From under the kitchen stove...

edited June 2009 in Player Lounge


  • Roachware
    Posts: 6
    Well met. I am The Roach - as such am I known in German fandom, and there are few people who even know my given name there. Also, when I'm on a RPG con or out gaming, I tend to ignore people addresseing me by my given name - I assume they mean someone else, it just doesn't register.

    I have a number of groups I DM or play in, and am supporter for Pegasus Games' Call of Cthulhu (German Ed.). I'm looking forward to meeitng you here :)
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Hi there! I ended up picking this particular handle because I have so many alternate personae and I didn't want them fighting over which one got to be my username here. I LARPed for the better part of a decade too, so I understand occasionally not recognizing one's own "real" name.
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