CkEditor Questions/Requests/etc


I have been using the new CkEditor for a new campaign I am starting and overall I am liking it, especially since I have been trying to use html and stay away from Textile for a while now. I wanted to thank the OP development and support teams for getting this feature out and making the switch to it as painless as possible. In the course of using it I have come up with some questions, requests and observations.


Toolbars: Are the toolbars going to be customized to only present the valid options? Unless things have changed we can't use iframes, and form elements within our pages and having all these extra elements makes the UI clutered and a little confusing.

Inserting a Link: When inserting a link there is no place to set the display text. I figured out that if you type your display text, highlight and then hit the link button it will use the text you highlighted, but changing the url to the link text after inserting removes the link. Am I missing something on the Link Popup or does this need to be an enhancement request?

Linking to OP Pages: I can't find anyway to insert a Character or Wiki Page like the buttons in the Textile Editor that brought up a list of characters or wiki pages. Is this a planned enhancement?

Character Editor: Is the CkEditor going to be available on the character pages? Even though my campaign is set to use the CkEditor the Character page is still using the Textile editor. 

Thoughts and Comments

Overall I really like the new CkEditor and in actual use I have not run into any issues with it. For a first round of implementation I think the OP team did a great job with this and have renewed hope that this is the kind of rollouts we will get in the future where things work. I am willing to accept things being pushed out working and than having features added to them overtime instead of waiting for everything to be done or rushed out changes that break things.

I am interested in hearing what others experiences with the new editor have been and what tips and tricks that my have come across.

Again thanks to the OP development and support teams for this long awaited enhancement as it has gone a long way to restoring my faith in continuing to use OP for my campaigns going forward.



  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    I remember them saying they had planned upgrades to the character and items pages later on. The calendar events section also uses textile rather than CkEditor still.

    No linking to OP pages is one of the major reason why i haven't switched over to the CkEditor. The main reason is my current campaign has too much textile  so any edits would need to be complete redos.

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  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830

    I didnt switch because the CkEditor doesn't seem to apply to the forums, which is where we need the formatting (character speech, pictures etc)

  • weasel0
    Posts: 435

    It's all doable with the new editor,  it does take getting used to however.

    My issue is that if you already have significant work done using Textile, the editor is not good at at all. So if you have a new campaign this editor is pretty great. (Wasn't there a problem with character/wiki links not having insert options though?)

  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830

    Thats a cool example @weasel0, but I actually meant the forums on the actual campaign site.  Can't seem to even see the interface no matter what editor I choose.

  • weasel0
    Posts: 435

    @SkidAce, ah. I see what you mean. Guess it hasn't been rolled all the way out yet. 

    As far as the forums go, you could still switch and when the ckeditor kicks in it'll just be easy to use. There's only an issue if you try to edit Textile with the new editor due to <p> tags it wraps everything in.

    @opsupport is there word when the editor will be all the way out?

  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93

    Excellent write-ups. Thank you all around. A few points on the CKEditor:

    1) The CKEditor has the capability to develop custom plugins for it. Moving forward we want to make the content authoring and editing experience as fluid and natural as possible. There maybe opportunities to customize the editor to better suite the needs of OP. Currently it is integrated with storage and file upload.

    2) The editor configuration needs to strike a balance between performance and capabilities. We continue to explore options to make it better. If there are opinions on this thread (like doing away with the form controls for example) or having a way to more quickly find and add existing pages and characters we would like to get that feedback. 

    3) The CKEditor is enabled by default for new campaigns. For existing campaigns you will need to toggle it manually and convert as necessary. This seems like the right approach, so users could transition on their own terms. 

    4) The intent is the editor preference will be respected in all places moving forward for a particular campaign.  I will have the team look into the forums.

    As always feedback is appreciated.


  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93

    BTW, below are some early stage screen shots from an internal test build which was released this week. It showcases some of the new work & thinking being done to revamp the admin panel and core content authoring capabilities of the site.







  • berdman
    Posts: 46

    @opsupport thanks for the updates.

    I like the direction the screen shots are showing and think that it will make the editing process cleaner for users. Having the GM Secret information on a separate screen for editing will make the page easier to use. In the main UI will there be an edit button around the GM Information to take you straight in to editing that section?

    Of the thing I highlighted in my initial post the confusion about how to insert a link and change the display text is the one I think is what I would consider a bug/issue. Until I figured out that I could put in my display text, highlight it and than click the link button, I was adding the link, switching to the source view editing the text and switching back.

    Again wanted to say great work on rolling this out and providing us with feedback. This feature was one of the main reasons I backed the Kickstarter so really happy to finally have it.

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047

    I'll probably play around with the new editor when I start working on a new campaign. There are just far too many pages in my existing campaigns, Shadows especially, to go through converting them all.

  • DarthGM
    Posts: 3

    Linking to OP Pages: I can't find anyway to insert a Character or Wiki Page like the buttons in the Textile Editor that brought up a list of characters or wiki pages. Is this a planned enhancement?

    I was hoping someone had asked this question already. I was also hoping someone had an answer and that I was simply overlooking it.

    Being able to click-and-drop in links to other ObPort pages is highly important to me and my use of this site.

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    As far as I know there are currently only two ways of linking to other obsidian portal pages when using the CkEditor.

    1. Using [[Page Slug]]

    2. Copying and pasting in a url link

    Personally, I'll be staying with the textile editor until enough of the features I use are added.

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                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93

    The request is for a pick-list of existing wiki pages for the current campaign, within the CKEditor - is that correct?

  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    The slug inserting would need to include all of the different kinds of slugs, character, items, etc...

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93

    So more of a slug inserter plugin for the CKEditor?

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    Basically recreating the features from the character link and wiki link buttons in the textile editor in the CkEditor



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  • weasel0
    Posts: 435

    A definite yes to this. The editor needs character, wiki, and item insert buttons as the textile editor does. Otherwise, it's not a very good replacement. 

  • VariSami
    Posts: 2

    While I have been awaiting the CkEditor after the initial catastrophic test launch earlier this year, I must admit I have some problems with the current version and they seem to be shared by others. Just to make sure: How would I go around creating new Wiki pages with the new editor? I may be missing something but it currently feels as though a Wiki for a new campaign would consist of a single page,

  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    You can use the "+ New" menu on the top bar, or you can enter a new page slug. Something like so:

    [[New page name here]]

    That will become a new page when clicked on after editing the current page.

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • Maesenko
    Posts: 325

    This CKEditor is definitely going to take more time getting used to than I it still needs a good deal of customizing (and IMO, streamlining, that is a chunky set of buttons!) to properly replace the old Textile editor.  Still, it is an improvement overall, I feel.


    CotM Selection Committee

  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93

    The team has begin looking into getting those buttons added. 

  • VariSami
    Posts: 2

    Oh, I see - previously I had just been using the double square brackets in order to create empty pages instead of the menu on top. Lovely - thank you. With this, I can wait for the other functions mentioned here.

  • WerewolfPaladin
    Posts: 1

    I was confused about why things changed when I started a new campaign this morning. Then I came here and read this and it's all clearer now, but I'm still switching back to the Textile editor. I just find it too hard and confusing to format things the way I want in CkEditor. Paragraph spacing is one thing I have huge problems with in CkEditor unless I go into Source mode and fix the HTML directly to yank out extraneous stuff that's made it's way into the formatting.

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    There also seems to be an issue with the embed You tube video portion of the CkEditor. It comes up as an iframe tag inside a p tag.

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                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • michaelkant
    Posts: 1

    The editor needs character, wiki, and item insert buttons as the textile editor does. Otherwise, it's not a very good replacement. 

    A hundred times, this. I can't believe this still has yet to be implemented. :(

  • JSalley
    Posts: 3

    The CkEditor on here is utter garbage. I go to create a table and instead of it creating a table it creates code. UNLESS I use the create table and go the "more" route. I go to create a link and NOTHING I do works unless it's an internal wiki link. I go to create a Youtube vid and you guessed, it we go sailing on a FAIL BOAT!

  • Calion
    Posts: 144

    CKeditor definitely still feels like a beta feature. As others have said, it won't be ready for prime time (and should not be enabled by default in new campaigns) until:

    • It is available everywhere, including Forum and Character pages 

    • There are buttons to insert Wiki links, adventure logs, and character links (basically all the Insert functionality currently available in Textile, including inserting images in our Vaults)

    • Unused functions are removed

    • There is documentation available from within the editor. 

    Also, although not necessary before "launch," there should be a "convert from Textile" button baked in.


  • Calion
    Posts: 144

    While I'm at it, is there a way to display literal code? I can't even get it to reliably show how to format Wiki links.

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001

    There is a reason people use the textile version....

    Just trying to help out.

  • weasel0
    Posts: 435

    There is a reason people use the textile version...


    Also be nice to get rid of the editor from the forums here too. 

  • Calion
    Posts: 144

    It's possible to paste images into CKEditor. However, those images don't seem to get uploaded anywhere, and they don't show up on the saved page. Has this feature not been implemented, or am I doing something wrong?

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