the-blanks tool":http://omnichron.net/external/op/tools/csm.html for creating character sheets for your characters. Try it out, and let me know if you find any issues.

    There are several features on my list to add already:

    - Sheet sections for Familiars, Animal Companions, Money, Notes, and a few others
    - The ability to change the order of the sections in the sheet and hide sections
    - The ability to save and load, so you can edit without re-entering everything
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    I just posted the update version of the "Character Sheet Maker":http://omnichron.net/external/op/tools/csm.html I promised above. Here's what changed:

    - New cleaner, faster code design loads faster and works better
    - You can now use HTML tags (bold, links, etc.) in text fields
    - The tool now outputs XML you can use to re-load your character info
    - You can move move the blocks around the sheet however you like
    - You can hide blocks you don't want entirely
    - Added blocks for Familiars, Money, and Attacks

    If you have any other requests or issues let me know.
  • Noshmek
    Posts: 9

    Thank you for the power card maker and the Character Sheet maker.
  • Gully
    Posts: 52
    Defenantly I tried The dungeon Master tools Power cards first and could not get them to work out right. They floated left but would either blank my text out or blank out due to the text. When I came here I saw your linked tools and tryed them out worked briliantly.

    Check it out at "my Imperium Campaign":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/cold-light/wikis/praetor-lvl1
  • Gully
    Posts: 52
    P.S. I will still be using the dungeon mastering tools For the second storage and ability to print them and other stuff
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    I put up new versions of the "Character Sheet Maker":http://omnichron.net/external/op/tools/csm.html and "Power Card Maker":http://omnichron.net/external/op/tools/pow.html for you guys to try out. On a related note, I've also put up the "Monster Card Maker":http://omnichron.net/external/op/tools/mon.html that I use myself, for those of you who asked for it. I still don't want to detract from what they've got going over the Dungeonmastering, but as their offering has expanded into a more complete and integrated tool set, I feel pretty comfortable releasing what's basically just an automatic formatting system.

    The character sheet maker hasn't changed except internally (a bunch of code cleanup and such), but the Power Card Maker has been totally redone, to use the same core scripts as the other tools. For the end user that mainly means that it now supports saving and loading XML data, so you can save off your powers. I also made some tweaks to the form for it - element descriptions and flavor text are now multi-line text boxes, so you can do fancy stuff with them, and the element type field is now a write-in instead of a menu, so you can make whatever crazy power elements you may require.
  • ZonbiChou
    Posts: 1
    ChainsawXIV those tools are all fantastic, and look great too! Do you have any plans to make 3.5E versions of them in the future?
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Thanks ZonbiChou. I'm more or less fully converted to 4th at this point, so I wouldn't hold my breath for a 3.5 version of these tools. If I end up playing in or running another 3.5 game you might see something, but I don't have any plans to at the moment. That being said, the technical end of the tools is totally generic, and could be used for any kind of fill-in-the-blanks HTML pretty easily. If someone wanted to develop something, I'd be happy to support it. I just don't see it being a priority for me personally.
  • Folkor
    Posts: 2
    Chainsaw, I really like your templates and have used a few of them for my game. Are you planning on a tool where you can use the Char Gen summary output so we can easily import characters into it? If not, would you mind if I gave it a go? Can't promise any results, but I still like to ask permission before I use some one else's tools.
  • Hardhead
    Posts: 65
    I believe Chainsaw is doing the DCS for 4e.
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