Please Help Convince OP That KillerVP is Not Crazy


So, I recently had reason to be very upset- now I have calmed down.  Please help convince current OP support that I had spent many years trying to improve OP, and that many of the issues have NEVER been fixed since the Reforge.  The impetus is this comment from them on the Kickstarter page.

Obsidian Portal Creator on March 17


Please post the tickets IDs that you are referring to. We have never closed any issues received from our users. It looks like you are looking to discredit out website by posting these messages here without providing any specific information about what you are referring to."

Obviously, since they closed the help forum with no announcement I cannot give them the 30 tickets I still had open.  Please speak up and let them know I am not lying.


KillerVP, who had to create a new account because they banned me for telling the truth.

Just trying to help out.



  • abu_is_evil
    Posts: 168

    Interesting, after a little digging I found the old list- sorry, only 24, not 30, open tickets.

    Just trying to help out.

  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830

    KillerVP has always been a helpful and knowledgeable member of the community.

    During the aftermath of the Kickstarter campaign, and the transition to new owners, and then transition another new team, KillerVP tried to maintain continuity of multiple issues that were either not addressed, lost in the transition, or ignored.

    This is NOT to blame the newest team, as it is my sincere opinion that a LOT of continuity has been lost by lack of communication between teams as power changed hands.

    Did things get heated at one point, why yes they did.  I blame text communication and misunderstandings of nuance.

    Going forward, I hope there is better communication and trust in the motives of all involved that they want the best for the site.

    I know I do.


  • Tau_Cetacean
    Posts: 285

    I endorse what SkidAce says about KillerVP... KillerVP is not crazy, what OP was doing (at least at the time) was, my write-up from the time is here

  • alex_redeye
    Posts: 85

    I will attest that in my own time working on this website/project and my time as a member of the community here, KillerVP has always been a pillar of this community and has always acted with the best interest of both this site and the community in mind.  His complaints and frustrations are absolutely valid, and in my opinion it would be in the best interest of the team working on Obsidian Portal to lift the ban issued and work with KillerVP to get things around here squared up and resolved.  I advocated this while I was still working on the website/project, and I will continue to advocate this now.


    Campaigns: Dragon Age: Requiem

  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017 edited March 2017

    KilllerVP is not mad and has always been an outstandingly enthusiastic member of this community.  Astute, helpful and encouraging of new members.  At "the time of troubles" in his commentary, I did find his method of complaint to be a bit antagonistic and told him so.  I thought the result may be a bit counterproductive, as it indeed turned out to be.  

    Following on from KillerVP's request to be re-admitted as part of the community, I would wholeheartedly support this.  I have always thought that the ban was an over enthusiastic display of ego, and yet admit I could not have witnessed all discussions.  However, whatever private words may have occurred, the community has always been extremely well served by KillerVP's devotion, enthusiasm and determination to reach out to all members.  

    A God ... Rebuilt was one of the best (and most popular among peers) sites on Obsidian Portal and yet I believe it pales into a secondary factor in consideration of his return.  The fact is, that he will tirelessly help and encourage other members, thus enhancing the generosity of the forums and indeed the quality of the site as a whole.

    Devs:  "Please support his appeal!"


    Post edited by twiggyleaf on

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • abu_is_evil
    Posts: 168

    Thanks folks for your kind words and support.

    The tech "team" is insisting on Kickstarter that I can make a ticket under killervp- but does not seem to understand that is impossible when I am banned.

    They seem to be monitoring the Kickstarter more than they are here- try bringing your concerns there, maybe you will get a response.

    Just trying to help out.

  • alex_redeye
    Posts: 85

    Anyone that would like can copy my words from here to the KS.  As I wasn't one of the people who funded the KS I have no ability to make comments on there.  I would hope my spot as a former member of the team would carry at least some weight, but I can't be certain that will be the case.


    Campaigns: Dragon Age: Requiem

  • abu_is_evil
    Posts: 168

    My suggestion was to put anything that is broken currently on the KS, as they are answering me there in the last update....

    Just trying to help out.

  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93

    Guys, thank you for your feedback on this.

    I now understand from your feedback that KillerVP is not crazy - although if you look at his comments on KS you can certainly understand why I would think so.

    Please understand that I have joined the Kaleidoscope team in autumn 2016 and I don't know what happened before.

    One question I have about this is: why has he been banned?

    I have never banned anyone since I joined the team and I don't think any of my colleagues have done that either.

    Also I had no idea that you can be banned from our support system and I will research the settings. KillerVP has not provided any details about what this ban means. He can easily create a new ticket from a different e-mail address, by e-mailing the support e-mail address, and provide some screenshots of how this supposed ban is looking on his end, so I can understand and find it.

    I would be more than happy to remove this ban, once I understand why it was placed in the first time and how exactly it was placed.

    I am replying faster to KS comments just because I receive an e-mail whenever someone posts a comment. This doesn't happen when someone posts an update to a forum thread, which means I only read the forum threads once in a while to check if there are any outstanding issues. I know that I'm supposed to do that more often, but I have to deal primarily with the issues that are reported via our support ticket system.

    From what I can read above I also understand that abu_is_evil = KillerVP. Is that correct?

    I really need an outline of the whole story here, because I have no idea what happened before I joined the team. You are perhaps frustrated by my answers, but these were posted simply because you haven't explained the entire history from beginning and I just don't know it.

    I hope this helps clarifying things. I am here to work with you and make sure that nobody is upset about our support for the community.

    Regarding the reported site issues, I am trying hard to convince the management to address them and I'm sure we will see improvements - even if they are slower than we would like.

    OPSupport (Alan)

  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93

    One more thing: about this URL:

    Our support system is here:

    As this page says, the old support area is deprecated and is not monitored by anyone.

    Any tickets or messages that you post there will not be received. If that is the support area that you mentioned you have been banned in, you shouldn't be using that anyway.

  • ketherian
    Posts: 203

    Hi Alan.

    While I was here while the previous OP folk burned the forest we play in, I don't know if I can summarize it properly. A lot happened very fast and honestly, I stayed out of it as much as I could.

    OP support has never been robust. Individual problems were dealt with, but the original team got quickly overwhelmed with the size of the project. Over time, as members came and went, OP support shifted and a lot of user-help came from members on the forums. One of the (many!) backbones of that help was KillerVP. He spoke out pretty regularly when he saw something fail or not be delivered on time. The kickstarter was supposed to be a redesign of the site and a huge set of changes with a lot of new features.

    Well, it was two of the three things: a redesign and a huge set of changes - both of which resulted in an incredible number of problems which were slowly fixed. Still, KillerVP led the charge for the features promised and held OP to what they said would come or they would do for the site. His stance didn't always make him popular, but his voice was much needed as often he kept a weather eye on the problems of the site as they came about.

    He really wanted this place to succeed. If you posted a problem, he was one of the first to reach out and try to help or redirect you to someone who could help. He'd sympathize with those whose issues would not be fixed for a long time or reoccur. But while polite and respectful, he called bills due. He didn't shirk that duty like I did.

    Then things began to slow down. For reasons not publicly reported, the founders of OP seemed to be stepping more and more away from their roles. No one blamed them for it, but the descent on the boards grew to the point I feared the community would break. Problems piled up, and while the site never suffered much down-time, it's polish and luster was gone and the disrepair began to show in the community as more and more people grumbled about not knowing what was going on behind the scenes. 

    Then came Kalidascope. New people, new hope. And a new support person stepped up to the podium. The silence was broken at last. While most members never saw what happened behind the curtain, things began to get fixed and responses were prevalent again. There was an uptick in hope and people began talking in positive tones. Still, KillerVP was there to poke holes in the weave of gossamer the support representatives tried to weave.

    Then sometime in May of last year, posts began disappearing from the forums. I read the forums via an RSS feed, so I noticed that most of the posts being deleted were from one or two members, mostly complaining about the silence from OP support, and how more things were breaking and tickets (on the old support site) were being closed without being fixed. It felt like I was watching a small group of vocal members arguing with a bully. They would post something reasonable (about their problem tickets, or the wait for reply being unrealistically long) and it would be deleted. They'd repost, delete again. Rinse, lather, repeat. Each post getting angrier. Eventually folk got banned. 

    The reason for their banning was never made public -- it was as if they just ceased to exist. But like many things on OP, that wasn't the end of it. The banned folk (and it was more than just KillerVP, Tau_Cetacean and NikMak) at least partial access for a time (to migrate their content) and still their accounts lingered and they found they could do some things, like post to the forums after being told not to. That's when the OP Community Forum Rules went up. And frankly, those things chill me. I found myself second-guessing every post. I have rather severe issues with those rules (and how easy they are to abuse). 

    Since then it's been long stretches of radio-silence from OP Support and the odd report of tickets taking  a long time to be closed. This is not a good metric of what's been fixed or broken, but rather my general opinion of what people here have been writing about.

    When you first posted Alan, I was really happy to see someone (anyone!) post officially. It had been too long. Several community members have tried to keep things together and going (the member's community and alex_redeye deserve special mention here). There's a ton of history buried in these forums (including log lists of bugs and features left unfixed/undelivered since the kickstarter). And unfortunately trust is in short supply because of the actions of those who came before you.

    TL;DR? Well then, KillerVP is a needed member of this community because he's the only one who's willing to kick the tires of the site and complain if they're not inflated properly while keeping everyone else from the car from jumping all over the mechanic. ;) Oversimplification maybe, but he knows of what he speaks. I'd listen to him. And, no, he's not evil.

  • Bortas
    Posts: 645

    He's the right kind of evil - paladin-esque, if you asked me.

    I couldn't have said it better than Ketherian.


  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    Although I was not personally witness to the specific chaotic day that ketherian describes, where posts were deleted, recreated and such, I can say with the utmost confidence that it did transpire, based on conversations with people that witnessed it or participated. Not only from the side of the site's users, but also from my interactions with John Hudak - who was overtop of the support staff at that time and who was in control of the OPSupport account.

    I share this knowledge not only for the sake of completeness, but to also highlight where things went wrong, and how to keep them from going wrong again. For the record, I support KillerVP, and I hope that he and others who were banned can once again return to this site and this community, and help it to flourish and grow. They are people who were here through all of the worst of times, and wanted nothing more than to see the site become what it could be, and what was promised in the ReForge. I also state for the record that while I think what John did was a bit excessive, he was not wrong to take action.


    In my capacity as a writer for, and editor of the OP blog, I had first contact with John Hudak alongside KillerVP and the other members of the OP Inner Council. The Council was still relatively new, and the meeting was aimed at getting the back-end staff in sync with the userbase. The group meeting via Skype was a bit unwieldy with such a large crowd, so I later sought a meeting with John individually in the hopes of cutting through the proverbial red tape and getting real answers about the state of the site and the status (if any) on various things that were still uncertain (such as the stretch goals for the ReForge). It was during this line of inquiry that the day ketherian described took place.

    In discussions I had with John that later became my Site and Tech Updates post, I became privy to a lot of what went on that day and in the days that followed from John's perspective. He would tell me about his back and forth Emails with people like NikMak or others that had been (or wound up being) banned. He would share his screen with me via Skype as he checked his inbox or would read me things that were said. He would tell me about meetings with people on the back end of things. While it went outside the scope of the article piece I was working on, I think John needed someone who didn't automatically see him as the bad guy, and who was willing to hear him out.


    I was also privy to things from the user side. I was (and still am) friends with people who were banned, people who wanted to talk about what happened, and people who wished to get insight into what happened because they knew I was having discussions with John. Some of the people who were banned were part of my blog writer's association. I monitored what was being said on the Obsidian Retreat Google group, sent private messages and Emails back and forth with people involved and did my best to hear every viewpoint.

    It was my hope (and remains so) that the banned people could come back home to OP, where I feel they are an invaluable part of the community.


    Based on these discussions with both sides, I offer up the following:

    Those users who participated in the chaotic day did so out of frustration built up over years of being let down, and out of desire to see a fire lit under the asses of the only people who could fix the site and live up to the promises that had been made. The ReForge was supposed to be the great solution to so many problems, and while it did good things in some areas, it left some things still broken, and broke others. Literally years passed. Things were still broken, things promised were still not delivered, a literal revolving door of back end staff and community personalities was in full swing and showed no signs of stopping.

    While it felt as though the people on the back end had given up and were content to let the site die a slow death, the users certainly hadn't. People like KillerVP continued to push for action. Silence wasn't getting the job done and they were tired of paying their good money for a service that was damaged, and in some ways very broken. They were determined to see the cause through, unrelenting in what was steadily becoming a crusade to fix the site. And of course they were angry, who wouldn't be. Support had all but dried up at that time, so the forums became the primary mode of communication with the site staff, and the primary battlefield it would turn out.

    On the staff side of things, John Hudak had to take action. Simply put, things had ceased being constructive, and he needed the revolt to settle down. To compare it in a real world context, the "peaceful protest" of the users was becoming more of a "destructive demonstration" and stood the danger of ruining the work he was doing (that sadly the users were unaware of at that time). John has been in the website administration field for quite a while. He oversees literally hundreds of websites. How could he press the powers that be for more money, additional developers, upgraded hardware and more when one look at the forums was all it took to find a band of users spewing anger and spamming the boards in a manner not dissimilar to attacks by forum trolls?

    Something needed to be done, the message needed to get out that people have to stay constructive and that attack-style methodology was unacceptable.


    In the end there is blame to be had on both sides. Do I think KillerVP and the others should have been banned? No. Do I think they should have taken things to the level that they did? No. I mean, I myself was also working to get answers and see things resolved. It wasn't flashy or public, but it was working, and to some extent still is. I didn't need to spam the boards with angry posts, send nasty Emails or make impossible demands, and frankly neither didn't they. They didn't need to be banned either though...

    Interestingly, I think it's worth pointing out that even after all of the Emails and bans and hostility, John told me he didn't have anything personally against KillerVP and the others. He felt they were right to keep at it, they just went off the rails. On the other side, people told me that they understood John was trying to do his job. He just went well, off the rails.

    I'll leave it at that since this is now getting into the level of novel word count. I hate that all of the ugliness is getting dredged up again, but hopefully it's all part of the healing process.

    (PS. Alan, you still need to work with me on technical update stuff for the blog!)

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • ketherian
    Posts: 203

    Thank you for your kind words, Bortas.

    Kallak, the history of the site is important only in that explains how we got here and why OP Support (the position, not the person) doesn't get the immediate trust and respect it should. It's a story of many sides, and your post told me a lot of things I never knew. I have no personal affront against John or any of the previous staff at OP. Thank you for trying to keep us all in-the-loop. Herding cats is never easy. ;)

    Hopefully, between your post and mine, we've answered Alan's request for an outline of the whole story.

  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93

    Thank you for taking the time to post the history, it certainly helps me start to understand the community here.

    It seems to be a general opinion of the community that KillerVP should not be banned. As long as I understand how the ban can be removed, I am more than happy to do that. Or if that is no longer needed as he shifted to a new username anyway, that's also fine.

    I propose that you guys communicate to me any outstanding issues via tickets and I will extend the list of things that we need to fix or improve. I already have a list that I forwarded to the management and they are interested to solve them - I just can't tell you when this will happen.

    I don't mind honest and straightforward communication - but in the same time I will also not take tolerate messages such as the one KillerVP has posted on KS (The clock is ticking loudly....Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick). By posting messages as these I can certainly understand why things might have gone off the rails with John.

    To summarize, please communicate any outstanding issues via tickets and I will make sure I include them to the list of things we need to fix/improve to the site.

    Kallak - I think I already replied to your ticket about the blog - the issue should have been fixed, please check the ticket and let me know if you are still experiencing the problem - from what I could see it is working OK at this time.

    Best wishes,


  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    @Alan/OPSupport, sorry, I should have been more clear on that. The post issue with the styling for the blog is fixed. I meant I wanted to set up a meeting (or meetings if needed) and get started on another site and technical updates post for the blog. Originally John and I were looking at doing them quarterly, but since things went sideways, it never happened. Meanwhile nearly a year has passed since that post.

    That's a pretty long time for stuff to remain in the dark. There are plenty of questions floating around, and getting a line on details from the back end setup again would be awesome. Things really started to improve, and the confidence of users went up, when there was periodic news on the blog about what had been going on, and what was coming up. Had those sort of things been going on before the big forum blowup, that day wouldn't have ever happened.

    So, please please, let's get something figured out on that front.

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047

    All I can say is tha tmy site would not be what it was without the help and support of several people on this site, KillerVP chief among them. When he was banned, I almost left op myself as it soured me on the site more than anything else that had happened.

  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017

    Thanks for all contributions on this thread. 

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • UselessTriviaMan
    Posts: 546 edited April 2017

    Post edited by UselessTriviaMan on

    Ptolus, City by the Spire - 2016 Campaign of the Year

    "Please pay attention very carefully, because this is the truest thing a stranger will ever say to you: In the face of such hopelessness as our eventual, unavoidable death, there is little sense in not at least TRYING to accomplish all your wildest dreams in life."  - - Kevin Smith

  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93

    @Kallak, please open a new ticket with full details as I'm not sure what issue you are referring to. We have solved the issue with the styling that was not appearing properly, which was most likely connected to an SSL issue or similar.

  • abu_is_evil
    Posts: 168

    First I would like to thank Alan- you are at least trying to improve things, and I will stop my sniping at Kaleidoscope because you actually seem to care- and we all appreciate that.

    To the community in general- Hi- if you don't know me, I am KillerVP, GM of A God...Rebuilt, the 4th most popular campaign here on OP.  For those that know me, as long as they can reinstate me by the end of the month (28 days, 4 weeks- reasonable) I will be back.

    To those that actually said something on this subject, thank you friends!  I have not always, in fact, rarely, been professional here.  That I know has caused issues.  This is a site I actually considered buying myself, when I found that it was for sale- I have always had more than a bit emotionally involved.  Now that I have moved my site elsewhere, where it is stable, working, and not subject to the issues that have happened here I understand that I was too invested- and I apologize to Kaleidoscope staff, especially those that have cared, like Alex, Aaron, and Andrew in the past, and Alan currently.  I care about the people here, many I actually have met and consider friends.  Speaking of, thanks Kallak, SkidAce, Twiggy, and Ketherian, for actually saying I was also wrong- I was.

    So, to also give some idea of the fact that I was not the only one that was out of line (and I have admitted publicly more than once that I was- and for that I am sorry) the following is an exchange that will show that sarcasm and biting attitudes also came from previous OP support.



    edited May 2016 in General Discussion

    And how does one escalation an issue Obsidian Portal to a supervisor or manager?

    Is this where Obsidian Portal customer service has escalated to? Nothing in the deleted posts did I see where they broke the new OP Community Forum Rules. All I'm now seeing is OPSupport deleting posts that have legitimate questions, which doesn't bode well for the reflection of customer service I would think they want to show now under their new management. Even other gaming sites (i.e. Blizzard/Activision) allows their customers to voice their displeasure as long as it's done constructively. And even when it's needed to moderate a discussion, there is a moderator post in that infracted discussion indicating what was done (i.e. "Removed insulting remarks against OP user. Please keep discussion constructive."); not deleted outright.

    Looking forward to a meaningful and helpful response. Thank you.


    • NikMak


      Posts: 43


    • OPSupport


      Posts: 89

      This comes all the way from the top. Everyone here is fully aligned and on the same page. If you are not happy with the new community forum rules, and think you are a tenured sacred cow relative to the tens of thousands of other users on this site, then OP may not be the place for that individual moving forward. There is no escalation process. If you want to put pen to paper and find a gentler ear in regards to gaming forum moderation policies, I would suggest escalating to one of the new presidential hopefuls, I hear they are going to solve everyone's problems.

      The forum rules have been clearly posted. As several folks learned recently there is also no circumventing moderation. If any posts are not directly gaming related, if users are knowingly playing games and inciting drama/problems, they and/or their owners will be restricted and/or removed from this site. No pithy remarks. No other threads about it. That's it. For the vast majority of users which may well have fully legitimate technical or account inquiries, feature requests, relevant feedback- sure, please send mail to the [email protected] alias and we will be more than happy to work to get your issue serviced as quickly as possible. A new automated support system has been put in place. The team is fully committed to making OP better.

    Note: I found it interesting that a statement of no pithy remarks included more than its own share.


    That all being said, I would love to not have to log into a completely different account (one that belonged to a former player in Rebuilt) and go back to positively trying to make OP better.  I was never given a warning- I was just banned outright.  I will continue to ask that OP fulfill the original Kickstarter, which still has not been finished, almost 4 years later, but I will also go back to trying to assist the community.  Please remove my ban. KillerVP

    Just trying to help out.

  • weasel0
    Posts: 435

    Wish I weren't do busy or I'd have hopped on this I support of KillerVP's reinstatement too.

    I say this as one of the persons who's accounts got banned for accusations of incompetence. 

    Too be fair, it was fairly accurate as they banned me but I still had full access as they'd somehow duplicated the user log-in list and I could access it via my phone, just not my computer.

    I'm not particular about the length of time it takes to make progress, just don't lie to the community about it and that's pretty much what was happening.

  • Abersade
    Posts: 432

    I had thought I commented here earlier but it must not have gone through for whatever reason (probably a PEBKAC error).


    I'm glad to see that KillerVP has been reinstated.

    GM of Rise of the Durnskald: Wrath of the Fallen Goddess - February 2016 CotM

    GM of Core: The Ashes of Alcarna - April 2020 CotM

    GM of Stream of Kairos

    Need CSS Help? It may be covered here: Abersade's CSS Hub

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001

    Thanks everyone for the support, and thanks OP Support for the reinstatement.

    Unfortunately,was going to use OP this weekend-and we know how that went.

    Just trying to help out.

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    Killervp is definitely crazy. He has killer in his name! Need I say more. ;)

    Welcome back.

    They are among us!


                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001


    Just trying to help out.

  • Leonidas300
    Posts: 275 edited May 2017

    I am late to this. But I'll say my peace anyway...

    It was a travesty what was done to Killervp, he was literally the main reason the portal survived the transition from mikka to Kalidascope.

    Things got heated because there were no answers, posts were deleted (including the one i made asking why killer got banned when it happened).

    I was never permanently banned (received a few 1 to 3 day ones though) but must say even though i started to pay for the portal again last year sometime. Every time I go to work on the portal; I end up not really doing much I just don't have the enthusiasm for it i once did.

    Killer - glad to see that the ban was lifted, hopefully they do so for all who were banned for the crime of wanting answers. ..

    anyway to my fellow old-time portal brethren it was good to see a number of familiar names and i hope things have gotten better, i have not really used it enough to know if it has.


    Post edited by Leonidas300 on
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830

    I wouldn't say things are any better, but they are not getting worse...

  • Basileus
    Posts: 585

    Killervp is back! Aiieee!!!!!! -flees-


    Just kidding. Really glad to see you around KVP. smiley +1 to all the points above about your contributions to this community over the years.

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001

    Thanks all! 

    Great to see you on Leonidas- been a long time.

    Just trying to help out.

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