Custom tags allowed?

edited August 2016 in Campaign Portal Building

I have a general question which I did not see an answer to. 

Q: Am I allowed to have custom tags in my custom CCS or am I only allowed to overwrite the styles on existing tags?

The reason I ask is

1) I have received an error at times saying "The following errors occurred: Custom css Invalid or disallowed characters in the CSS. We do not allow Javascript or other advanced CSS, just the basics." when I tried to add a custom style such as div.item-description-text {}

Am I doing something wrong or are there certain attribute / class names that can't be used?

Post edited by Harliquinn on


  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    1. If I remember correctly description is a key word that is not allowed, but i might be wrong on that.

    2. Try using

    <p class="text_story">this is a story text</p>


    p.text_story {

        font-style: italic;


    the wiki throws p tags around the text so they might be interfering.

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  • Bortas
    Posts: 645

    The disallowed is almost certainly the word 'description' in your CSS. Its actually triggered by the word 'script' - as in deSCRIPTion.



  • weasel0
    Posts: 435

    what Bortas said. I jumped in going, oh...i know this one!!

  • Harliquinn
    Posts: 16

    Oh wow I never would have thought of that. Thanks!

    Also thanks for the advice on using <p>. I'm so used to using <div> anymore instead of <p>

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