Requests for new game systems



  • M00t
    Posts: 1
    Methinks that Star Wars Edge of the Empire should be changed from BETA status. The Core rules are released now July 2013.
  • neonbasschild
    Posts: 20
    Can you guys please add Nova Praxis

    or at least a generic FATE system work also.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    From Jerry- as a reminder…..
    DreadGazebo Jan 3rd 2013

    UPDATE: I can now add systems to the OP back end all by myself! No need to bug Micah! So…

    Will you please submit your requests for added systems via support ticket on the help site by hitting Start A Discussion, selecting “Suggestion” as your category, and in the subject line title it “Game System Addition” along with the name of the game(s) you are requesting. In the body include the title of the game and a link to its home page.

    With all that being said please don’t flood me with tickets for every RPG you’ve ever played and try and stick to ones that you’re currently playing in and are at least relevant enough to have an official website or wikipedia entry to commemorate its once greatness! Thanks everyone, fire away!

    Just trying to help out.

  • PurpleFruitNewt
    Posts: 1
    Keep your eyes open for Raiders of R'lyeh, which is on track to get published by the end of the month.
  • Papatti
    Posts: 1
    While the Classic Cortex (Cortex System) and Serenity are on the list, I'd like to see some of the newer Cortex games on the list (as all of these use a clearly different variant of the Cortex Plus rules), that or a "Cortex Plus" entry, as all of these games are Cortex Plus games, even if they use a different version of it.

    Leverage: The Roleplaying Game (!/~/product/category=2262009&id=9555048 )
    Smallville Roleplaying Game (it's been discontinued, so the best I can do is )
    Marvel Heroic Roleplaying (the same as with Smallville, so )

    And, an older game which uses the Classic Cortex (as does Serenity) is
    Supernatural Role Playing Game

    I'd also love a Cortex Hack entry, although I don't really know if it should exist. Anyway, the point is that there is an RPG book that explaines the basics of Cortex Plus and how to tweak it the way you like it, and it's
    Cortex Plus Hacker's Guide

    And I suppose any system created with this would be a "Cortex Hack" system. But I, of course, leave it to your consideration what to actually do with this, if anything.

    Thank you.
  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278 edited October 2013
    PLEASE add the Avatar d20 system. This is the system we use for our campaign set in the universe of the show, Avatar: the Last Airbender. Several other groups use it as well and I have the rules for it posted on our campaign page. Thanks!

    "Avatar: Conquest of the Imperial Order":
    "Duskreign’s Favorite CotM January 2012":
    "CotM November 2011":

    (after writing this saw killervp's post about the help discussion to add a game system and have done that as well)
    Post edited by WolfLord on
  • Coulra
    Posts: 7
    Please add SLA Industries.

    Easily the largest campaign I run.

  • Viehmagnat
    Posts: 24
    Darwin's World
  • Orasa
    Posts: 3
    I'm not sure where to put this, so I'm sorry if this is the wrong place ... because the game system exists, but there is no CSS template for character sheets that I can find. If this isn't the right place to request that, could you please tell me where to go and ask?

    At any rate, would it be possible for someone to code/add a template for the character sheets for the Dragon Age RPG?

  • Mach5RR
    Posts: 3
    Yeah, this isn't the spot for that.

    You're best bet would be

    That's a discussion thread and instructions for creating css templates character sheet use, but if you are wanting a Dragon Age css character sheet, you'll probably end up making it yourself.
  • dawnrazor
    Posts: 2

    I'd like to see the following systems added:

    Blood & Treasure

    OpenQuest 2

  • ninjazombie42
    Posts: 57
    Truth & Justice
    The Zantabulous Zorzerer of Zo
    Dead Inside
    Monkey, Ninja, Pirate, Robot: The Roleplaying Game
    Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies
  • wsocrates
    Posts: 18
    Can you add Nightlife. I am currently starting up a campaign. Thank you very much.
  • Basileus
    Posts: 585
    Just a reminder, this thread was started in 2007. New requests may get better/faster response by starting a discussion through the "Help": portal.

    Make sure to select "Suggestion" as the category and include "Game System Addition" in the subject. Include in the message the name/title of the system and a link to the ruleset or publisher's description.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    From Jerry- as a reminder…..
    DreadGazebo Jan 3rd 2013

    UPDATE: I can now add systems to the OP back end all by myself! No need to bug Micah! So…

    Will you please submit your requests for added systems via support ticket on the help site by hitting Start A Discussion, selecting “Suggestion” as your category, and in the subject line title it “Game System Addition” along with the name of the game(s) you are requesting. In the body include the title of the game and a link to its home page.

    With all that being said please don’t flood me with tickets for every RPG you’ve ever played and try and stick to ones that you’re currently playing in and are at least relevant enough to have an official website or wikipedia entry to commemorate its once greatness! Thanks everyone, fire away!

    Just trying to help out.

  • Riujin
    Posts: 1
    Could you add Talislanta to the system list? It's not defunct, it has a functioning website and there are people playing it out there (IRL and on, plus it's getting a new comic and RPG in 2016. --->

    I'm thinking of starting a game on here for it.

    Thank you.
  • Stryfe484
    Posts: 2

    I'm running a Gods of the Fall campaign. It uses the Cypher System Rule Set. This is the same rule set that Numenera and The Strange campaign settings use. It would be great if you could include this in your listed Rule Sets. You could even get rid of the Numenera Rule Set as it is actually a setting driven by the Cypher System Rule Set.

  • jasonvey
    Posts: 51

    I wouldn't mind seeing the SIEGE Engine added to the list of game systems. SIEGE is the system which powers Castles & Crusades--C&C is listed in the list of systems , but Troll Lord Games has two other game lines, now, which are also both powered by SIEGE. One is Amazing Adventures and one is Victorious. Amazing Adventures enjoys strong sales and stands to be expanded to a multi-genre system, so adding that, at least, would be useful.

    Also, I may be adding an AA campaign soon and would like to have it listed as such ;).

  • Popo_Panda
    Posts: 1

    A bit of necromancy here... but can we get Cypher System added to the list of Dynamic Character Sheets?

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