6500 Character Limit on Wiki Pages

edited May 2016 in General Discussion
Hi there,

I've just been updating my Campaign Wiki page-


For last night's session when I stopped being able to type into the page.

After a bit of experimentation I figured that the page has a 6500 character limit on it.

I've never had this happen before and I have other pages with many more characters on them, I know this for a fact because I tried copying text from an old page that I did earlier today onto the page- it only copied over the first 6500 characters...

Has something changed, or am I an idiot- I know which my money is on.

Thanks in advance.



  • ketherian
    Posts: 18
    Hi goonalan.

    I just tried it. Created a new wiki page and generated 6500 characters using the "Lorem Ipsum Generator":http://www.procato.com/lipsum/ (1300 words, roughly 6954 characters).
    My text editor reports the paste was truncated at 6,539 characters.

    I never noticed this limitation. My site has small pages. So I can't comment on this being a new or old feature.
    Can anyone else give it a try?

  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93
    After receiving a support inquiry, our understanding is that the tech team updated the limit today to 21,844 characters. Previously it was set at 6500 characters.
  • Planeswalker
    Posts: 5 edited May 2016

    I just ran into this issue as well in my wiki - https://skies-of-glass.obsidianportal.com/. Hunting around in the change log I found the note "BUG FIX: Update adventure log character post limit from 6500 to 21,844 characters" but no comment that our wiki page's were going to be limited as well. Given I've got pages easily ranging up to 50 or 60 thousand characters that my group is still working on and expanding, this is an unfortunate problem for us. Is this just a temporary bug that came about from fixing the adventure log issue, or is this an undocumented change that's actually going to be sticking around? If the latter, is there any sort of option we might have to increase/remove this cap?

    Thanks for any support here,

    - Planeswalker
    Post edited by Planeswalker on
  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93 edited May 2016
    Hi Planeswalker,

    The team is willing to look at all options to increase the cap. The existing setting was 6500 characters, and today it was increased to 21,844 characters which is the limit under the current utf-8 / database schema in use at this time.

    The feedback we received from users today, and our testing shows that it increased the character limit in the adventure log as anticipated. Are you suggesting that this change negatively impacted the limit on WIKI pages? If that is the case we would want to investigate that. Another consideration discussed is also the effective HTTP and database timeouts. Our experience is that posting large blocks of content can sometimes lead to various other time-outs in web apps. When the team returns, we can have them perform upper bound testing as maybe required, and verify what the limitation is on the WIKI editor.
    Post edited by OPSupport on
  • Planeswalker
    Posts: 5 edited May 2016
    Thanks for the rapid feedback.

    Yeah, I'm finding that this change has placed a limit on the Wiki pages. For instance, if I go in and make an edit to https://skies-of-glass.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/red-pool-spells it pops up a little error window when I try to save it saying "Please shorten your text to 21844 characters or less (you are currently using 39087 characters)". Additionally, it won't let me add new text to the page, only delete text out of it. I've tried this on numerous pages with identical results - https://skies-of-glass.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/green-pool-spells, https://skies-of-glass.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/white-pool-spells, and https://skies-of-glass.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/blue-pool-spells to name a few.

    Please let me know if there's any other information you need that might be helpful.

    - Planeswalker
    Post edited by Planeswalker on
  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93
    Ok thank you for the report. I've opened a ticket and escalated to the development team.
  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93
    The team looked at this today, and decided that a two part fix is needed. First, they issued a change today to increase the character count to uncapped. Next week they will coordinate the actual data change. Code research suggests that that previously, OP post size was foremost limited by the data type on the column / database schema, and secondary limited by server-side HTTP and database query timeouts. Moving forward the team will issue a change to better accommodate larger posts.
  • Jim_Mount
    Posts: 8
    I have 11,062 characters here at https://age-of-serpents.obsidianportal.com/wikis/main-page
    I very suddenly have the same problem Planeswalker was having. I can delete text in edit mode but I can't add anything. I'm nowhere near the cap so what's going on?
  • Jim_Mount
    Posts: 8
    Just tested a few other pages. Again, this issue seems very sudden.

    https://age-of-serpents.obsidianportal.com/wikis/pathfinder-society (711characters--CAN edit).
    https://age-of-serpents.obsidianportal.com/wikis/house-rules (9330--CANNOT edit!)
    https://age-of-serpents.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/over-the-top-action (12,179--CANNOT edit).

    This is very disconcerting. I currently have an active campaign, and do a lot of work on myy site.
  • cehowe
    Posts: 2 edited May 2016
    I just ran into this problem as well.

    My pages seem to be capping out at 6468 characters, after which I cannot add anything - only delete from them.

    https://ashesandmirrors.obsidianportal.com/wikis/2060s (6460 characters - CAN add characters UP TO 6468)
    https://ashesandmirrors.obsidianportal.com/wikis/2040s (3848 characters - CAN add characters)
    https://ashesandmirrors.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/2030s (11766 characters - CANNOT add characters)
    https://ashesandmirrors.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/2020s (7575 characters - CANNOT add characters)

    This happened rather suddenly. I was creating pages this past Friday with no issue, but today I cannot go above 6468 characters.

    Fortunately, I'm still putting this campaign together, it's not in progress yet, so my urgency level is a bit lower.

    If it is relevant, I do have an ascended membership.
    Post edited by cehowe on
  • logarium
    Posts: 2
    I'm also having this same issue. I'm running a couple of active campaigns (Ascendant membership as well) and the hard limits are proving to be a real issue for adventure logs and wiki pages. Anything that can raise this cap would be greatly appreciated.
  • cgregory
    Posts: 7
    Same here.
  • Planeswalker
    Posts: 5
    Looks like the issue has returned for myself as well, Wiki pages on https://skies-of-glass.obsidianportal.com/ are getting a report of "Please shorten this text to 6500 characters or less" which appears to match the original character cap placed on Adventure Logs. I assume this is a similar problem as to what happened last time?

    Thanks for any support on this issue,

    - Planeswalker
  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93
    The tech team is investigating at this time.
  • zero
    Posts: 1

    I appreciate you looking into this matter. It appears to be affecting Adventure Logs as well as Wiki pages.

    When was the character limitation put in place? I have several examples of both logs and wiki pages that exceed these limitations from years ago through earlier this month.

    Thank you,
  • Brand_Darklight
    Posts: 1 edited May 2016
    I filed a related bug report earlier, but am also curious when the character limit was implemented.

    I have many pages in my various campaigns that are in excess of 70K characters, and very few with less than 10K. I have not run into a character limit at all prior to this morning. As of right now I can't really edit anything...
    Post edited by Brand_Darklight on
  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93
    Last Monday the character limit was changed to unlimited. This week the team made a change so that the database could handle a text size of N characters. I suspect the behavior from today is a regression. Once our developer gets in I will have this looked at promptly. I apologize for any inconvenience.
  • Planeswalker
    Posts: 5
    Here's hoping it's a simple fix. Thanks once again for the fast response, OPSupport!

    - Planeswalker
  • Avandus
    Posts: 2
    I just hit a word limit too, at 6384 characters, 1076 words for me - which is a bit too short to be usable.

    I also noticed that new adventure log posts don't seem to get the little "view" link anymore in the bottom right hand corner of their boxes on adventure log landing page (https://kapreaswang.obsidianportal.com/adventure-log). This is going to stop my players being able to easily read more than the first paragraph of any session writeups anyways without me doing some kind of clunky workaround.

    Hoping these are bugs not features, the speed of support is looking impressive :)
  • Keryth987
    Posts: 46
    I'm hitting the same thing. In fact, its deleting existing code to meet the limit on a character I was editing


    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/shadows-over-new-york
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/2013-coty-shadows-over-new-york/
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/shadows-over-new-york-julys-campaign-of-the-month/
  • Desert_Son
    Posts: 16
    Just attempted to post a new Adventure Log entry and the text was cut off at 6,384 characters. The entry I am trying to make totals 12,808 characters, and that number is probably _less_ than average for Adventure Log posts I make.


    Please advise.

    With thanks in advance.

    Still learning,

  • Heronator
    Posts: 6
    Just to add to what others here are saying, I've found the same limit on my Wiki pages at http://theageofterrorisuponusavampirehunterinccampaign.obsidianportal.com/wikis/ . The problem only appeared today for me. Appreciate the ongoing investigation OPSupport, hope to see this fixed soon.
  • Heronator
    Posts: 6
    Man, and now the problem is fixed for me. I don't know if someone went and fixed my campaign specifically or this is just when the fix propagated to me, but either way, nice work.
  • Avandus
    Posts: 2
    sweet, I'm able to put a full post in now too - the little "view" link is still missing on boxes in the adventure posts' landing page, but I just found that clicking on a post's title takes you to the post's full page anyway so all good :)

    thanks for the fix
  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93
    Yes the issue was resolved earlier today.
  • cehowe
    Posts: 2

    Thanks a bunch for looking into this for us. Your prompt investigation is really appreciated.
  • logarium
    Posts: 2
    Thanks for the prompt fix guys - much appreciated :)
  • Desert_Son
    Posts: 16
    Success! Ah, back to posts with that "longer-than-6,000-characters" smell.

    Thank you for resolving the issue!

    Still learning,

  • Jim_Mount
    Posts: 8
    Oh thank goodness. I am glad this has been fixed. Great work! Now to get crackin logging last night's stellar game!
  • Planeswalker
    Posts: 5
    Thanks from me and my players to OPSupport and the OP team for their fast fix and great communication on this problem, we all really appreciate it.

    - Planeswalker
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