Can this be used to house our homebrew setting?



We roleplay in a custom setting that my husband and I created. We have a couple of decades of info that we want to turn into a manageable wiki. We have an entire world book floating around, with custom classes, races, continents, etc, we're just looking for a way to make it easier to manage and navigate for us and our players. Is this a tool that's robust enough for that? 

Thanks for your input!


  • ketherian
    Posts: 203

    Hi jessdependley.

    I think so. The wiki part of Obsidian portal is pretty simple. I'd recommend you create a free account and play around with the wiki to see if it meets your needs. 

    I ran a campaigns on OP and waited quite a while before becoming an "ascendant" member (paying yearly for my membership); more to support the site and get into CSS styling than for any other reason. I don't use 1/2 of what I've seen others do with this site, and often come back to OP after scoping out the competition because of the camaraderie here on the boards. No where else have I received help so quickly as from other members. 

    The only downside to using a wiki to store your data is that the navigational elements are all manually created and entered on every page. So, the sidebar on my main pages? It's hard-coded on every page that it appears. If I change it, I have to change every page containing it. So, I strongly suggest, when building your navigational elements, give it a fair amount of thought. I'm still rebuilding mine from time to time, but then I like that kind of tinkering.

  • jessdpendley
    Posts: 3

    Thanks, Katherian! I really appreciate the input. We're using the world setting for some comics that we're writing, so in addition to the gaming just having something semi-intuitive to store our World Bible in would be awesome. 

  • ketherian
    Posts: 203

    If you do decide to use space here on Obsidian Portal to host your world settings, please drop by the forums and provide a link so we can find you.

  • jessdpendley
    Posts: 3

    Definitely. smiley

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    In addition to what ketherian said about playing around with your own wiki, I'd also suggest looking around at various campaigns to see how they setup their wikis.  There are a number of different setups that have been used and many of them can be mixed and matched.

    Taking a look at some of the campaigns of the months and campaigns of the year would be a good start as to where to look to get inspiration.

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