Default to Front Page


When I type in the subdomain URL for my campaign on a PC browser, it takes me to my campaign's Front Page. When I type in the subdomain URL for my campaign on a smartphone, however, it takes me to my campaign's Dashboard. Can you please build in an option to set the default page (to Front Page, Dashboard or something else) on all devices?


  • Johnprime
    Posts: 252 edited January 2018

    Not sure why that is happening for you, if I have logged into my campaign, then leave the page and come back to it later on both the PC and smartphone, I get the front page, not the dashboard.

    Now, if I'm not logged in and I go to the subdomain URL for my campaign, once I login, then I'm on the dashboard.

    Post edited by Johnprime on


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  • JaymesBolton
    Posts: 278

    It depends if you are logged in or not. If your are logged in it defaults to your dashboard but if you are not it goes to the front page. 

  • Catbus
    Posts: 12

    Well, I have a private campaign, so I can't visit it at all unless I'm logged in.

    This is ridiculous. I don't see why one platform should default to a different campaign page than another.

  • JaymesBolton
    Posts: 278

    When you use the smartphone are you requesting the desktop version or the mobile version? Anytime you start involving mobile versions of sites things can get interesting. 

    Also I can not seem to replicate this problem. If I type the address for my main page into either browser type I get the front page. If I click on it using obsidian portal navigation I get my dashboard since I am logged in and this is supposed to be your landing page when you are looking at your campaign so you can manage it. 



  • Catbus
    Posts: 12

    If I type into my PC web browser, I get the dashboard. But if I type, which is the subdomain for my campaign, I get the front page, which is what I want.

    When I use the OP phone app, though, I'm not given a choice. It just takes me directly to the dashboard.

  • JaymesBolton
    Posts: 278

    The dashboard is SUPPOSED to be your landing page when you are signed in. So when you typed the address of your homepage it takes you to your homepage since that is the url for the homepage but when you are using your phone app (side note what browser are you using on your phone?) you are signed in so it is taking you to your dashboard. Does this make sense?

    As a note your front page is more for other people to see when they come to your website. Think of it as a book cover. Your dashboard is where you go to make new pages, change settings, etc so that is why OP directs you there. I hope this helps

  • Catbus
    Posts: 12

    But I don't want to be directed there. I want the Front Page. That's the feature I'm asking for. Let me decide.

  • JaymesBolton
    Posts: 278

    Not a perfect solution but you could always bookmark the front page on your browser that way you could just click your bookmark to get the front page? Again not a perfect solution but should at least address the problem in the short term. Considering the current case load of issues to fix and features to get finished I wouldn't expect this to be a very high priority for them. 

    Sorry for not understanding the problem earlier and hopefully we (The OP Community) can help you with anything else. 

  • Uberkeeper
    Posts: 3

    Is there anyway of coding around this?  I just don't want players (or myself) to go to the dashboard as the main port of call - its not actually that useful in the grand scheme of things for the way that we use the portal. I'd love to be able to choose my own landing page, (front page, wiki, adventure log etc.).

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,082

    @Uberkeeper, thanks for asking!  There's no current way to do this, but I'll add the request to the feature request list. 

    If we get enough interest from other GMs/Players, it will be more likely to get implemented, so if you're reading and you want this, chime in.

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830

    I sent them the link to the front page as their default book mark


  • meta5by5
    Posts: 2

    I know this is an old post, but I too want to choose the default page and not redirect to the dashboard. I have CSS to hide inline content that is not included in the Custom CSS that then messes up the content when viewed in the Adventure Log seen in the Dashboard.

    (Maybe it is separate quest to ask why the dashboard doesn't adopt the CSS from the Advanced Settings?)

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,082

    There's a new setting in My Profile where you can choose your Preferred Landing Page for Campaigns you're a member of.  It provides 3 options ... Dashboard (the default), Home Page, or Profile.

    @meta5by5, the CSS from the Advanced Settings do get applied to the Dashboard, but you have to have CSS that applies to the CSS classes used in the Dashboard.  Feel free to post a new question with a specific example, and @ me, and I (or one of the other members) can help you get what you're looking for.

    Obsidian Portal Developer

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