Rate my Hobbyist tabletop system




Looking for feedback before i try running a session  it needs a lot more work but im not sure what exactly to do with it

I would also want an easy to use currency system so people don't just all take SMOAB's


  • B1tF0x
    Posts: 27

    Appreciate the 0 feedback guys @.@

  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    I'm not sure what all you were expecting on this. There's not a lot there to critique honestly. It's pretty bare bones, and missing components it seems like.

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • alex_redeye
    Posts: 85

    I'm in the same boat as Kallak, there really isn't enough content to go off of.  I'm sure the information is more meaningful to you as you have ideas in your head about how it all works.  Based on the document all I can really say is it looks like you have some ideas, and you should really keep working at them and building it out.  Granted, it looks like that is exactly what you are doing as the first time I opened the link I think it was only one page and has since expanded out to 5 (though I might be mistaken on that).

    Keep at it and you might just have a game system on your hands down the line.


    Campaigns: Dragon Age: Requiem

  • Basileus
    Posts: 585

    Yeah, right now it seems like an index or summary of the specific rules. I think you need some introduction and description of the system from a basic outline and then go into the detailed stuff.

  • B1tF0x
    Posts: 27

    Thanks for the feedback.  yeah i slowed down on the rule changes because i'm holding a test game to try to flush out what i actually need to put down before adding more new stuff.

  • alex_redeye
    Posts: 85

    Let us know how it goes, I'll be tracking along with this to see how things go for you if you care to keep posting about it.  Being involved in indie game development myself I love to see people taking a stab at creating something.


    Campaigns: Dragon Age: Requiem

  • B1tF0x
    Posts: 27

    Test game fell through. lost my drive to continue since all my test players mysteriously vanished. 

  • alex_redeye
    Posts: 85

    Sorry to hear that.


    Campaigns: Dragon Age: Requiem

  • Johnprime
    Posts: 252

    Developing a game system is a very difficult endeavor and only through persistence will you be able to achieve your goal. I'm sorry to hear that your test players didn't continue to help your development of your game. Don't loose hope, continue to press on, but if you've lost your drive, give it a little time and perhaps you'll get inspired once again.


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  • alex_redeye
    Posts: 85

    You are very correct, @Johnprime - it is quite the investment of time and effort to truly do a game system.  Years really.  And it will rarely all come together cohesively in one go.  Lots of forming ideas, trying ideas (even if only in a simulation sense), revising ideas, and on and on.  Very rewarding to see things come to fruition, though, and so well worth it in my humble opinion.


    Campaigns: Dragon Age: Requiem

  • B1tF0x
    Posts: 27

    I am literally the worst person to do a project with

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