Personal DSTs?

edited April 2017 in DST Development

I'm already mostly certain that the answer to this is "no", but that would be so frustrating that I just have to ask:

Is the only way to use a custom character sheet layout of my own design to make it and submit it for public consumption? No disrespect to the people who have worked damn hard on creating the available ones, but the layouts just aren't to my taste (and the changes I'd opt to make would require alterations to the HTML; overwriting just the CSS wouldn't cut it).

What I'd like to do is create a DST just for my own campaign; one that panders to my foibles and caters to my house rules. Is this possible? Could it be? (And if not, may I ask why?)

Post edited by Denton on


  • Johnprime
    Posts: 252

    The information about creating DSTs is located at the following URL,

    Read the instructions, download the DEV Kit and have fun. When you are ready, submit your DST for review. This might take a while as I last I knew ChainsawXIV was the only person who was 'handling' DST requests.

    To submit a new DST, you go to the following URL,


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  • Denton
    Posts: 3

    Thanks, but I'm familiar with the current documentation; that wasn't really the question, nor does it directly answer my question.

    If I want to use my own DST for my own campaign—a DST that nobody else would even want to use—is the only way to do this to waste ChainsawXIV's time?

    Creating general-purpose sheets that are intended for the public at large—which is what the documentation is geared toward—is a noble goal, but it's really not what I'm trying to accomplish here.

  • Johnprime
    Posts: 252 edited April 2017

    I get what you're asking, but the only way I know of making a custom character sheet that uses HTML, that is editable from the site, is to use a DST. I imagine you could create a fillable PDF, then import that PDF into each character record and then the player could fill out the PDF. But I'm not sure it would be unique to each character.

    Or you could maybe create a sheet on a site that you maintain away from OP, then using an iFrame, include that on the OP site. But I'm not sure how you'd be able to make it specific to each character.

    Post edited by Johnprime on


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  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    @Denton, regrettably (at least for your purposes), OP's DST setup is geared for the general-purpose area that you're trying to avoid. The current options for workarounds are less than optimal, but given the existing setup, I think you're sort of stuck.

    Most of the alternative methods I've seen are either copy/paste html code blocks that people can "fill out" or screen captures of character sheets from elsewhere.

    The only other thing I could think of (which I don't think would actually work) would be to experiment and see if custom CSS entries with important! tags (I know, bad form, but this is the "wildly experimental, probably doomed to failure option") could alter an existing DST to look more like what you'd want - but I wouldn't place a ton of hope in this working. I'm not aware of anyone who has tried this off the top of my head though, so who knows.

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    If the embedding wasn't breaking all the time I would suggest using embedded pdf for you character sheets

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  • Denton
    Posts: 3

    Leveraging the iFrame is an interesting notion; I hadn't thought of that. I'll look into it. Thanks for the suggestions, all!

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