BUG REPORT: Characters incorrectly ordered when linking characters?


I noticed something strange with the characters list.

The list in the characters page seem to be ordered correctly:



But when I am trying to link characters, the order is different:



I thought at first that it was just reversed, but it gets weird when you get towards the end:



As you can see, the characters seem to be listed in a completely incorrect order towards the end. I have no idea what they are ordered by...


For UX purposes, it's better if lists are always ordered the same by default (assuming there are no ways to choose their order).


  • thaen
    Posts: 1,088

    That's wild.  Thanks for catching that!

    For some reason, it was sorting by "first letter only, and then by created date".  Looks like it wasn't intentional, and has been there for a while.  Same problem existed in Items too.

    I've got it fixed in the code for both Characters and Items, but the fix won't be deployed until Monday, since we try not to deploy on the weekends to reduce the chance that we interrupt someone's game if there are any issues.

    Thanks for reporting this!


    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,088

    Should be ordered correctly now.  Let us know if you see any issues with it.

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • NimrodYanai
    Posts: 107

    Seems to be ok now :)

    I was wondering - are you sorting with "the" on purpose? 

    In most search/sort areas, "the" is a skip word which you don't sort or search by.

    No big deal, was just wondering.

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,088

    It's just a straight sort by alphabetical name, so we're not ignoring any skip words.

    Obsidian Portal Developer

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