Looking for a player - Fogdown

edited April 2009 in General Discussion


  • redstar
    Posts: 119
    I thought I would send out a general invite for folks looking for a game. We play online, via skype and maptools. We make heavy use of the wiki here on OP. We game every other Sunday around 3PM to 12PMish EST. Players are expected to attend every game.

    The setting is a Ravenloft meets Steampunk setting using the Pathfinder RPG rules, where the payers are all shady, criminals in a oppressive undercity - thieves, con men, assassins, spies and drug-dealers. Themes are adult and quite serious (at times).

    Potential players should enjoy bouts of serious roleplaying spattered with combat. The player should also be willing to play a cleric with the ability to use channel positive energy.

    Please take a look at the wiki: www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/fogdown

    Contact me by way of the OP private message.

  • DarthKrzysztof
    Posts: 132
    That sounds pretty awesome, and I do all my gaming online - but I usually work on Sundays, lately at least. I always play the cleric, too. :P

    Maybe if my situation improves...!
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