Update #25 - Features and Followups

edited September 2018 in Announcements & Tech Updates

Greetings OP,

This update is primarily going to be follow up to last week's points, but given that it includes stuff on the upcoming new features, hopefully people are okay with that.

Okay, let's get on with it:

[1] Tags (followup)

Based on the investigation up to this point, it's looking like this is not a repeat of the indexing issue that caused tag-related problems the last time. Work to determine the cause of the problem continues, and I'll let you guys know more when I do. In the meantime, as I mentioned last time, if you come across this problem and have any additional information to share, let me know at the [email protected] email.

[2] How To's and Logos (followup)

Also as mentioned before, I continue to work on getting more logos added, URLs updated, and How To's added to the dashboard and Help area. As promised, I put together some counts based on logos vs no logos, and current How To's versus my initial outline, and I've come up with the following numbers. These may shift some if I end up needing more or less articles in relation to my original outline, or with the addition of new game systems to the database, but as of today, the numbers sit at: How To's (36 of 120), and Logos (68 of 267).

[3] New Ascendant Promotion (followup)

Obviously we haven't hit October 15th yet, so the new Ascendant promotion continues. Everything I said last week still applies, from the "if you've been considering subscribing but haven't, doing so inside of the promotion window will get you a nice bonus" to the "While I can't make any official comments at this time, I can say that no one has been forgotten". In a nutshell, you'll hear new and different things on this as time passes and we get to what comes after.

[4] New Feature Stuff

So, now onto the exciting stuff, new features! Due to visual changes on some parts still being ongoing I'm going to have to wait a touch longer on those images (long story short, I don't want to show you one thing and then have it look - potentially completely - different when it actually gets released). But I can at least give you an overview of what's coming. For the moment, I'm going to stick with the things closest to release.

First up is actually a returning feature for you old schoolers out there. I'm happy to report that the dice roller is making a comeback to OP, with a new look, and more features! Whether it's a simple single die, or a pool of dice with compounded exploding and a target number, the dice roller will have it covered for you.

Next is the big one for this update, and it's something that I'm hopeful will grow and be added to over time, inserted JavaScript-based elements. In a nutshell, this new suite of insertable items will enable users to add some of the fun classic JavaScript elements to their campaign pages without abandoning Obsidian Portal's longstanding security measure concerning scripts on pages. Stuff like random generators (for numbers or strings), accordion-based collapsible content, tooltips, image carousel, and auto-outlining (ie, automatic table of contents). Users can insert these elements via buttons, or - with a bit of experience - by writing them on the fly (sort of like OP's slugs). The lone exception to this is the auto-outlining, which works on a checkbox-based toggle basis per page.


Alright well, that's going to have to do it for now. I hope you all enjoyed hearing about the upcoming stuff, and I can't wait to have people start seeing it and - soon enough - having access to it.

Post edited by Kallak on
All the best,
- Kallak


  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    Sounds good.

    Currently there are ways of making javascript work on the site already, but you they are a little complex to get working.

    You can see two examples of a random generator with a pop up on the link below.


    Lwitherspoon had stumbled on the fact that we could run some simple javascripts back in august.


    They are among us!


                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • Krothos
    Posts: 230

    So much excitement! And my birthday is in Oct! OMG can't wait! Yah!

  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    @cgregory, I recall the topic. I did some testing of my own with it back when he first brought it up. A couple things to note on it:

    (1) as you said, it's slightly more complex to work with because of character-for-code swaps and the like. The new suite will be much simpler to use, particularly for folks with less scripting/coding ability.

    (2) that method for implementing JavaScript is actually due to a hole in the "script"-based filter that's been in place since OP's earliest days. If you attempt to do the same thing with HTML markup instead of textile, it gets scrubbed. I won't make any official statement on it, but as someone with some knowledge of what's going on behind the curtain, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if that hole gets filled-in soon.

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • Elesday
    Posts: 2

    Dice rolls ? If something close to a full fledged Shadowrun 5 charsheet comes to fruition, I’d move my campaign from roll20 to here in a pinch.

    Been waiting for a long time to have everything in the same spot, but I currently miss the charsheet+rolls and « display a picture to my PCs to set the mood » features. Well, maybe the later is even doable with a map!

  • Abersade
    Posts: 432 edited September 2018

    The Dice Roller returns?! Truly this is a glorious day.

    EDIT: It occurred to me after the fact that my comment above may have been taken as sarcasm. I assure you it isn't, I was actually fairly upset when the Dice Roller vanished as part of the ReForge. It was such a fairly simple little feature that I used nearly every session because I never seem to be able to find my d8's. I'm honestly very glad that it is returning.
    Post edited by Abersade on

    GM of Rise of the Durnskald: Wrath of the Fallen Goddess - February 2016 CotM

    GM of Core: The Ashes of Alcarna - April 2020 CotM

    GM of Stream of Kairos

    Need CSS Help? It may be covered here: Abersade's CSS Hub

  • Bortas
    Posts: 645

    I am very excited to play  with collapsible content plugins!!


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