Question re: Subscriber Forums, File Upload


  • psychopez
    Posts: 1
    I'm DMing a 4e campaign where I'm in Pittsburgh and all the players are in Syracuse. (Long story, don't ask) OP seems to have everything except a place for file storage. Everyone uses the Wotc character creator, and rather than convert the characters to wiki, the idea was to have everyone's saved character file uploaded somewhere.

    It doesn't seem like file upload is an available option in the standard account. Was curious if there was a limited amount of file upload available to the upgraded account, possibly in the forum section.

    Thanks for the great site and any answer. :)
  • bevinflannery
    Posts: 114
    To my knowledge, there is no option for file upload - I'm a paying subscriber, and don't have it. I use for things like that (it has free plans), and I'm sure other folks can recommend other options. You can put a link to the file in the Wiki/Adventure Log.
  • DarthKrzysztof
    Posts: 132
    From OP's Twitter feed:
    "@rpgblog2 Thanks for the link. We're currently working on file hosting for Ascendant Members. Don't have a date yet, but will let u know!
    1:53 PM May 2nd from Nambu in reply to rpgblog2"

    So maybe it's still in the pipe...
  • pumpkinheadgiant
    Posts: 2
    This very feature was what I was hoping to find when I logged into the forums just now. I have two groups, and having to maintain accounts on another site just to have a common file area is unfortunate.

    Glad to hear that it's being worked on in any case.
  • slacker00
    Posts: 3
    File upload is *the* feature holding me back from using Obsidian Portal for my campaigns.
  • joshualevy
    Posts: 2
    I would love to be able to upload character sheets (generated by 3rd party software) for each of my NPCs.
    My players would love to be able to upload session summaries which they have written in Word or OpenOffice or whatever.

    Joshua Levy
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