How come we get so few followers?


Still we spend a lot of time writing and posting... Please check out our chronicles at Caligula_1.

Appreciate any feedback. Is it because we dint write in the Wiki page? We chose to write in the log for chronological order.

Best regards,



  • weasel0
    Posts: 435

    A huge part of the issue is that after the sites re-vamp several years ago, the home page was no longer a highlight and search-able page of campaigns. In fact, it didn't even exist until a few months ago and still isn't search-able in a reliably usable way.

    Hopefully this is on the docket for some love and work after the rest of the site gets it's tweaks and upgrades finished. :)

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    Part of the issue is also that the algorithm used to show the first page of the all campaigns. It shows based off of most popular, even though many of those campaigns haven't been updated in over 3 years. The old system used to show the most recently updated campaigns which exposed far more campaigns.

    Personally, i think the default view for all campaigns should be most popular campaigns that have been updated within the last month. 

    They are among us!


                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • weasel0
    Posts: 435

    Another part being the departure of many of the more active games during the 3 year upheaval->silence.

    It is way better than it has been and given another year or so we should actually be in a pretty good place functionally to what we had pre-Reforging and I never had an issue with the new overall look(dear gawds how the mobile version of the site needed the re-tooling though! any other vets remember how bad that was?)

  • Caligula_1
    Posts: 7

    Thanks guys for the feedback. So it seems to be the silence of the site... Do you recommend to keep using this site, or move elsewhere? We do this to share our gaming experiences. After all, sharing is caring.

    Best regards,

    Caligula  :-)

  • Johnprime
    Posts: 252

    Personally I like using OP to keep track of my weird west campaign, Deadwood Deacon. I've been trying to keep up with my other current campaign, a fantasy one, but the weird west one is most important to me. I'd say keep using this site as it's the best out there I've seen, well accept maybe my own, but keeping the code updated on my own site is just one more thing I don't have to worry about when using OP!


    Deadwood Deacon Banner

    Where the west is really wild!

    The Valley of Life Banner

    The Valley of Life

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    Caligula, the adventure logs are great for providing summaries of your adventures (or in my groups case what generally occurs outside of the actual adventures).  The wiki is generally used for setting type stuff. For example, in your case you might add information about The Whispering Fez, the Orient Express train, information about some of the cities, maybe even a bestiary of the creatures you encounter, or even some information your players have learned (or think they learned) about the Cthulhu mythos. Think of the wiki as great for book keeping.

    Feel free to check out my wiki for some ideas as to what type of info I place there.


    Hey Weasel,

    I still think the change to the All Campaigns landing page played a big part. I remember back then I was interested in the web traffic going to my site and most of it came from that All Campaigns landing page. After the reforge and the main screen was changed to show by default the most popular sites instead of the most recently updated sites, any web traffic that didn't come from my players and myself died immediately. Traffic coming from the forums increased slightly on any week I posted on the forums (assuming I remembered to add a link to my campaign) if I remember correctly.

    I remember forcing my mobile device to tell the website it was a desktop. The obsidian portal dragon image used to play havoc on my mobile device.



    They are among us!


                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • Caligula_1
    Posts: 7

    Cgregory, thanks for the concrete advice how to balance the log with Wiki. 

    Jasonvey I will certainly "fan" your campaign, and the rest of you. Let us support each other those of us still active and try to make the site more interesting.  :-)

    Keep rockin' guys!  


  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047 edited August 2016

    I agree with Cgregory, that the campaigns page should be based on recent activity and not most followers (and this from the # 5 or so campaign listed). Not only does it make it difficult to find campaigns that are worth following and commenting on, it makes it look like OP isnt all that active, as many of those campaigns listed have not been updated in 2-4 years.

    Jason I ama lready of fan of your site, and will gladly follow anyone else's who is active and interesting, just as long as a link is provided :)

    Post edited by Keryth987 on

  • Johnprime
    Posts: 252

    I'll chime in as well, I also agree that sorting should be by default, recently active campaigns but also allow them to be custom sorted as the person sees fit, but the most active campaigns should show first!


    Deadwood Deacon Banner

    Where the west is really wild!

    The Valley of Life Banner

    The Valley of Life

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047

    BTW John, think you cna make your banners there link to your campaigns? I'm curious as all get about em both but Search seems to not be working

  • kirt_wackford
    Posts: 1 edited August 2016

    Looking just at D&D 1.0, there are 27 campaigns "ahead" of ours, but 21 of these haven't been updated for more than a year...

    If you are interested, please visit:


    Post edited by kirt_wackford on
  • Johnprime
    Posts: 252

    Don't know why I didn't make the banners links! :-)

    They link to the OP sites now!


    Deadwood Deacon Banner

    Where the west is really wild!

    The Valley of Life Banner

    The Valley of Life

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