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  • dungeonman
    Posts: 2
    Put links to your stuff on here
  • dungeonman
    Posts: 2
    Check out this campaign right here
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521

    No pictures yet. And I keep having revelations that completely rearrange everything I understood about this world. Dangit!

    Also, I am thinking I may need to conduct a bold experiment with the help of OP: run two copies of the same campaign for two different groups of players, and monitor how they differ. Having the wiki at my fingertips should help me keep everything straight. =)
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    "*FemmeLegion*": said:

    Also, I am thinking I may need to conduct a bold experiment with the help of OP: run two copies of the same campaign for two different groups of players, and monitor how they differ. Having the wiki at my fingertips should help me keep everything straight.

    This sounds rather cool. Keep us appraised of your work on this, perhaps by providing links to both campaigns.
  • LadyDM
    Posts: 8
    Some very cool stuff, FemmeLegion!
  • sacredblades
    Posts: 3
    I really liked some campaigns that had image links along the top, for wiki info and whatnot. So I did something similar along the sidebar of our main page, except with the player characters' portraits. I think it turned out pretty nicely after you figure out the crazy textile formatting.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Oh, that's REALLY pretty, sacredblades!

    I was also really pleased to find out that I can include image files in my character writeups. My newest character, for a Champions campaign, has a photo album as part of her file, to give a little first-person insight into her personality (and because I just have waaaaay too much fun on

    (For anyone else who wants to try this sort of thing: I was only able to get it to work 100% by using Textile to create the table and the image links. I tried it in HTML and bits just didn't render. Possibly user error, but figured I'd share what I knew. =)
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    I'll jump on this train I suppose. My new campaign, "Sanction of the Athar": kicked off this past weekend, and while there's still a lot of material to add there content wise, I've been making an effort to really make the pages look good, even when densely filled with information. For example, my "Character Building": section is jam packed, but I think it came out pretty readable on the whole. In the process of doing this, I've set up a bunch of reusable "HTML templates":, which other folks may find handy for thier own games. I also made an online "character sheet tool": for 4th Edition D&D, that produces HTML designed to copy and paste right into OP.

    Last but not least, I'll pimp my "campaign world map":, since folks seem to like good maps 'round these parts.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Ooooh, that IS a really pretty map!
  • redstar
    Posts: 119
    "": my campaign currently on hiatus.
  • LadyDM
    Posts: 8
    *gasp* Amazing map!!
  • shockwave33
    Posts: 3 my favorite character
  • Majestic7
    Posts: 6

    Check out my Conan campaign, it is starting to find its final form.
  • Triptych
    Posts: 18
    This is my first D&D Campaign ever.

    Will be adding more content this week as our first game is this Saturday.
    The first adventure will be the modified H1 adventure - Keep on the Shadowfell.
  • Black_Vulmea
    Posts: 277
    Well, my wiki is still very much a work in progress, but there's enough there that you might have fun poking around a bit.

    "_Le Ballet de l'Acier_": - a _Flashing Blades_ campaign wiki

    Your comments are appreciated.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Here's a "link": to my first ever non-hand drawn map. I credit the good people at the "Cartographer's Guild": for helping me to make it, so if you are interested in making a map for your own campaign, and like what you see, I encourage you to stop on by the Guild. Unfortunately I do not yet own an "Ascended" account (he said as I cast his brow downward in shame), so the resolution on the map is not high enough to reed many of the names on the map. However, here's a "link": to the thread of the finished map I posted at the Guild which has much higher resolution.


  • rvnwng1
    Posts: 1 work in progress
  • sandman
    Posts: 155 edited February 2010
    Nice campaign sacredblades, you don't mind if I use some of your ideas from Gameplay and Loot don't you?

    By the way, I started to build my campaign (official D&D). I haven't told any of my players about it (they don't even know the site), what do you think? How does it look?

    "Wiki": (I know I know, it's in spanish, I'm from Argentina guys, but I just want to know if it looks "decent enough"). Right now, the only pages I've been working on are the wiki, the character's tab, and the map. I'm pretty satisfied for how "Winterhaven": and the "Seven Pillared Hall": turned out (the Hall is incomplete on purpose, 'cause the players don't know some of the locations yet).
    Post edited by sandman on
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Yeah that's a very nice looking site you've got there Sandman. The visuals are stunning, and my Spanish is terrible, I could tell that you've put allot of thought into your world. Did you do some of those maps yourself? Well anyway I would be blown away if I were a player in your campaign. Great job.

  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    Thanks Arsheesh!

    Winterhaven and Fallcrest maps are from this site: "D&D Doodle": but I've made some modifications to them since they didn't have all the places numbered.

    Most of the info comes from WotC handbooks directly, but I had to translate most of it since I prefer to buy the books in their original language, but some of my players are not so fluent in it.

    Thanks again for your comment.
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    I'll go ahead and jump on this train by posting a couple of recent developments that I am particularly proud of.

    The first is "a comprehensive history of the elves": that one of my players wrote up. Yay! collaborative world-building!

    The second is "a wiki section": dedicated to low/no-cost GM resources and techniques for people like me who game on a budget. I have a lot more stuff to add to this section, so it will likely grow quickly and eventually break out into multiple pages.
  • sandman
    Posts: 155 edited March 2010
    Nice grunn, and your player did a fine job too!

    You now, even though I work now and I can afford gaming a little bit more than I was able to in the past (but I am still on a budget), I have to say that I agree with you: I enjoy gaming that way. I mean, it would be great to be able to afford those nice 3D dungeons from "World Works Games": and the like (not to mention having a place to store it without problems), but I think gaming with just basic stuff (dice, mats, maybe miniatures, and that's pretty much it for me) it's more old school. In fact, I don't even use miniatures, I use the counters from "Fiery Dragon":, they are cheap and they look really nice on a battlemat (for a 2D counter at least).

    I've been working hard on my site, and I would love to hear comments about it (and again: I now it's in spanish, but bare with me):
    "Wiki": (I really like how the Deities and History > Economics sections turned out).

    BTW if any of you guys visit my site, just a tip: I've added links to most of the banners so that it's easier to go back to the previous page.
    Post edited by sandman on
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Wow Sandman, you've done quite a bit of work to your site since last I checked it out. Looks amazing. Great selection and placement of the images by the way. This would be one of those rare campaign sites that I would want to read thouroughly, if I spoke Spanish that is. 5 out of 5.


  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850 edited March 2010
    By the way Grunn, as I was checking out your GM resources page (which is great), it occured to me that another great resource available to the frugal DM would be the "free mini-modules": that wizards of the coast made available for D&D during the hayday of 3.5. Also, Dungeonmastering has compiled a list of "free D&D modules": from 3.5 and 4.0 as well. Feel free to add these links to your site if you find them useful.


    Post edited by arsheesh on
  • sandman
    Posts: 155 edited March 2010
    Thanks Arsheesh, I really put effort on finding quality images, and with themes related to the pages I create. That's why I wanted to copy what you had in your "Acknowledgments" section xD (thx again btw).

    Grunn, here's my two cents:

    "The Dungeon Crawl": - this page has power cards ready to print, and they are pretty much up-to-date (which is weird nowadays). They also added powers from D&D supplements (e.g. martial power) and dragon magazines.
    Post edited by sandman on
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Arsheesh, thanks a bunch for those links! After perusing some of the ready-made adventures, I have decided to modify one for my next session, because it will make for a far more interesting session than what I originally had planned. Traveling sessions can get a bit tedious that way.

    Sandman, your site is coming together very well. I especially like the deities page and your combined use of images in list form. as to the dungeon crawl link, I am not sure if I will add it to my page, since I am running a 3.5 campaign, which doesn't use power cards like 4e. You may want to consider starting up your own resource page for 4th edition stuff. The more, the merrier!
  • DiceMasterNick
    Posts: 56
    Interesting twist on rule interpretation by role play.
    Check it out.... it has pretty pictures!
    New "character":
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Cool character concept Nick. I also like how you've given all of your NPC's "dossiers" and info about their connections and current whereabouts. Very cloak and dagger.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    So I learned how to use GIMP over the Christmas Break and have recently put it to good use by creating "navigation buttons": and "navigation text": on my two sites. I've also been experimenting with custom "adventure log banners": with GIMP. I'm curious to here what you guys think.


  • DiceMasterNick
    Posts: 56
    OMG arsheesh! Those adventure log banners are so friggen cool!
    Can I join your campaign?
    Seriously, why is your sight not the featured campaign of the month.
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