Update #3 - March 11th, 2018


Hi Everyone!

We have some great news. 

We were able to identify the core problem for most of these issues (we'll share tech details on this later). The correspondent fixes were rolled out and applied to our live servers.

So at this point the following problems have gone:

- creating accounts/campaigns/characters

- updating Wiki/character pages 

- uploading Avatars for accounts

- search through campaigns

- using tags

- editor boxes layout

Based on our testings all these features are back to working fine now. We are still monitoring and performing additional tests but even though knowing what was the actual problem helped us to move forward much faster.

Please feel free to test as well and report if still any issues

Thanks so much for your patience and understanding!

Post edited by OPAdmin on


  • moonbunny
    Posts: 6

    Thank you.

  • LycanthropianDM
    Posts: 3

    Praise be! The -500 Gateway Errors- were driving me nuts! But it all seems to work just fine now for above mentioned items. Thanks!

  • Bortas
    Posts: 645

    Jameela- things are DRASTICALLY improved, I'm not getting errors, things appear to be going. Appear.

    Clicking on a tag, does not return a search that  includes all pages with that tag. For example, I randomly selected a tag, "human" in my campaign and clicked it. The search only returned the page I was on, but I have a total of 8 characters tagged with "human".


  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047

    Several friends of mine just tried to update their account avatars, two fo them in my campaign, and all still getting the JSON error when uploading an image.

  • joeschmoe998
    Posts: 73

    My site is working also smiley


    Many Thanks

  • deljohn
    Posts: 24

    Thank you!


  • OPAdmin
    Posts: 53

    Hi @Keryth987,

    can you please confirm who exactly had issues with updating profile avatars?

    Ideally if they can share screenshots - that would be very appreciated.

    We've made additional tests and made sure avatar changing still works fine for us.

    Thank you

  • Planeswalker
    Posts: 3

    Thank you so much for your hard work on this!

  • elorebaen
    Posts: 7

    Excellent! THank you!

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047



    Here ya go. I've tried it on my phone (Apple, so safari) and Ipad, as well as on Firefox and Chrome and I get the Invalid JSON Error

  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    Things are really starting to look up!

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • Anubus
    Posts: 4

    I don't seem to be getting edit boxes on any wiki pages now.  Tried 3 different browsers with the same result.  On both new and existing wiki pages, the page loads fine, but no boxes for the text any longer.

  • Valarian
    Posts: 2

    I'm having the same problem as Anubis. I feel like it just started today, though it's hard to be sure since I've had so little time to work on my wiki in the past week, I don't remember when exactly I was updating it.

    I actually have had no issues with the site up to this point, I didn't know it was apparently in crisis. I'm going to submit a support ticket, but just wanted to put it here, since it might be related.

  • Alysdair
    Posts: 2 edited March 2018

    I, likewise, cannot edit any of my Wiki pages.  New pages and already-made pages.  For a split second I can see the text editor and it seems to disappear.  From what I can observe, the white div box containing the text editor and tag editor is shrinking to its minimum size, thus covering the text editor without any way to access it.


    Screenshot attached: 

    Post edited by Alysdair on
  • Alysdair
    Posts: 2

    Sorry for the double post, I've never posted on these before.


    I've found the error in your code.  It's defaulting to "visibility: hidden" for some reason.  Browser is the latest version ofr Chrome


    Scrrenshot attached: 

  • OPAdmin
    Posts: 53

    Hi @Alysdair, @Valarian, @Anubus,

    We've just cleaned up the server cache after recent changes, and it should resolve the problem.



  • Valarian
    Posts: 2

    Worked like a charm! Thanks so much! Got a game coming up this weeked and I needed the front page updated, so that was very timely.

  • Chet_Danforth
    Posts: 1

    This seems to be happening again. At least to me. Has anyone been noticing that the 500 errors have been recurring?

  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    I personally have not. What activity/activities are you receiving errors on?

    All the best,
    - Kallak
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