OP Site Updates

edited May 2016 in General Discussion
Various website updates were deployed today. A high-level list of new features and bug fixes can be found here:

5/19/16 Site Update


  • Krothos
    Posts: 21
    Possible to reduce the default font size of the file names in the Media Library? This is a great feature but the font size is too large to allow longer file names to fit in the space provided. Magnimar_Panaroma.png fits (barely) but Pathfinder_Society_Symbol.png does not ("Pathfinder_Society_Sym..."). It may seem minor but decreasing this a font size or two would probably be beneficial to many users. Thanks.
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 46
    Thanks for the heads up.
  • Kallak
    Posts: 68
    Looking pretty good! And being able to organize things with folders and such (and not lose source) is awesome.

    @Krothos, if you have ascendant, you can use your custom CSS to "fix" this. I did a quick test and changing the font-size of the .show-file-link class worked, so I imagine you could also increase the width of the containing area or the like (though I did not test this). I do get what you mean though, having in some sort of built in slider for width or drop down text size editing would be cool for non-ascendant people.
  • Krothos
    Posts: 21
    The CSS edit is a "good to know" but I image this Media Library section is GM-only, so my players will never see it (?). Otherwise, if they can, then they may "view" media to upcoming events that I've pre-prepped the website for.

    My original suggestion is actually just changing the default font size, so it would appear a bit smaller (without any editing or involving the developers to create a toolbar/font-size-slider/etc with their busy schedule).
  • Kallak
    Posts: 68
    Hm, interesting point on the "who can see this" front. Obviously characters and items don't appear here, but media from hidden wiki pages probably would.
  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93
    Bumping down the font size is not a problem. There are currently 10-12 minor updates scheduled for the media library, such as making it easier to copy URL's and embed codes. If their are any suggestions please create a thread in the Feature Requests sub forum, detail the feature area and ideas around it, so we can get those feedback items captured & incorporated.
  • Keryth987
    Posts: 46
    Thank you so much for the information on the updates. Its great to see progress happening again

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/shadows-over-new-york
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/2013-coty-shadows-over-new-york/
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/shadows-over-new-york-julys-campaign-of-the-month/
  • saethone
    Posts: 13
    I believe players can see the images on the old image library too, couldn't they? If they for example were editing a character sheet and go to embed an image they could see the whole library.

    My only concern is I've noticed I can see the link in the nav-bar to the media library on campaigns that I am not a member of, leading to a 403 not authorized page if I click them. That link should only be visible to logged in campaign members.


    "Endurance of Hope":https://enduranceofhope.obsidianportal.com/ - Age of Rebellion

    "Age of the Dragons":https://age-of-the-dragons.obsidianportal.com/ - Homebrew Fantasy
  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93
    Agreed. We've captured your feedback on the hyperlink.
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