larger/standalone 'stream'


The stream that shows up on our dashbaord page shows the most recent 7 updates, but our DM often makes edits in blocks of 10-20 at a time on his "editing nights".

Can that bit of text have a link on the bottom that links to an "all stream" page, where you show the entire history of the campaign edits newest-oldest (and maybe with pagination, but that's a secondary request).

As it is now, if there's been a bunch of edits/updates all at once, I basically have to go through all of the characters, wiki entries, etc, just to find out what's been updated and/or added.

If this is too much work, maybe just a view that shows all of the Wiki/Character pages with a last edit/update date on them to let me see which ones were edited since our weekly play session, etc.


  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    When i do large amounts of updates, i click on email all players so they can see what exactly gets updated. Just get your dm to do that. Or go to your profile and check receive updates on wiki, forum and character updates.

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  • Maesenko
    Posts: 325

    While I agree with you, cgregory, that the DM could be making better use of the emailing function, not all players want that added clutter to their message box.

    I would like to second the request for an edit history page.  I've been in a similar place to byss66 before on this site, and it seems like the site can handle it, since it already shows the recent log and we have a complete changelog of every wiki page available.

    @byss66: If you don't mind the added email, you can go into your account profile and set it to receive email for all edits by default.  Of course, the DM can uncheck it per edit if s/he doesn't wish to share it with you, but at least you would be able to cover your side of it.


    CotM Selection Committee

  • byss66
    Posts: 7

    Yeah, I know about the emails. But the character encoding of the site doesn't match that of Gmail, so it's typically hard to read and far far easier to digest on the website.



  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    I never read the emails, I use the links that the email's contain to go to the webpage that got updated.

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                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • Bortas
    Posts: 645

    What ever happened to the campaign RSS feed? This would be a perfect use for that, but I can't remember exactly how that worked.


  • weasel0
    Posts: 435

    The feed has been dead since the Reforge and was indicated as something that was being looked into 2 months+ ago when Opsupport was active.

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    The rss feed is there, it just doesn't filter by campaign anymore. My guess is the rss feed filtered based on the old campaign name urls.

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                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • Samus
    Posts: 2

    I want to support that request too. I'm a mod in my campaign so it would be nice to know which pages got created to add them to the main page, which I should check for mistakes etc. 

    The mail possibility causes a bunch of mails which I have to delete afterwards. Especially now it's uncomfortable because my campaign on obsidian portal is just 3 weeks old and therefore many Character and Wiki pages are created and edited.

    The RSS feed sounds like a nice feature. A feed with just my campaign would be an alternative to a larger stream but I would guess that an implementation/update would cause more work than an extended stream.


  • abu_is_evil
    Posts: 168

    CGregory is correct, the RSS has been broken since the Reforge.

    Just trying to help out.

  • eor
    Posts: 1

    Yes please, an "all stream" page would suit my needs very well too! Just a link to click on below the 7 items in Stream that link to a page where all those updates are listed would be great.


  • alychelms
    Posts: 1

    I play in another game that has a standard mediawiki, and our 'recent changes' page is one of the most-used pages by all the players. Very helpful for checking updates at our convenience. I would love it if I could get something similar here. The Stream panel doesn't provide nearly enough history for it to be useful for me or my players.

  • abu_is_evil
    Posts: 168

    We made a wiki page for recent updates that I, the GM, maintain.  That way it never mattered if the feed worked (it hasn't since the Reforge, years ago).

    Just trying to help out.

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    Longer feed would be nice. My workaround is turning on emails notifications for everything and having a separate inbox folder for obsidian portal. 

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                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • Shmngg
    Posts: 7

    I would also like that feature, half of my players do not want to receive emails and some do not visit OP as often as they could (or should!) so they lose on the info...

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