Pictures in Wiki pages


  • harneloot
    Posts: 14

    Love OP but I find myself bumbling around a bit with trying to get the hang of making the wiki pages look like more than just a text document.

    Is there an easy way of adding pictures to a wiki page on OP? What about textboxes? (or do you call it frames?) I see some people have text next to pictures, or graphics with tables and all sorts of neat stuff - how do you format that?

    Thanks, and sorry for my ignorance!
  • Redslash12
    Posts: 26
    Adding pictures is just a simple html image tag.

    where url is the link to the image. I don't think OP has a way to just upload pictures, that would be way too much bandwidth and space... But you could link to the image uploaded into an npc page.

    I don't know about frames though, I doubt their supported.
  • harneloot
    Posts: 14
    Thanks much for the tip!!!

    How do you position the picture with text near/around it?

    Here is what I meant by frames:


    Any ideas?
  • questionable
    Posts: 1
    Gday.. The pages you have listed seem to use tables rather than frames. I have done something like it using the style of html tags.

    Hope that helps.
  • Lunatyk
    Posts: 8
    Frames in HTML are different things than Tables, which is what you are referring to...

    I would honestly just use the "align" function if you're only looking for adding pictures to a text...
  • Lunatyk
    Posts: 8
    sorry about that, didn't know it wouldn't work

    < img src="URL" align="left">
  • Redslash12
    Posts: 26
    Just to let you know, you can use tags to show code in the forums, like so:

    This is bold!

    Also you can edit pages, its a small link next to your avatar under your name. I found it recently and use it often!
  • harneloot
    Posts: 14
    OK, so just stick this (align=”left”) in before the > and that will align the picture? What are my choices - align left, algin right or align center?

    Is there a good tutorial program or something where I could learn how to do tables and other "tags"?
  • Lunatyk
    Posts: 8
    Thanks *Redslash12*, I had no idea about that!

    and *harneloot*, search in Google for HTML Tutorial, it should give you enough info (I'm just not sure)... yes, it's left/center/right for alignment...
  • Nelph0nd
    Posts: 9
    *harneloot*, I think for what you're wanting to do, you need to use the "float" attribute.

    If you take a look at one of my wiki pages as an example:

    The image I have with the text flowing around it I have inserted like so (but without the space after the "" at the end):

    < img src = "" style="float: right" title="Midrythia has numerous villages dotting its jungles along its southern coast." >

    Hopefully that is readable.
  • harneloot
    Posts: 14
    Thanks Nelph0nd, that is exactly what I want to do!!!
  • harneloot
    Posts: 14
    Can't get it to work. Can someone look at this code and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

    < a href="" target="_blank" >< img src="" border="0" alt="Delvers Square" style=”float: right" >
  • Redslash12
    Posts: 26
    This works fine one my page:
    Also when putting code into a forum use the pre tages

    EDIT: OK, I think I got it working...
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