Cool Tip!


  • Redslash12
    Posts: 26
    I was just looking over some character layouts and realized it'd be real easy to steal them. Just open the page source from the view toolbar up top and the whole thing is there in HTML. I'm not endorsing stealing other peoples work, you really should ask first, but if you wanted to see how someone did something it's right there.

    Hopefully this doesn't cause any catastrophes, but I think it will help in the long run.
  • harneloot
    Posts: 14
    Interesting. I looked at the source code for one of the pages that looked really cool, and I can't understand any of it. I am not a programmer nor a web-designer. I have zero knowledge of HTML or Textile. I hope this doesn't mean I'm sh*t out of luck.

    Maybe there could be a place for "templates" here on the forums? - interesting page designs, but free of content, and then users like me could simply plug in their own content? I'm not even sure if something like that is doable?

    Is there a program where I can design stuff with a GUI and then "convert" it into code to past into a wiki page here on OP?

    Thanks anyone who can offer some help/advice!
  • Redslash12
    Posts: 26
    you bring up a good point with the templates. If you can just copy and paste it would be cool for someone to just write up a template and you just add in your own information.

    Does anyone know how to do variables in HTML? Like at the top of the page have a CharName variable and then anyone who copies the template just has to change a bunch of variables at the top of the page. I'm pretty sure it can be done but I don't know how to or what it's called.
  • stumblewyk
    Posts: 21
    bq. Does anyone know how to do variables in HTML? Like at the top of the page have a CharName variable and then anyone who copies the template just has to change a bunch of variables at the top of the page. I’m pretty sure it can be done but I don’t know how to or what it’s called.

    To do something like that, you'd need to use some form of clientside (or serverside) scripting, and I doubt the illustrious Powers That Be are going to enable us to insert scripting into our wiki/character pages. That would open them up to all kinds of nasty vulnerabilities.
  • harneloot
    Posts: 14 does that basically mean I have to learn HTML to get full functionality out of OP?


    What about a GUI program that I could write in that would translate into HTML for me?
  • Bathlarper
    Posts: 41
    you don't need to be fluent in html you just need a few tricks. I've greatly increased the look of my campaign site with little advice from Flatscan. Got permission from his to have a look at the source code for his page and used some of the image and format coding.
  • harneloot
    Posts: 14
    I tired looking at the ocde from a few campaign pages and it all looked like Greek to me! I couldn't even tell where the Obsidian Portal border stuff ended and the actual person's wiki page started!

    Maybe a thread where some "advanced" tricks are listed for us newbies?
  • Redslash12
    Posts: 26
    It's easy to find where the code for an NPC page begins and ends.
    What you want to look for is:


    Which is where the person's HTML for the Description section of the page begins. Under that go down to:
  • harneloot
    Posts: 14

    I wish there was an easier way, but I guess I'll just have to absorb some HTML knowledge over time....

    Right now the not very elegant work around I'm using is this:

    1. Format to my liking on Word
    2. Print as pdf
    3. Export as jpg
    4. upload to photobucket
    5. insert into wiki as picture link

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