Update #12 - the "not a typical update" update


Hey there OP. It's Friday, and in keeping with my pledge to always bring you the updates, I'm here. But this won't be a typical update post.

What do you mean not typical? Why?

This morning I finally came home after having been in a hospital waiting room since Wednesday evening. All said and done, I was there for probably about 35 hours or so. Wednesday evening, all day Thursday and into the morning today. My entire family was there waiting for the arrival of my brother and his wife's new baby, who finally decided to stop tormenting everyone (particularly her mom) after 31 hours. The last few hours was spent waiting for appropriate infant bonding time, and then pictures, hugs, etc.

In a nutshell, I've been MIA for a sizable chunk of this week, so I'm still getting a handle on what all I missed. I'll be posting a more normal update probably Sunday or maybe Monday, but I didn't want to not say anything today and leave everyone hanging.

So what can you tell us for the moment?

[1] Ongoing work stuff

As stated in last week's post, the ongoing work right now is interactive maps. Media storage is also on the proverbial work bench, but to what extent I can't say yet. Look for more on this in the "normal" update post coming up.

[2] Twitter login problems

We've been made aware of some login issues when authenticating via twitter. Without getting confirmation, my assumption is that [1] is either on hold or shortly will be so that this can be sorted out. If you're one of the people having difficulties, know that you have been heard and we're going to address the problem ASAP.

[3] Smaller stuff

There are a handful of other things that we're aware of as well and will be combating in the near future (some of the mobile issues, the email versus username campaign invite, etc.). If you are experiencing or have experienced any of those, know that we're on it - and that more thorough coverage is coming in a few days time.


So that's gonna be it for now. Apologies for things getting pushed a few days. Hopefully you guys can be a little more forgiving than that waiting room furniture was on my back.

All the best,
- Kallak


  • JaymesBolton
    Posts: 278

    Congratulations on the new member of the family!

  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017


    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • sturtus
    Posts: 1

    I'm just here to say how encouraging it is to see somebody versed with DevOps and functional requirements for this product at the the helm.  I loved using Obsidian Portal while I DM'd but found a lot of usability issues that were discouraging. As a seasoned technical producer, would love to help any way I can with UX/UI feedback. Here's to a bright future for this site! Keep up the good work. Your posts encouraged me to renew my membership. 

  • Krothos
    Posts: 230

    Congrats on getting another gamer into the world Wish you and your family all the best!

  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    Hey OP!

    So, it's a little later than I said before. I had an unforeseen complication I had to deal with (not related to OP). But at any rate, as promised, I'm here to drop a bit more information for you guys. Since we're in this sort of awkward midpoint of the Fri-Fri "week" by now, this is going to be one part catch up, one part teaser for this coming Friday. Hopefully that works for everyone - and when combined with what I already put up, will be considered a "normal" update overall.

    Lay it on us!:

    [1] Status of the ongoing work

    Expanding a bit on what was said Friday, interactive maps and media storage are the areas where most of the work was done this week. Things are going fairly solidly in this category overall. The bulk of the problems with maps have been resolved, and the team is mopping up the more outlier cases at this point. Media storage work has also taken some considerable strides, and (fingers crossed) will be completed in time for this Friday's update post. If you are still experiencing problems with either of these two areas, send an email to [email protected] so I can get more details from you.

    [2] Twitter Login

    The authentication problems with twitter continue for the moment. It's in the works, we're hoping to have a solution as soon as possible. I'll try to have more for you guys on this in the upcoming Friday update. For that moment, that's what I've got.

    [3] Blog Stuff

    Now that the blog has got a pulse again, some of the nitty gritty issues that have been causing havoc are starting to get fixed. You might have noticed that the title wasn't displaying properly, well that's been repaired. You might have noticed that the navigation menu on the upper right is currently "missing". It's going to be making a comeback soon. As far as that temporary theme change, ignore that, that was me being bad and hitting the wrong thing - but it's been put back to where it's supposed to be, so it's good. Things are starting to happen.

    [4] Semi-teaser-esque stuff

    So, as I sort of started to talk about last time, there's a number of things that are set to begin being addressed once interactive maps, media storage, and twitter authentication get fixed up. There are bugs, usability things, clarifications, and others. I mentioned a few before, but I'm going to see if I can't get more of a list together for you guys for Friday. If not, I'll at least talk about the stuff that's first in line.


    That's gonna have to do it for now. I know this week got messed up and split in half, and for that I apologize, but it shouldn't happen again. Friday is just a few days away, so you won't have to wait too long for more udpates.

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • CrysmalonDM
    Posts: 4

    Thanks for the update - communication has definitely been better over the last couple months.  A new issue seems to have cropped up with my OP game.  Until last month, replying to emails would post a new message to the forum. This is confirmed to now not work, resulting in one player's messages  not being received and him not making the game.  While I'm instructing everyone to use the website directly, this is annoying.  We tested it again today and it doesn't function, nothing posts.  Curious if anyone else is having this issue?

  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    Uh oh, definitely not something we want. I'll make sure the folks on the back get notified, but please open a ticket with [email protected] for tracking purposes.

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017

    Great news from Sturtus.  Many thanks to renewed support from Jameela and others at OPSupport, and in particular the excellent work of Kallak.  Good going!  That's the way to restore the faith!


    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    I know this is an odd place for the update, but it's appropriate given the circumstances.

    [1] (Potential) Weekly Update Move

    So, following last week's update where my situation forced the post to be pushed back a few days, we sort of happened on the discovery that Monday might be a better day for the weekly updates for the folks on the back end.

    I initially threw out the day of Friday on my own, and everyone just sort of said okay. Its been going alright, but if Monday works better for them and is the same for me, why not help out. So, I'll be pushing the update post for this week to Monday, so we can test to see if it's actually better or if it just lined up that way last time by coincidence.

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • weasel0
    Posts: 435 edited June 2018

    The sky is falling!! The end is nigh!!!

    Oh...no it isn't. Carry on. We wait pati...., well, we wait. :-)

    Post edited by weasel0 on
  • paguilera
    Posts: 4

    Congrats on the newest family member and future gamer.

    I'm cool with seeing the updates moving to Mondays. It gives you a chance to summarize work that had been completed the prior week It'll be interesting to see how that pans out, but I think it'll do well.

    On the flip side, I am seeing a potential issue on the home page for one of my campaigns (haven't had a chance to check the others just yet) where I'm seeing or rather not seeing the icons show up on the left side of the page. Each is just represented by a series of triple dots.

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