Update #2 - March 7th, 2018


Hi Everyone!

We have some good news, as of yesterday evening we signed on a top notch development team that will be working with us to help resolve the immediate issues that are currently plaguing campaign and character creation (the dreaded 500 error that keeps appearing), we suspect that our efforts here should also resolve the issues with tagging and search as well as the avatar uploads.

They just started tackling this today, so there was time needed to set up a staging environment, getting the credentials in place to access the staging server and all that other set up work. We have already been able to recreate the issue so now we're in the process of testing and fine tuning the server so that these issues no longer occur.

We are only working in staging at the moment but have made some great progress in identifying the issue, now we're in the process of trying different patches, once we have a solid fix in place we'll push everything live. 

Thanks so much for your patience in the meantime and we'll drop an update once we have more progress to share.

Constructive feedback and ideas are welcome.

Thanks again!


Post edited by OPAdmin on


  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    This is great news to hear. Can't wait for these errors to be history

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • MorganWilliams
    Posts: 7

    It's really great to hear there are steps being taken to course-correct the present issues. Thank you very much for being communicative and transparent. Obsidian Portal is my favorite creation tool and I look forward to having it back up to snuff.

  • Bortas
    Posts: 645

    I can the 500 server error is WAY better.

    I'm only noticing it on non-GM only items that would update the campaign stream. If its a GM only page you are editing, it seems to get through without an error basically every time. If the page isn't GM only, it seems to be hit or miss, and if it does go through without issue, the campaign stream gets update, and if it gives a 500 error, the stream doesn't update. In either case, the campaign still emails the players about the update. I hope that helps narrow it down!


  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047

    Well, glad I re-upped my Ascendant status then. Finally, some progress.


    The updates and communication are greatly appreciated

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    Good news to hear.

    They are among us!


                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • B1tF0x
    Posts: 27

    Steps in the right direction but ill celebrate when they are finally fixed

  • Cully
    Posts: 2

    Great to hear! Will continue my subscription and hope for the best!

  • elorebaen
    Posts: 7

    Excellent news! Thank you.

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