Documents (PDF/Word, etc.)


My cmapaign uses a lot of documents and props (letters, missives, dossiers, etc.) It would be really nice to allow for a file repository so these could be stored in my OP and added in the same way as image and wiki links are, instead of having to store them on Dropbox and add external links. I realize this would increase the need for file storage space, so make it a feature that's only available to Ascendant members. 


  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    You already can do this. I've added pdf's into my OP media library.


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  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830

    Could you link an example of such use?


  • cgregory
    Posts: 780 edited February 2017

    It just looks like a link.

    look for the KE_Recuits.pdf link


    We may even be able to insert it like a youtube video, but with it broken i can't test it.
    Post edited by cgregory on

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  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830

    Hmmm, even though its not embedded, that is still very handy,


  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    Once the youtube thing is fixed i'll try embedding it and see if that works

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  • jasonvey
    Posts: 51 edited February 2017
    Okay, I just figured out how to do that, but it's not nearly as easy or intuitive as adding, say, a photo. It's a multi-step process of going through your media library, uploading a file, getting the link, then going back to your wiki page and adding it as an external URL...which is no different than doing it through dropbox. It's not a feature. It's a bug.

    I don't even know if my players (who often update the episode logs) can access the media library without me making it publicly viewable by anyone which for obvious reasons I don't want to do.

    There should be an easy means to do it from right in the episode log or wiki edit pages, just like you do with pictures.
    Post edited by jasonvey on
  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    You do need to upload it from the media library, but you don't need to copy the link. After it is uploaded you can add it to your wiki/adventure log using the image embed button.  As you can see it is not added as an external link on my page.


    My guess is they still have a file filter on the image embed button to prevent uploading of non image files, so that is likely why the drag and drop feature doesn't work from that button.

    Your players can view the media library unless you added some CSS to hide it from them (generally removing the delete button from the media library for non GMs is a better option). Nobody outside of your campaign can view your media library. Just like nobody outside of your campaign can view your dashboard, forums or calendar.


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  • jasonvey
    Posts: 51

    The image embed button does not work on mine. It shows only images, not documents. 

  • jasonvey
    Posts: 51

    Okay, I got it to work, but it's still WILDLY non-intuitive.

    First, nobody is going to naturally think to click the "images" button to embed a document.

    Second, if I have several PDFs in my library, there's no way in the thumbnail library that comes up when you click "Image embed" to tell which is which. They're assigned a string of numbers and just have a generic "PDF" thumbnail. 

    I repeat: a new feature needs to be an easier method of adding and embedding documents into the wikis. 

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    It certainly could be improved, but you can tell which pdf is which by clicking on the pdf icon. The filename of the pdf comes up on the left, just like with images. And every file in the media library is listed alphabetically, so if you know the filename you can fairly quickly figure out where a doc is located if you know the filename.

    I'll admit non-intuitive systems are fairly intuitive to me, but that's because it is my job to create interfaces between systems so they can talk to each other, and many of those systems are extremely non intuitive. 

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  • jasonvey
    Posts: 51

    And, not to be rude, but you do have a tendency to pop up on here to tell people that the features they are asking for, aren't needed, because there's a non-intuitive way to do it, or a workaround, which isn't helpful and is counterproductive to a "what features would you like to see?" board.

    I'm seriously not trying to be rude or disrespectful; you're one of the most helpful folks on here, but it can be frustrating to come onto a "tell us what you want to see!" thread only to be told by another user that what you want to see doesn't need to be included.  

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    I don't consider it rude. I'll explain my view as best as possible.

    There is a difference between asking for a feature and asking for a feature to be implemented more intuitively. Your initial request was to ask for a pdf's to be unloaded to the media library. That feature already exists. Any developer or project manager would skip over that request. Your subsequent request to implement a way to add a pdf directly from the wiki page is a great request, and one i'd be happy to see. 

    My suggestion of workarounds isn't because i believe the feature request isn't valid, but rather for your information so you can be able the features as they currently exist more easily, because odds are fairly good you aren't going to get a change in any feature anytime soon. The last feature updated was over six months ago.

    Are my comments on workarounds are helpful or counterproductive on a feature request forum?  Speaking as a developer myself, a workaround would never stop me from working on a creating a feature to do something more easily. And in some cases the person requesting the feature is happy to learn of a workaround. For example, the previous feature request was for more character categories (you know it since you commented on it). I mentioned a workaround and the original requestor talked to me privately for more info and implemented it for her campaign (she did a great job on creating her own character index page btw). If new features actually got implemented regularly, then i might not mention workarounds, but most people asking for a feature want it for their current campaign and unfortunately that means workarounds.


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  • jasonvey
    Posts: 51

    That's fair--especially the part about features not being implemented regularly. I just feared that the developers might skip over feature requests if it's pointed out that there's a workaround for them. 

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    With embedded youtube links being fixed, you may also be interested in knowing that embedded pdfs are also fixed.

    You can see below:

    You can create them using the Media Embed button.


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