Images and custom image-based checkboxes

edited October 2016 in DST Development

Hi everyone,

I'm working on a DST for an unsupported game, and I realize I didn't take into consideration of how custom checkboxes will work for storing data. I see that there's a class for span that allows for savable checkboxes, but I've replaced my checkboxes themselves with images (i.e hexes) for style and immersion. Do I just assign the class to my input operator or will fancy jscript be needed (which I prefer to avoid) to save data?

Also, are images supported natively or will they need to point to an external source?

I'll follow up with an example if necessary later this evening (Pacific) as I'm posting this from my iPad on a bus to work.



Post edited by Ozasuke on


  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    Best person to answer some of these questions would be ChainsawXIV, as he's the one who approves incoming DSTs. You should shoot him a message.

    That said, I look forward to seeing more on this, sounds awesome.

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    BTW, which game system are you building for?

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  • Ozasuke
    Posts: 3 edited October 2016

    Thanks for the reference, Kallak!

    And it's for Fragged Empire. Pretty awesome post-post-apocalyptic sci-fi pseudo-survival setting. Http://

    I've virtually replicated the first page of the original character sheet PDF to the pixel using checkbox images to create interactive pips that can be clicked to toggle filled/unfilled hexes and squares. Having done all of that (as more of a break into HTML5/CSS3), I'm going to redo it all to not use images and replace hexes with either square or trapezoid pips.

    I'll share a code snippet when I get home tonight (Pacific).

    Post edited by Ozasuke on
  • Ozasuke
    Posts: 3

    Hmm, actually... I shared this on Discord with my group. I hope the direct link works! 

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    Looks great.

    They are among us!


                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    Looking Nice! Great reproduction you've got going there.

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530

    Looks cool Ozasuke. You still working on this?

    Unfortunately, you will need some js to do what you're doing, but fortunately there's some I've created already that you could easily adapt. You can find it here.

    Drop me a PM on the main site if you have any questions I can help with.

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