Can't Seem to Paste to the Adventure Log


Okay, so I've got a nice epilogue written to my game's first story arc and....I can't seem to copy/paste it into an Adventure Log.


When I attempt to paste it, I get a small pop up box saying that I can't paste to the log directly due to my browser's security settings (Without telling me exactly what it needs to allow for pasting) and to paste it there. I do that, click "OK" and the pasted text just goes into the void. It doesn't show up anywhere.


I've tried this in Chrome, Firefox and Safari now and I can't figure out what's going on and how to fix it. And I'll be damned before I retype these nine pages into the browser window


  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    I'm a Firefox guy, so that's the one I know the best, but I assume they're all reasonably similar. In Firefox, check out Tools -> Options -> Privacy & Security. If you can't get it to work out after examining the settings there, feel free to open a ticket and I'll look into it.

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • weasel0
    Posts: 435

    Are you using mouse right-click paste? Try Crtl+V(Cmd+V for Mac) and see if that helps. Or maybe smaller chunks.

    Also are you using the ckeditor or the older textile editor. Try switching editors(under settings -> advanced) and see if the older one plays better with pasting. Most of us don't like(politely) the ckeditor.

  • GMPablo
    Posts: 3


    Thanks I had the same prob . Fixed by changing to textile editor


  • weasel0
    Posts: 435

    So in the mean time, I've noticed the is a paste button in the ckeditor buttons area and this brings up a box into which you can add your text into. It's the clipboard with a filled out piece of paper in front of it.

    Don't know if it'd take 9 pages worth though. That's a whole lot of goodness.

  • Johnprime
    Posts: 252

    I know that I use the Textile editor myself and have a template for my adventure log posts that I use. I type up the post in notepad, using that template and then copy and paste it into the adventure log. I just posted to my log last week on Thursday. I'm on a PC, using Firefox so if you are using the ckeditor, I also suggest you switch editors and try it again!


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  • Villianous
    Posts: 3

    Okay so I have only seen answers for Firefox but I can tell you right now that I am not downloading a whole different browser just to make an adventure log. Are there any solutions for Chrome because I haven't found any settings that can help with this,

  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    @RosietheRoo, did you try textile editor over CKEditor? That doesn't require a different browser.

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • Villianous
    Posts: 3

    So finally got it to paste by Copy+Paste into the actual box not the pop up box the problem is that it bolded everything and to unbold you have to unbold and replace every first word in every paragraph. Now got everything unbolded by replacing every first word but now there is an invisible <meta /> that doesn't show up in the edit and I can't get rid of it. This site isn't very user friendly which is sad because the concept is brilliant.

  • Bortas
    Posts: 645

    @Kallak if only textile were the default editor...


  • UselessTriviaMan
    Posts: 546

    @RosietheRoo, changing the editor from CkEditor to Textile should solve most of your problems. CkEditor is VERY not-user-friendly, but the Textile editor actually works very well. Like Kallak said above, that should help tremendously.

    Go to Settings -> Advanced -> change Markup Parser from CkEditor to Textile.

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  • Mortalistnox
    Posts: 2

    Found that I had the same problem as RosietheRoo with the invisible  <meta/> that can not be removed. Was a solution to this found? 

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,081

    @Mortalistnox, thanks for reaching out for help.

    This is an older thread, so I don't know what the outcome was at the time, but if you're having an issue now, I'm sure we can get it fixed up.  Can you elaborate on what steps you are taking that are resulting in an issue?

    And if you have a sample file of text that you're trying to copy/paste that is causing an issue, can you attach it to an email and send it to [email protected] so we can test it out and see if we can replicate the issue?


    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,081

    @Mortalistnox, thanks for emailing support.  I'm posting a response here to help anyone else looking for the answer, but feel free to respond here or to support if you need any further help.

    The "<meta/>" seems to be added when there is a copy/paste to the CKEditor window from Google Docs or other online editors like gmail.

    To fix this, after the paste is done, click the "Source" button up in the upper left hand corner.  This will show you the HTML that the text is being generated from.  At the top, and possibly at the bottom too, you'll see a line that says something like:

    <p><meta charset="utf-8" /></p>

    Just delete that whole line.  It's not needed, and is the source of the "<meta/>".

    Then click the "Source" button up in the upper left hand corner to switch from the HTML view back to the generated text view.

    Let me know if that doesn't solve the issue for you.

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • Mortalistnox
    Posts: 2

    Thank you =) I will try it.

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