Player's Journal



  • ragnarhawk
    Posts: 170

    Wow.  This sounds amazing

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,093

    @ragnarhawk, you're more than welcome to be included in the beta testing (as is anyone else that wants to).  Do you want me to add these beta features to your account?

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001

    Cannot seem to clear one of these as unread


    Just trying to help out.

  • Dungeon_Master_Loki
    Posts: 359

    Cool, I'll get my gamers to start playing with this. Appreciate it! 

    Game Designer, Pro GM, multiple ENnie Award winner

    GM of Planejammer: The Spelljoined (Pathfinder 1e) Campaign of the Year 2011 and still going strong!

    GM of The Planewalker's Guild (Pathfinder 1e) 

    Need a GM? Book me today!

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,093

    @GamingMegaverse, take a look now, it should be fixed.  There was a bug with the way "white space only GM Only Sections" were being marked "read/unread".


    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • CharlieFrend
    Posts: 1

    @thaen - Hello, I just started a campaign and a feature like this sounds like it would be of interest to my players. Could you add me to the Beta?


  • thaen
    Posts: 1,093

    @CharlieFrend, done!  Let me know if you or your Players see any issues.

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • Conan_Lybarian
    Posts: 240

    This is fantastic! I'm going to keep playing with it, but so far I like it. I'll get player feedback soon.

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,093

    Excellent!  Thanks for the feedback!

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001

    So a few questions-

    When a player creates the secret he/she has to check their own name to view it, or go back into the edit page- correct?

    Is there any way to title the secret?

    Can there be multiple secrets- for instance Jane wants one secret for John, and another for Harry.

    Did play around with this- it is pretty cool.

    Just trying to help out.

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,093 edited May 2020

    When a player creates the secret he/she has to check their own name to view it, or go back into the edit page- correct?

    Right, Players (or GMs) have to select themselves in the "Who can see this?" if they want to be able to see or Edit the Secret later.  If you don't select anyone, it will stop you from Saving.  If you don't select yourself, you won't even see the Secret when you Edit.  This is not new behavior.  The only thing new about this is that GM has to select themselves and/or can be unselected.

    Is there any way to title the secret?

    You could put an H2 or H3 at the top of the secret, and then the body of the secret below that, but the secrets haven't had titles from when they were originally introduced however far back that was. 

    The new Secrets tab refers to the Player Secrets by number order on the page for the GM or Player that is looking at the page.  So for example, if there are 10 Secrets on a page that the GM and/or Players have created, but the GM can only see 3 of them, then the GM's Secrets tab will list them as #1, #2, and #3, even though they might really be #4, #8, and #10.

    Can there be multiple secrets- for instance Jane wants one secret for John, and another for Harry.

    Yes, Jane can even create multiple secrets for Harry and multiple for John, and even multiple for just Jane herself all on the same page. 

    The original request for this feature in this thread was to be a "private Player's Journal", so a Player could use Player Secrets for just herself on her Character (or any given Wiki Page) and add a new Player Secret for each "journal entry" that she wanted to make.

    So yes, no limit.

    Thanks for the feedback!




    Post edited by thaen on

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001

    Awesome all the way around- thanks for the quick response...

    Just trying to help out.

  • NimrodYanai
    Posts: 107 edited May 2020

    Can my players and I in my campaign Shadow over the Dales also be in the beta?

    my players would LOVE to keep secrets from me!

    Post edited by NimrodYanai on
  • thaen
    Posts: 1,093

    @NimrodYanai, hahaha!!  It's funny because it's true.  Done!  Let me know if you see any issues.

    Just to clarify, the beta is applied to the GM, so all of your Campaigns have it, not just Shadow over the Dales.

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • Dungeon_Master_Loki
    Posts: 359

    I did not know I needed this. Oh, wow! The potential for my multiple overlapping campaigns is phenommenal! More once I've really put it through it's paces, but at first blush I cannot see how I did without it! You're making me very glad I decided to return! 

    Game Designer, Pro GM, multiple ENnie Award winner

    GM of Planejammer: The Spelljoined (Pathfinder 1e) Campaign of the Year 2011 and still going strong!

    GM of The Planewalker's Guild (Pathfinder 1e) 

    Need a GM? Book me today!

  • weasel0
    Posts: 435

    The only down side to this is it's like cutting the gm off from hearing all the theories the players would talk about at the table that honestly can be really handy for fleshing out things I didn't even know I wanted to have ideas for. Or even just glimpsing a player note or just when a player has an idea they write down can clue a gm in to what the players could be thinking.


    Players are great mines for ideas!

  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    Very true, that's a solid point.

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • ragnarhawk
    Posts: 170

    I have the same concern, but if it gets players engaging more with the wiki, it is a sacrifice that I am more than willing to make.

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,093

    Just a general heads up...this feature got a little polish applied, and is also now out of beta!  So it's now available to all Ascendant campaigns.

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • ragnarhawk
    Posts: 170

    Very nice!  Glad to see it

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001

    Wish Rebuilt and its very active players was going on now, because this would have been golden- now just looking to get people more involved, and hoping this is a start...

    Just trying to help out.

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,093

    @GamingMegaverse, if you've got any other suggestions of features that you think will get Players more engaged/involved, I'm all ears!

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • Lord_of_Woe
    Posts: 3

    The new Secrets tab refers to the Player Secrets by number order on the page for the GM or Player that is looking at the page.  So for example, if there are 10 Secrets on a page that the GM and/or Players have created, but the GM can only see 3 of them, then the GM's Secrets tab will list them as #1, #2, and #3, even though they might really be #4, #8, and #10.

    @thaen There seems to be an issue with displaying secrets in the Secrets tab. The secrets tab lists in my campaign Die Entflammten lists more secrets than I can see, if I go to the character page. For one character, I can see 8 character secrets but I can only see one on the character page.

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,093

    @Lord_of_Woe, thank you for pointing that out!

    I see the issue and have a fix for it in the code, but I'll wait to deploy the fix until early morning (U.S. time).  I'll report back when it's been deployed, so you can verify that it was fixed.

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,093

    @Lord_of_Woe, okay, should be all fixed up now.  Let me know if you still see any issues.  And thanks again for pointing this bug out!


    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • Lord_of_Woe
    Posts: 3

    @thaen Thanks for the fix. I see no further issues. I can now only see the secrets I am supposed to see.

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,093


    Obsidian Portal Developer

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June 2024
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