Event Scheduling Not Working


I've just set up a new campaign page (https://continentofhorrors.obsidianportal.com) and am having issues with scheduling events on the Calendar page. I choose the date and set the time as per usual, but no matter what date and time I choose I get the following error message, regardless of the actual start time actually being before the end time:


NEW Event

1 error prohibited this calendar event from being saved

There were problems with the following fields:

  • Starts at must be before ends_at


  • IanHoulihan
    Posts: 79

    Likewise. I am having the same problem.

  • freebfrost
    Posts: 3

    Having the issue here on all of my campaigns also

  • cyzzane
    Posts: 1

    +1 to this issue. It's super annoying.

  • ketherian
    Posts: 203

    Same for me. I think something is truly broken here.

  • freebfrost
    Posts: 3

    I opened a Support ticket for this.

  • LeJerque
    Posts: 1

    +1 here!

  • rhythmist
    Posts: 2

    I also filed a support ticket. Having the same issue.

  • freebfrost
    Posts: 3

    Looks like yesterday's change fixed this for me.  I am able to enter new events and successfully edit them afterwards.


  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93

    That's correct, the issue should have been resolved yesterday. Calendars is one of several features in the back-end administration section which are currently being updated and are to be released shortly. 

  • DocEzra
    Posts: 5

    I'm getting an internal server error every time I try to change the scheduling of one of my events. Is this a distinct issue from the one that was resolved yesterday?

  • DocEzra
    Posts: 5

    Still can't edit calendar events without getting Internal Server Error 500. Anybody? It says the error is automatically being logged.

  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93

    Please file a support ticket with the repro steps, so we can have the tech team debug and fix the issue on Monday. The information we received was that the issue had been resolved, but it sounds like there may still be a problem if you are getting 500 errors. That would be a problem in the web app. 

  • Krothos
    Posts: 230

    This issue is still not resolved as of today. I submitted a support ticket yesterday and haven't heard back from the support team (aside from the automated "your support ticket has been created"). I'm hoping someone is taking this with some priority since it's impossible to edit calendar events now and they default to 12:00pm when created. Thanks.

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    Hi Krothos,

    Not a fix, but at least a work around till they fix it. It looks like when it saves it the first time. It saves as 12:00pm, but if you go in and edit the event with the correct time and save it a second time, the correct time. Here is a image of my test event.


    They are among us!


                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • Krothos
    Posts: 230

    Thanks for the input. Unfortunately, that doesn't work for me. When I try to edit and save an existing calendar event, the website returns "Internal Server Error (500)". I just tried it 5 minutes ago. Hopefully, I'll hear something from OP Support on my ticket status.


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