Player Characters


  • JohnL
    Posts: 7
    Hi, I have put the characters from my 8 rds home camp. on the site, but I don't know how to put the players names as created by, not to be vulgar, but as is it looks like I am playing with myself. Do my players all have to join and set up the pc sheets themselves, I am working towards them all joining anyway so they can see what is going on. Any help here would be great. Thanks, JohnL
  • strokes
    Posts: 2
    The only way to put the players name as created by is to get your players to sign up for the obsidian site. Once they create a profile they will have an option to create characters and within that option they will have an option to assign the created character to a particular game listed on the obsidian site. If a character is created for your game, the site automatically adds the players name as created by to your wiki.
  • JohnL
    Posts: 7
    Thanks strokes, I'll let my players know what to do. I want all of them signed up anyway to read my notes to them and keep up on the story between sessions.
  • bevinflannery
    Posts: 114
    You can also go ahead and create the characters yourself as PCs in the campaign, and than as your players join you can "edit" each character and reassign it to the right person. I had to do that with one of our characters; I set up the page and when the player joined, I "reassigned" the character to him.
  • newguy
    Posts: 1
    OK, I can't figure out how to join a campaign as a player; or how, as a GM, to add players to my campaign. Please help!
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    It's an invitation system. Hold on, let me open up the main site so I can walk you through this:

    If you're the GM of the campaign, go to the main page of the campaign. On the right, just under your profile picture, there should be two links. One of them should be "Manage Members". Click on that.

    The page should list any players you currently have, and then have a section headed "Invites". It should list any invites you have already sent that are still pending (which I am guessing will be empty), and then have a subsection headed "Send an Invite". Type the player's Obsidian Portal username into the field, then click Send. Repeat the previous sentence as often as necessary to get everyone. You can also use their email addresses if you know for a fact that they don't have OP accounts yet, but if you're not sure, I advise against email addresses for reasons that are sufficiently complex that they'd distract from the main message I wish to convey.

    On the other side, the invited player should get an email saying that s/he's been invited to join the campaign. There will be a link in that email they can click to accept the invitation. Once they've accepted, they can log into Obsidian Portal, and during the creation or editing of a character, they can now use the drop-down menu titled "PC in Campaign:".

    Holler if I've missed a step somewhere and you get stuck. =)
  • theshard
    Posts: 6
    I have invited all of my players (except one but he doesn't have internet access) but some are being slow to open a character. Can I input the character but give them rights as well to change it? Also will OP know which PC belongs to which profile if I do it? I guess that is kind of one and the same question.
  • Gully
    Posts: 52
    The best way to fix this is create a wiki page for each char. then as they join they can just copy and paste the code into there own create character menu. Unfortunantly if you try to create the character under your proff there is no way to "Transfer it". This way the Character is there veiwable and able to be edited. to keep maintinance down when they finish copying and pasting the char. they have a wiki page set up that they can use for notes and journal type entries for there character.
  • theshard
    Posts: 6
    I guess that will have to work. Thanks.
  • bevinflannery
    Posts: 114
    Gully said:

    _Unfortunantly if you try to create the character under your proff there is no way to “Transfer it”._

    I don't think that's true, actually. I have one player for whom I created the character as a member of the campaign and input his biographical information (didn't have his "crunch" at the time) until the player could get on-line. At that time, *I* was listed as the player in the character list on the right. When the player created his OP account and accepted his invitation to the campaign, I then selected the option to "edit" the character and had a drop-down menu available to "re-assign" the character to the player.
  • theshard
    Posts: 6
    Well I will experiment and try it out. Thanks for the tip.
  • theshard
    Posts: 6
    Ok it can be reassigned but it is a multiple step process.

    1. Create an NPC with the PC's name. No stats necessary.
    2. Edit and select the drop down box for "PC in Campaign" and select which game you want the character in and press "save".
    3. Now edit again and scroll all the way to the bottom and there is a pull down box to reassign. Select the player you want to give the player too and select "Change Owner".
    4. Now go back to the NPC tracker tab and "remove" the character from the NPC table.

    And then you are done.
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